People In Another World: Reincarnated Dragon, Call Me Godzilla

Chapter 94 Feeling Crushed By Power, The Shadow Dragon Appears!

after a while.

Brother Reiss came near the shadow dragon's lair in the desert col.

The ground under his feet was eroded by huge desert phagocytic worms, and a huge pit collapsed. Just as he was looking down, a worm raised its body hundreds of meters high and opened its pale, viscous mouth towards him. Liquid, tooth-packed mouth!

It was a gigantic burrowing creature resembling a worm.

These things are huge and move quickly. They can also spit out the sticky saliva dripping from their mouths. The range is 3 kilometers. The saliva will cover a circular area, shooting down enemies in the sky, or attacking enemies on the ground. Prey undergo slime erosion.

Brother Reiss' method is also very simple and rude. He just breathed out the heating wire. When the flame exploded and the mushroom cloud rose, the desert giant worm screamed wildly in the flames, struggling to die.

An eighth-level monster is easily defeated like this!

The lizardmen in the desert hid in the shadow of the mountain depression, looking in horror at a 60-meter-high, 90-meter-long dragon monster that appeared in the distance. Surveillance mission, but I didn't expect to see this terrifying scene as soon as I heard the movement.

The mighty desert giant worm, once the king of the col, is so vulnerable.

As if the doomsday is coming, all the sounds in the valley are covered by the thunderous footsteps, the wyverns and giant lizards in the desert howled, and the desert lizards screamed endlessly

One after another, crowding each other out of the camp.

And [Shadow Lair]'s most important giant dragon servant group, the desert lizardmen, also roared out with weapons in hand. They held sharp pointed and heavy steel spears, which were powerful enough to pierce the flesh and tear the scales of their prey.

The Shadow Legion is out!

But soon, with the roar of a giant dragon.

The desert lizardmen who had just run out saw a huge monster like a hill coming towards them. Compared with the noise of the shadow army and the "six nine three" movements made by the quicksand, the sound of the opponent's footsteps was not strong. , but it caused a layer of pimples on the desert lizard man's skin, and he couldn't help but his feet went limp, and he almost collapsed to the ground.

"Quick...go...notify the master..."

The desert lizardmen who came out in full force, after seeing the existence of the enemy, fled in the opposite direction in panic.

But soon I heard a terrifying sound coming from my ears. "Crackling" is the sound of air ionization. Accompanied by sparks, electric arcs are generated, just like lightning and thunder. The yellow sun fell rapidly towards the earth.

However, a burst of indiscriminate attacks came, and the devastating plasma fireball burned everything instantly after falling on the ground.

The tens of thousands of degrees of high-temperature flames swept away with the shock wave, and most of the desert lizardmen who escaped were turned into ashes and died.

Because they were too nervous, they accidentally exposed their positions, and were discovered by the aggressive brother Reiss, and then destroyed.

Brother Reiss's "Eye of Breaking Demons" is a real eye that can see through all illusions and magic. Ignoring the barriers of the desert and mountain depressions that obstruct the eyesight, it directly locked on the base camp of the shadow dragon's lair and walked straight over.

"Despicable fellows, I'm going to tear your pusses apart!"

Brother Reiss's huge body over sixty meters stood upright, and the sound of the dragon's roar continued.

not long ago.

In the shadow lair, a shadow dragon "Tel Green" who is sleeping with eyes closed does not know what will happen next, and its heart is caught in memory and thinking.

During the battle between the Dark Erosion Demon Dragon 'Buch' and the Crazy Dragon Apostle 'Bagard Osti Carl', it was affected, half of its wings were shattered by the Crazy Dragon's roar, and it had to fall down , and at that time, the stupid dragon guard dared to attack him!

Tergrin finally took the initiative in a fight and eliminated the dragon guard. When the opponent was seriously injured, he used the shadow lightning to paralyze him, and then used his claws to pull out its heart. In order to win, he slapped the other dragon wing desperately before falling and survived.

After the battle, Telglin finally chose to eat the corpse of the dragon guard. It didn't want to lose its hard-won victory in the following desert survival.

The feeling of eating the same kind makes it crazy, but it is so pleasant.

It knows that it is already a pure shadow dragon.

It has already fallen, and along with Lord Buhe, the dark eclipse dragon, has pledged allegiance to [King Killer], that great terrifying existence.

The original plan was: Master Buhe took the lead in killing one of the dragon guards, then confronted the mad dragon apostle, and killed the remaining dragon guards by himself and the other shadow dragon.

As a result, the development of the situation was unexpected. What they didn't expect was that the black young dragon carried by the mad dragon apostle would suddenly breathe out the dragon's breath.

Under such circumstances, it is estimated that even Mr. Buhe did not realize that the terrifying power of the breath could tear apart its black poisonous aura.

As a result, Lord Buhe's movements froze, failing to complete the deadly surprise attack that had been accumulated for a long time.

That being the case, combined with the actual situation, Heaven and Man made a better choice.

The mad dragon apostle has been dragged back, and the dragon guard is isolated and helpless. Terglin doesn't worry about the possibility of being attacked from the front or back, so he can cooperate with his companions to quickly kill the dragon guard.

But what I never expected was that the black young dragon was actually a young dragon in disguise! He showed a destructive power comparable to that of an adult dragon, and in an instant, with the help of the mad dragon apostle, he leaped over and severely injured another shadow dragon .

However, another of Telgrim's companions was killed, and it was also forced to fight the remaining dragonguards.

Although he won in the end, he was also seriously injured due to the aftermath of the battle between the mad dragon apostle and Lord Buhe, and was forced to recover his physical strength in this desert. After the wings were regenerated, he returned to find the whereabouts of Lord Buhe. It should still be alive, especially Al Green could feel that the bond of slavery Bucher had left on him was still valid.

