People In Another World: Reincarnated Dragon, Call Me Godzilla

Chapter 88: The Howling Abyss, The White Dragon’S Survival And The Arrival Of The Dragon God!

God Gores' eyes turned cold and he said: "There is one thing, which is the purpose of my visit this time.

The Metal Dragon God is a reliable ally, and God Gores informed him about the Ice Goddess's recruitment of the White Dragon Girl.

He said: "Perhaps the Ice Goddess is smart and covets the power of Longting."

"For a long time, the god kings have been extremely disappointed with the elemental gods and no longer care about this series. Some elemental gods have also left. The gods of destruction have no such ability.

The Metal Dragon God thought for a while and said calmly and proudly.

The Dragon Dimension of the past, the "Dragon Realm" of today is now at its peak, and it is undoubtedly the strongest organization of the Dragon Clan.

Now the upcoming legendary dragon wants to join the dragon world. This is no longer a trivial matter and needs to go through a series of tests.

Even ancient dragons would be proud to join the Dragon Realm.

The plane of the dragon world is protected by many dragon gods, and its members are all legendary dragon kings. It is not easy for other gods to spy on the dragon world.

Bai 26 Dragon Lady is one of the few non-dragon king-level lords in the dragon world, and has a deep relationship with the dragon emperor Gores.

The dragon world allows members to bring clan members or descendants into it, but the number of legendary dragons who do so is very small.

"Since such an action was carried out secretly and I discovered it."

"I will not sit idly by and ignore it."

"It just so happens that I haven't been to the Howling Abyss yet, and there are materials I need there."

The majesty of the gods was challenged.

The provocateur is still weaker than his own god, and no matter what, the god Leleis will not give up.

At least give the Ice Goddess a beating and make her pay for it.

If you treat it as if it didn't happen and don't investigate it, other gods will just think that the Dragon Clan is just a show-off, and anyone can get involved.

"If you want to attack the opponent's kingdom, send a "Dragon King Fleet". But the premise is that the teleportation space must be opened from within the opponent's Kingdom of God. "

After understanding God Gores's plan, the Metal Dragon God immediately reminded him.

After a pause, he couldn't help but add: "I remember that there is a sacred material called extreme cold ice crystal in the Goddess of Ice's kingdom, which is very precious."

The two dragon gods looked at each other and exchanged tacit smiles.


This is a restless and extremely dangerous place called the Howling Abyss.

This abyss is shrouded in violent winds, and no one can escape the roar of the wind.

The wind cuts the world inside the Howling Abyss into countless tunnels, forming a huge maze that makes people feel like they are in an endless fog.

Here the wind howls, the air is dry, and the darkness is deep.

Although light exists, it is an unnatural light source. The strong wind quickly swallows up the temperature and light of any flame, leaving this place forever lacking in warmth and light.

If a plane traveler stumbles into the Howling Abyss, it's best to pray that you can avoid being at the center of the violent wind.

The first layer of the Wind Howling Abyss is called the Gravel Abyss.

There are countless huge caves here, almost every cave is enough to accommodate a biological material wish.

Because there are so many of them that they are even difficult to count, this space seems to be infinitely vast.

However, compared with the material world, most of the caves in the Abyss are no-man's land, full of cold and desolate wind country, without any trace of living things.

Only a few caves have strong enough shelters to stop the hurricane, and all living creatures live and work here.

For example, there is a cave in the gravel abyss called the Hall of Winter.

Bursts of buzzing wind echoed through the hall, and huge icicles stretched out of the ground and shot straight into the sky, shining brightly and exuding an extremely cold chill.

Endless storms carried blizzards and raged past. Every corner of the winter hall and every inch of land was filled with the breath of severe cold.

In this never-ending wind and snow, three adult frost giants about ten meters tall, wearing battle armor and holding spears, bravely rushed forward with six huge adult winter wolves.

Their gazes passed through the violent storm and snow, and locked onto a struggling white dragon. It was flying in mid-air like a belly pierced by a huge spear, teetering on the edge. There were also torn wounds on the dragon's wings, and blood was constantly flowing.

It was obvious that this dragon had reached the edge of being unable to support itself.

For white dragons who like to live alone, they will more often become prey once they encounter frost giants gathering together.

Ice spears roared over, and an ice spear nearly ten meters long was thrown from the hands of the frost giant.

The seriously injured Bailong struggled to dodge. Although he managed to avoid the attack at the critical moment of life and death, the violent movements further consumed his little physical strength.

Both dragons and giants possess extremely high endurance.

The chase lasted for three days and nights.

Bailong's movements became slower and slower, obviously he was unable to do what he wanted.


An ice spear tore through the dragon's scales and penetrated deeply into the flesh and blood of the white dragon's body.

This scarred white dragon struggled on the edge of life and death.

Its body was pierced by an ice spear, and it lost the ability to fly. It fell helplessly to the ground, breaking open a piece of snow.

Due to the loss of a large amount of blood and the drop in body temperature, Bailong began to feel the coldness of the cold wind.

It heard the deep breathing of the giant winter wolf and saw the approaching frost giant.

On Bailong's faceplate, sparks of hope flickered, but it also revealed despair. 510 Bailong used his last bit of strength and lowered his head to pray to the gods he believed in.

It calls out to the great Dragon of Eternity and Finality, and the name of the Dragon God of Final Shock whispers on its lips.

"Great Dragon of Eternity and Finality, I am your loyal believer, White Dragon Iris, and I pray for your protection. Please send down your divine grace to help me escape from this crisis. Great Dragon God, please respond to my call. prayer."

Bailong murmured in a low voice, praying to the Dragon God for help.

This Final Dragon God once rose up in the Titan War and possesses a trace of white dragon blood (the holy dragon species is the evolved individual of the white dragon), so many white dragons have become his believers, including the white dragon Iris.

Although Eli was only a shallow believer, in despair, he hoped that God could hear his voice.

However, the white dragon Elis knew that he was not a truly powerful dragon, and his belief was not that firm.

It knows that the great Dragon of Eternity and Finality may not necessarily respond to its prayers, and this is a matter of course.

But at this moment, Bailong was stunned.

It raised its head and found that the surrounding snowstorm had frozen, and the frost giant and winter wolf opposite him were also motionless.

In this stagnant world, a pair of dark golden dragons appeared, looking down at the scarred white dragon. .

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