People Become Kings In The United States

Chapter 191 Angie's Exploding Sense Of Security

Loki didn't stay long, just a warning and left in a hurry.

Obviously, the comeback of the dark elves is not as simple and easy as he said.

Bella didn't care that much, but she was a little interested in Reality Gem.

People tend to say that certain perceptions are true, and using this gemstone can literally and literally make those perceptions true.

This gem may be the most powerful, but it is also the most difficult to use. Using it, any dream can be realized. All scientific codes and natural laws are meaningless in front of it, because it can be modified at will.

The Stone of Reality is not only able to create illusions that are indistinguishable from reality, as long as the user is willing, it can completely become reality.

A very powerful gem.

Bella thought about whether she could directly change her physical structure, that is, switch her gender.

But then she dismissed the idea.

Because of her intuition.

Catherine․ Isa Bella

Strength: S-Endurance: S

Agility: S-Magic release: S

Mental power: S


Lucky: A+ Noble Phantasm: Bloody Rose (False) Goddess of War (False) Black Contract Victory Sword (True) Black Light Armor (True)

Riding: A+ Intuition: S-230 Temperament: a+

Although Thanos did not die, but slaughtered one of Thanos' vanguard flagships, and defeated Thanos himself, finally her attributes were improved.

Just like her previous conjecture, basically all reached S-.

S rank is the level of the Level God Father, and there must be a higher level above S rank.

After her intuition reached S-level, Ability is even more terrifying, in which she can see the future through the dark river of fate. When Loki said that the dark elves appeared, she had already investigated a branch of the future.

In that future branch, she got Reality Gem and wanted to use Reality Gem to change her physical structure.


It's very simple, regardless of the magic and spiritual power in her body, the physical strength of the light wheel is already quite terrifying, and the cells, molecules, bones, internal organs, etc. of each body have undergone the most perfect evolution.

Properly Level God Father's physical body, the Reality Gem Ability cannot be forcibly changed even if it is strong.

The most important thing is that she has a strong premonition that even if she collects all the Infinity Gauntlets by then, she will not be able to change back at that time! (acec)


In the end, Bella didn't bother to think about it anymore. She is used to this body now. It is best to change back to a male body, but there is no way to change it back. Her main goal at present is to become stronger

She knows that Thanos is far from being the universe's greatest crisis.

More crises await.

Mephisto, Dormammu~~~

There was a ray of gold in Bella's eyes. When she returned to the earth, she already felt the crisis. The strong dark aura was already spreading, and this power was constantly eroding the world.

Even if Loki hadn't come to warn her, she knew that the time for Dormammu's arrival was not far away.

The leisurely time passed by, and when Anji knew that her best friend was the goddess of judgment, she also learned about a bigger and more exciting world.

Naturally, he has no interest in the so-called doctor of medicine.

I also understand why Bella didn't care about fame and fortune at the beginning.

At that time, she thought that Bella liked salted fish when she had money.

Now it seems that she is small.

Recently, I have been accompanying my best friend like a little follower, and I have a lot of questions about my curious baby. Fortunately, Bella can bear her temper, otherwise she will be driven crazy by this guy

It is definitely not a good thing to be too curious.

When Angie knew that the whole family, except for Nina, was her weakest chicken, she felt bad.

Especially seeing the well-behaved and cute little Sally decomposing a piece of metal into slag alive in front of her, when Cosmo opened his big mouth and blasted out the happy energy cannon, Angie froze, with a sad face and others A weak slag, Nina, reported to the group to keep warm.

The sadness in Angie's eyes is so joyful in Bella's eyes, so she recorded it with foresight.

Afterwards, she was definitely hunted down and tickled by Angie.

After the hilarity, the salted fish came down.

There is no stomach lock, the weakest chicken is the weakest chicken, there are such horrible existences in the house, which makes Anji's sense of security almost explode.

What aliens, demons, Blood Clan, dare to come to her house to try?

Kill you in minutes.

Angie was a little swollen.

Although she doesn't know what a Level God Father is, a Level God Father can easily blow up a planet, and Angie understands this kind of power level by simple conversion.

Especially when Bella said that she would take her on a golf trip, have BBQ on the primitive planet, see the most 100-meter beast, see the clearest sea, etc., which made her even more excited.

Start rummaging through boxes and cabinets looking for skin care products, swimsuits and the like.

I took little Sally to go shopping and buy some things for barbecue.

My best friend said to go to some magician holy place.

Sorcerer Supreme holy place.

Among the buildings full of oriental ancient style, the magicians are still practicing tirelessly, and the gorgeous magic circles are constantly emerging on the practice field.

And in one of the houses.

Strange knelt down in front of the low table and asked Ancient One in front of him for advice. Ancient One, who was the mentor, guided with a gentle smile.

The ability of this disciple in front of him is the most outstanding existence among the Sorcerer Supremes in the past. In a short period of time, he is no less than any high-level magician. What he lacks is actual combat experience and a reserve of magic knowledge.

His future will surpass her and become the new legendary Sorcerer Supreme.

In Noda's house, Ancient One was gently dispelling Strange's high-level magic called Cytorak Scarlet Chain, and the latter was also immersed in it.

Just as he was trying to solve his doubts, Strange suddenly heard Ancient One's voice stop, and suddenly looked up with some doubts.

I saw Ancient One magician with a ray of smile, one hand lightly brushing the table, with the invisible ripples, an ancient book on the table disappeared, and a tea set appeared instead.

Is this thirsty?


Warming a pot of tea like flowing water and pouring it into a cup, Ancient One said: "Congratulations on your promotion to Heavenly Father, I don't have any gifts, I only have a cup of good tea for you."1

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers~~~).

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