People Become Kings In The United States

Chapter 70 The Son Of Midgard

The sound of fighting resounded through the sky.

Endless lightning spewed, and frozen frost swept across.

The cruelty of war was fully reflected at this moment. In just a few minutes, countless Asgard's dead were torn apart, and the remains of their bodies were trampled by countless giants.

Hundreds of Giants of Jotunheim were pierced with spears and split with giant axes.

But no one cares about this, whether it is the warriors of Asgard or the Giants of Jotunheim, they are all red-eyed.

"Damn, the situation is getting worse and worse."


The Spear of Eternity blasted a Giants of Jotunheim into the air, and Loki's curly black hair swayed as he turned his gaze.

Loki's heart grew heavier.

Because of the decisive battle with Thor, he directly opened Bifrost to let all the Giants of Jotunheim pour out, and even used the authority of the eternal gun to close most of Asgard's defense mechanisms.

Even if it was too late for him to turn it on again later.

Annihilation has invaded the heart of Asgard.

The most important thing is that Asgard's strongest combat power is himself and Thor, but because of the battle, both he and himself have been severely injured, so that now facing the King of Giants of Jotunheim is extremely difficult, and even fell into a complete disadvantage.

If nothing can be done, I must send my mother away~

Loki knew Lauf's hatred for Asgard, and if they failed, they would be massacred, and his mother would be no exception.

Loki understands, Thor understands even more.


Blown away by Lauf's frosty trident, Thor slammed down not far away, rolled around in a circle and got up in embarrassment.

Just got up and continued to fight, but suddenly felt extremely dangerous.

When he looked up suddenly, he found a box in Lauf's hands that emitted blue energy fluctuations.

That strong crisis came from it.

In the next second, Thor's face changed drastically, and the direction of the energy was surprisingly directed at Asgard.

You must know that there is not only the sleeping father Odin in the palace, but also his mother Frigga.

The majestic blue overflowed, freezing the ground near Lauf into ice, and the space condensed wisps of frost due to the terrible low temperature.

It's not just Thor, Loki senses it too, turning his head sharply.




The dazzling blue-white polar ice energy bloomed from the Casket of Ancient Winters with two low growls.

The terrifying extremely low-temperature energy washed away everything like a torrent.

Loki and Thor watched the torrent of frost about to hit the palace, their faces distorted angrily.

They are well aware of the power of the Casket of Ancient Winters. Although Asgard is also a divine weapon, it can resist erosion by frost energy, but what about the mother inside?

can she take it

the answer is negative.

In the resentment and despair of Thor and Loki, in the disbelief of the four warriors of Sif, and in the ferocious and cheerful eyes of Lauf.

In an instant, the flow of time seemed to slow down a hundred times.

In the far distance, a huge amount of roar resounded in everyone's ears. The black figure was surrounded by unparalleled air waves, tearing the air and dragging a long golden tail, falling from the sky like a meteorite in front of Asgard.

The terrifying blast of power knocked away nearby Asgard warriors and Giants of Jotunheim.

What followed was the vast and dazzling golden rendering, and the touch of gold imprinted in the eyes erupted like a torrent.

The two terrifying energies collided in an instant.


The two majestic forces exploded instantly, and the two different energies of scorching heat and extreme ice collided and exploded instantly.

The space was distorted, and the rippling air waves swept across in all directions.

All the people were directly thrown away, and even a layer of the hard ground was forcibly cut off by this terrible energy fluctuation.

Under the traction, the Asgard river exploded and washed away the water column, which rolled back and never ended.

The terrible air flow even caused the Asgard Flight cockpit in the sky to be blown up and rolled.

It can be seen how terrifying this outbreak is.

The terrible fluctuations and air waves made everyone who was thrown flying could only lie on the ground to resist, and Loki and Thor were no exception.

The cloak kept swinging in the violent air waves, and he couldn't even open his eyes.



Thor and Loki were so anxious that they wanted to get up and see what was going on in Asgard, but the huge amounts of energy burst out like the whole Asgard was pressed on them and they couldn't move at all.

I can only pray secretly.

This sudden bombardment also attracted warriors fighting elsewhere in Asgard and the Giants of Jotunheim.

With their hands in front of them, the violent vibration made them sway like boats in huge waves.

But through his arms, his eyes were fixed on the center of the energy explosion, Asgard.

"What the hell happened? This power."

"There seems to be Thor and Loki there. Could it be that Odin has awakened from his deep sleep?"

"These bloody Giants of Jotunheim."

The importance of Asgard as the center of Asgard is self-evident, and it is even paramount in the hearts of all Asgard warriors.

Great changes have taken place in Asgard, and all warriors fear for them.

The terrifying energy fluctuations didn't take long before dissipating slowly.

When the fluctuations calmed down, Thor and Loki hurriedly got up and looked in the direction of Asgard, as did the others.

It's just that the pupils shrank suddenly in the next second.

Everyone took a breath, and saw that the ground in front of Asgard was covered by a terrible ice layer, with thorns and thorns rising one after another, while on the other side, it seemed that the impact of the scorching high temperature caused the large File size and small pits to crystallize directly, and even There is lava flowing.

The two different scenes allow people to intuitively feel how terrifying the impact of power just now is.

And what everyone cares most is that Asgard is unscathed.

And the reason was the figure at the top of the Asgard stairs.

White belts wrapped around shorts, black leather high boots on the legs, black leather armor over the thin black lining, dancing wildly in the wind, and a ponytail tied behind the not-so-long blond hair, absolutely stunning. Beautiful face and jewel-like green pupils.

Make her like a princess of some kingdom.

Elegant and wild/wild coexist.

When they saw this figure, Thor and Loki's expressions suddenly brightened.

The four of Sif shouted out directly.

"Son of Midgard."

(Third update, please subscribe to the monthly ticket for flowers. If you have anything, you can do whatever you want. Thank you everyone.

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