People Become Kings In The United States

Chapter 265 Sending You Away (Seeking Flowers Monthly Ticket)

Jane, who had always been confident in her appearance, uttered a jealous groundhog cry in her heart.

She found that the woman in front of her was synonymous with perfection.

Whether it is the appearance or the noble temperament that seems to be innately carved in the bones, it makes people feel ashamed, especially the pair of deep and beautiful eyes, which makes people fall into it deeply and cannot extricate themselves. /Status collector found out.

You have to do it directly.

It's just that I always feel that this temperament is somewhat familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere.

"Want some? Today's featured staple is bluefin tuna."

Bella saw Jane's thoughts. Back in New Mexico, she met with another knight king's face. Naturally, she had never seen her own face, but she didn't explain so much.

Because bluefin tuna lives in the deep sea with extremely low temperature all year round, the meat of bluefin tuna is delicious and delicate, rich in oil, and the taste of raw food is excellent. It is the top ingredient for making sashimi and sushi, and is loved by food lovers all over the world. sought after.

It's just that it's extremely rare, and the price is simply sky-high. Just such a piece costs more than one million M gold.

Fortunately, she is not short of money, and she is never stingy when it comes to ingredients. In addition, she doesn't care how much the food is worth. As long as it is delicious, she can eat it even at food stalls. She doesn't have the so-called cheap food addiction of the top rich people.

At her level, it really means that money is just a pile of banknotes, not to mention that she is originally a shareholder of the world's top group like Stark, even if she is not, as long as she wants to

The old hooligan M boudoir has to give away a lot of money.

Others have no idea, Tony doesn’t say, Thor is the future king of Asgard God’s Domain, why haven’t you eaten it? Dr. Captain America Banner has already seen these things, they have different levels, and they are pursuing ideals and spirits .

All in all, Jane was shocked.

Before a few people could speak, Bella's expression suddenly changed a little, sarcasm? Interest? Helplessness? Maybe both.

Focusing on Thor: "Well, it seems that you have to go back, the dark elf named Malekith has already attacked Asgard on a large scale, and the all-out war has already begun, depending on the situation, Loki and the others are faintly unable to hold on||. "

This remark made Thor's joy sink because of Jane's escape from danger.

"I see."

Without hesitation, he would call Heimdall to start Bifrost return, but was interrupted by Captain America: "Wait~"

Looking back, I saw my teammates Rogers Tony looking at me seriously.

Suddenly a little surprised.

Captain America Rogers took a few steps forward and looked at Thor: "We are the Avengers, and we are a team.

This is such a sentence, but Thor has already understood the subtext.

And Tony stood beside Captain America, shrugged: "I'm still very interested in Asgard.

"Hulk is willing too!"

"If I can bring some Asgard specialties, I believe my daughters will be very happy."

There are not many words, but they are full of firmness.

Even if Dr. Banner doesn't like to go out to fight, the most important thing is that no matter where he goes, as long as he doesn't stay here, Hulk has been urging him to leave, panicked

In addition, the current situation can basically be suppressed anyway. After all, the convergence of celestial bodies causes the nine realms to overlap, and a large number of creatures from other worlds appear, but there are not many strong ones.

New York also has the most superheroes in all M, plus S.H.I.E.L.D and the army, it can't cause any waves.

There is no less of them.

The situation is critical, and Thor is unwilling to spend more words to show how moved he is, just like Rogers said that the Avengers are a team, and there is no need to show moved.

Nodding cheerfully: "Okay, let's go."

"I don't want marks on the clean floor, I'll give you a ride...


With Bella's light laughter, there was a crisp sound between the knife and the plate.

The golden magic circle floating under the feet of Thor and the others flashed past, and with the fluctuation of the space, the next second, Thor and the others completely disappeared in the living room.

Only Jane was left with a dazed face.

What's the matter? Why did she run away suddenly when she was fine? Leaving her here alone, she was so nervous.

Jane At the moment didn't understand the situation, and guessed that the beautiful girl in front of her must be a certain boss, and she was the kind so strong that she exploded, so she easily transported Thor and the others to Asgard.

Just when she was nervous, Bella invited: "Sit down and eat together, you're welcome."

I didn't feel sorry for wasting food for a few more people.

What is waste? With the food on the table, if there is any leftover, it is a joke.

Faced with this kind of seemingly gentle but for some unknown reason, Jane couldn't refuse at all, or couldn't even think of refusing, she pulled away the chair in front of her like a doll on a string, and then sat down. Respond: "."Uh~~~"

But seeing the delicious food on the table that ten strong men can't finish, Jane secretly sighed, is this the daily life of the rich?

Dry and boring.

But looking at the delicious food on this table, Jane swallowed and spit, it was too appetizing.

The combination of meat and vegetables is more reasonable. Definitely those grilled steaks, Jane chose to give up. She still has high requirements for her figure, but other big lobsters, king hairy crabs, this kind of high protein, and steak fruit salad, etc., eat She seemed to have no scruples. (Wang's) Jane, who has a straightforward personality, was a little nervous at first, but seeing beautiful girls on the table, there is also a cute little loli, and two cute pets, which eased her nervousness.

At the beginning, I still maintained a slightly elegant posture, but when I saw other people directly grabbing the big lobsters and king hairy crabs, I just gnawed them.

There is no elegant posture of a top rich businessman at all, Jane understands.

Let go completely, shake off her cheeks and start chewing together. For some reason, she ate far more food than usual today.

Although a little surprised, but not too suspicious, thinking that the food is too delicious.

But she didn't know that there was a force in her body that was subtly transforming her physical fitness, and the external manifestation was the increase in food intake.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!).

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