Hippolyta finally recognized the situation.

The reality is that Paradise Island is actually impossible to stay out of the situation from the beginning, even if the Olympian gods, or Zeus, the so-called king of the gods, want to stay out of the matter, they Amazons cannot.

The reason is that in the Ancient War, the Earth Alliance Army, led and helped by the old gods and gods, defeated the invasion of the New Protoss led by Darkseid.

After that, the Earth Alliance collected three mother boxes, which were the technology of the Heavenly Apokolips and the New Protoss.

In order to prevent the mother box from being activated again, the Earth Alliance divided the three mother boxes into three parts for storage.

The original Atlantis had not yet fallen, so one of them was placed in Atlantis, but later when Atlantis fell into the sea, the mother box was also missing.

Maybe only the Atlanteans, who don’t know if they still exist, know?

There was also a mother box that was taken away by the human kings, and Diana later learned that the humans chose to bury the mother box casually.

Diana was speechless at the time, because with the outbreak of the First World War, the mother box was somehow blown out.

Can’t you dig a little deeper?

The last mother box was placed on Paradise Island, guarded by the Amazons.

That place was on a cliff near the sea on a paradise island, and a fortified rock house was specially built.

It was always heavily guarded, and even Diana could not easily approach.

Once Diana had been attracted to that place unconsciously one day, and then she was brought back by her mother, who had rushed to the news of it, and that time, it was also the first time that Hippolyta sternly warned Diana not to go near the place again.

As for why she was attracted, even Diana herself did not know.

She could only speculate that it might be because she was a demigod, after all, she had not yet guarded the silver bracelet sealing divine power.

All these circumstances came together to make Hippolyta understand that no matter how much she resisted, she could not deny that Antiop’s fears were correct, and Antiope’s thoughts were right.

So Hippolyta finally agreed to let the fifteen-year-old Diana participate in next month’s Olympic Games, which were the Amazons’ own Olympic Games on the paradise island.

At the same time, Donna can also participate, but she must pass Antiop’s training beforehand.

I believe Donna should be able to catch up.

When it comes to the Olympics on Paradise Island, Diana doesn’t know much about the content because she has been away for ten years.

Just as she had finished her training in Antiopus, Hippolyta gave her a good look.

According to Amazonian custom, the Olympic Games are generally fixed several.

These include speed, obstacle races, swimming competitions, and of course, the Amazons’ riding and archery.

However, this is a competitive competition after all, so it does not include combat combat.

The battles between the Amazons are all conducted during training, and that’s where the real strength is shown.

After all, they are Amazons and are serious about fighting.

Next, Diana began an urgent training for the next event.

On the other side, Donna, it is said that after separating from Diana, her progress began to slow down.

According to Antiop, it feels like when Donna and Diana are together, her overall strength is higher, and once she is separated from Diana, she is not so focused.

It was as if the kid cared about Diana, as if he was fighting with Diana.

This also made Antiop secretly raise his own concerns about Hippolyta.

Hippolyta didn’t care too much, after all, in the past ten years, Donna took Diana’s place, and Hippolyta regarded both children as her own daughters, and she felt that this was no problem.

Hippolyta also laughed and mentioned that when they were children, Antiop also competed with her sister in this way.

Antiop couldn’t say anything more, but she was still a little worried, and for some reason, as the Olympics gradually approached, she always felt like something was going to happen.

A month is a blink of an eye for Amazonians with a long lifespan.

Soon, the Amazons’ paradise island Olympics finally arrived as promised.

As early as a week ago, the atmosphere of Paradise Island began to lively, after all, this is an isolated paradise, and it is usually difficult to have such a grand event.

So all the Amazons are talking about it, and they are fully involved.

Including the streets, there are all kinds of streamers and flowers.

Especially on the day of the Olympics, there is a huge arena on Paradise Island, which looks like a gladiatorial arena in Rome, and today’s event looks like it will be held here.

Many important props and facilities have been arranged in the arena, and the surrounding audience has long been filled with Amazon girls dressed up.

Amazons are good-looking big sisters because they hardly get old.

This also made Diana watch with relish.

At this time, Diana was already standing at the entrance of the venue, which was also the starting point, and the next game would start from here.

There were seven contestants registered this year, and in addition to Diana and Donna, there were five good-looking beautiful big sisters next to their sisters.

However, before the official start of the competition, the Amazons also performed an opening ceremony.

Some people use exquisite noose techniques, or pull with ropes, like Spider-Man floating high in the air, or make the seemingly soft rope play a powerful attack.

Diana is interesting to watch, she also has a mantra lasso, and she has also learned this technique from Antiop.

In addition, the Amazons have many performances, so I will not repeat them all.

The main thing today is really only this grand competition.

Before the start of the competition, Hippolyta, as queen, was still standing on the throne, and today she was also dressed up and gave a speech in public.

At this time, in the crowded audience, one of the few old women with messy and gray hair raised her head with some difficulty, looking at the appearance of such a heroic queen, and a complicated expression flashed in her cloudy eyes.

“Queen Hippolyta, and Princess Diana, today is the beginning of your end. Whether it’s the throne or Diana, I’m going to let Donna take it away from you. ”

“It’s finally about to start, and this game feels like it’s for me.”


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