People Become Kings In The United States

Chapter 10: Blood Clan, Werewolves, And Hockey Mask Monsters

"We have to talk about this matter." The mature and beautiful mother looked at her child tenderly.

"There were close to dozens of students who saw this."

"I can't watch what happens to her and not be indifferent."

"Honey, it's not just about you, it's about all of us."

"I, I don't know, I can't help it when I see her in danger." Edward shook his head with distress.

Others looked at each other.

"Edward, you're in love with a human girl? Do you know you're going to hurt her by doing this?"

"We have strong self-control, but it doesn't mean we won't lose control, Edward."

"What is it about her that fascinates you?"

Edward was very distressed and frowned: "I don't know, I can't see through her heart, she exudes all the aura that fascinates me, and I can't control it."

During the conversation, all of the Cullen family, including the silent Edward, suddenly stood up and looked towards the door with a vigilant look.

Outside that door, the whole family felt a terrifying and thick sense of blood and killing intent.

"That is..."

"The monster that appeared recently? It even came to Forks."

"No, and...werewolves."

The slightly pale but handsome mature man squinted his eyes, and his golden brown pupils were cold.


Several angry wolf howls resounded throughout the dark forest.

Opening the gate of the mansion, the Karen family saw that the relatively empty place in front of the villa was surrounded by a group of huge amounts of wolves at some point.

The long tails are all upright, like a pair of sabers about to be unsheathed, and a pair of arrows on the string, condescending, ready to kill.

Among the wolves, a huge black wave surrounded by big wolves radiated a ferocious majesty of tigers and wolves.

Each one is two meters high, and the ferocious and hot breath even dispels the humidity of the forest.

"We have an agreement that we will not interfere with each other and have our own territories. Are you planning to go to war?" Carlisle Karen stood in front of everyone, his mature and handsome face exuded a strong aura of danger.

The golden brown pupils are menacing.

The rest of the Karen family members also put on a posture of fighting at any time.

But to everyone's surprise, these giant wolves did not launch an attack, but stared at the forest to the left of the villa, roaring in a low voice.

Following the line of sight of the giant wolves, I saw the same peaceful jungle as usual, with the chirping of insects and birds from time to time.

The Cullens are no idiots.

On the contrary, everyone is extremely smart, and everyone knows that the werewolf's sense of smell is far superior to that of the Blood Clan, especially if the werewolf's killing intent is not aimed at their own side, then.


Edward turned to look at the short-haired girl beside him.

Alice's beautiful eyes looked forward and seemed to be able to see through time, with a beautiful radiance, but then dimmed, shaking her head: "I can't see, there should be some power to stop me."

What kind of power can stop Alice's Ability?

Carlisle and the others looked at each other, their brows full of solemnity.


The sound of heavy footsteps suddenly sounded, and a ferocious beast was slowly approaching from the jungle in the distance, hitting everyone's hearts hard.


The giant wolves were even more nervous, bowing their bodies and howling in a low voice.

The jagged trees tower over the sky, the sun cannot penetrate, and the weather is cloudy and rainy all year round, humid and dark, which is the theme of the forest.

The weird and deadly atmosphere, combined with this scene, is like a scene in a horror movie.


Just as the Karen family and the giant wolves watched the muffled forest with great vigilance, suddenly, with a roar, a huge machete tore apart countless branches and pointed at the werewolves.

The vigilant giant wolves jumped out of place.

huge amounts of the machete was inserted upside down on the ground, and a deep pit was smashed out with powerful force, and countless dirt was built at any time, which shows its great power.

The Karen family suddenly felt bad, and the dangerous atmosphere made them very uneasy.

Boom! Boom!

Following the sound of dull footsteps, a tall shadow was slowly coming out of the jungle.

With a huge two-meter body, wearing a black jacket, ripped jeans, and a hockey mask, the strong smell of blood made the Karen family and the giant wolves instinctively violent.

"Be careful, this thing is something like a dead spirit, and normal attacks should be ineffective against it."

Based on Carlisle's hundreds of years of experience, he can see through the existence of the other party at a glance.

Glancing at the Quileutes, the Karen family knew that foreign enemies were enough to suppress any conflicts. The guy in front of him broke into Fox Town, which was definitely a provocation for the two races.

Especially the bloody and evil spirit of the other party, I don't know how many people have been killed.

Needless to say, the Quileutes couldn't let this dangerous guy wreak havoc in Forks.


Although the leading black wolf and the Karen family did not communicate, they reached an agreement in an instant. Roaring, the wolf's claws stomped on the ground, and rushed forward like a heavy tank.

Naturally, the rest of the giant wolves would not lag behind, and with a roar, a complete fight broke out in the forest.

The Karen family looked at each other, and the figure surrounded the hockey mask man like a ghost.

With the Quileuts as the forwards, the Karen family gave full play to their ultimate advantages, constantly wandering around, using speed and sharp claws to cut the opponent's body.


I don't know when, the torrential rain poured down, the wolves howled, roared, and roared to compose a tragic score.

The place 100 meters away from the villa was completely flattened, with broken trees and branches, and deep pits accumulated muddy rainwater.


The Karen family gasped and stood not far in front of the hockey mask man, their bodies were covered in scars, the rainwater was dripping on everyone's bodies, there were many folds and damages on the originally neat and clean clothes, and the rainwater dripped down the messy hair Down.

The giant wolves were covered in scars, but they were still full of fighting spirit. They stared at the hockey mask man with bright eyes, and kept turning around.

"Damn it, Carlisle is right, normal attacks have no effect on it."

The rain dripped from Edward's straight nose and chin, and he pursed his lips, staring at the guy who was still unscathed.

(Twilight of the magic reform, the setting is different, for example, the heroine's father Charlie is written as a scumbag~~)

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