During this year, in order to avoid being disturbed by the outside world, the shadow dragon Telglin was recuperating in peace. It temporarily looked for a place in the mountain depression that could be used as a lair.

So Telglin found the lair of the desert lizardmen.

The environment here is also very suitable for it.

Then Telgrim brutally killed the leader of the Lizardmen, occupied the place, and enslaved them with magic.

But not long ago, Telglin learned the news of the death of Behemoth, the thundering sand sea beast king. It was a black dragon that killed him, which made Telgrin vigilant. The head dragon is the guy brought by the mad dragon apostle!

If he could find a way to kill the black youth dragon, Master Buhe would be very happy, and maybe he would forgive himself for running away.

As soon as T'erge Lin thought of this, he became hard-hearted.

It began to move around deliberately, exposing its figure to other creatures. If that guy was still alive, he would definitely find his whereabouts.

So Telgrim planned to hunt the young black dragon with tricks and traps.

The battlefield is chosen in the desert mountain col, where the terrain is complex and suitable for ambushes, and then summon the subordinates to cast spells on them.

"Shadow Ruler, Your Majesty!"

After hearing Telgren's plan, the new leader of the Lizardmen raised an objection: "In the situation where we divide our troops, what should we do if the black dragon flies over from the sky to attack? It can kill us with the flames of its breath Swallow them all."

The question of the lizardmen typified the doubts of most of the Legion of Shadows.

"Remember what I said, that black dragon can't fly, its wings are so small, it's impossible to fly. Your tactics are: fast, short, ruthless, in the shortest possible time, I want you to interfere with it , to reduce some of its physical strength."

After planning this point, Telglin summoned the leader of the giant worm and said: "The great earth eater can break through no matter how hard the ground, stones and mountains are. So I want you to be there A huge pit was drilled under the black dragon's feet, making it unable to get out of it, your movements must be concealed enough so that my soldiers can make a surprise attack at a critical moment, can you do it?"

"It's easy for the Earth Eaters, my master.

The leader of the giant worms fell on the ground and said that its size is huge, and there is no area in this world that they cannot conquer.

"Very well, next."

The shadow dragon turned to the Wyvern again: "I want you to observe the movement of that black dragon in the sky at all times, breathe flames on it and attack its back when necessary.

"Your Majesty Shadow, I will be loyal to you." The Wyvern leader also nodded.

"Your ethnic group has a good line of sight, and you can send messages to each other by howling. I hope you will always remind me where the black dragon is."

The shadow dragon Terglin folded his claws on his shoulders and said coldly: "If the black dragon appears, I will arrive as soon as I get the news."

In fact, Telgren would let his subordinates reduce the opponent's physical strength before attacking.

If that black dragon cub dared to show up, I would tear his head off.

However one


The time will be up to now, and the shadow lair is blasted through by a radiant heat ray, and the terrifying loud noise is accompanied by high temperature, followed by a huge roar.

"Despicable and stupid cowardly dragon, I, brother Reiss is here! Get out of your lair and fight me!"

The sound came from outside the lair, mixed with the substantive dragon's power, sweeping the mountain depression.

The shadow dragon didn't seem to be able to react.

It seriously underestimated the power that Reiss gained after growing up this year, and he couldn't understand what it means to be crushed by an imitation emperor

The great earth eater? When the giant desert phagocytic worm appeared, it was cut off in the middle by a wave of heat, and then a huge explosion occurred, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

Desert lizardmen? You'll know what's going on when they come out in droves and flee en masse.

When the 'blue sun' falls from the sky and the plasma fireball falls to the ground, the ground burns, and there are no monsters that can survive under the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees.

In the end, the wyverns all fell down under the almost substantive terrifying dragon power. The airspace above Reiss is already a 'restricted area', no creature dares to fly above his head, not even a wyvern. Can't bear the coercion that comes with real damage.

"Your efforts are in vain, I will bring you death myself!"

In the horrified eyes of the shadow dragon, a dragon with dazzling black scales erupted with blazing blue flames and lightning, its terrifying sharp wings covered the sun, and fell nearby like a huge shadow, its breath full of shock, The hurricane caused by the wings and the huge body almost destroyed the rock 0

His body is thick and strong, and every part of his body is full of powerful muscles. He has inverted scales and a huge thorny tail. Sky.

Most importantly, his body is creepy, even bigger than Lord Bucher, the dark eclipse dragon!

In front of him, the shadow dragon Telgren was only 35 meters tall, and even after standing upright, it only reached the opponent's waist and thighs.

Near the roots, this perspective is difficult to describe, as if brother Reiss is the evil dragon.

"Black Dragon!"

Tergrin exclaimed, he had never seen such a terrifying existence, and looked forward in shock and horror.


Next, the black magic dragon let out an angry roar.

Because for Reiss, the guy in front of him is an unforgivable enemy.

They are the ones who caused him to be reduced to such a fate!

Otherwise, I would have eaten and drank well in the Golden Kingdom, got promoted and raised my salary, and went to see beautiful girls. With brother Reiss' current body shape and strength status, it is very reasonable to marry ten wives in the future.

Most importantly, this idiot actually dared to stay here and wait for death.

"You killed my companion, and then I will tear you apart like an ant!"

This year, the image of the dragonguard's tragic death still haunts Reiss.

Although Brother Reiss also hates those giant dragon guards, but after all, they are responsible for protecting the safety of the young dragons on Dragon Island.

So brother Reiss has long regarded them as his companions.

Then, one of them was instantly killed by the dark eclipse dragon 'Buhe', and the other was also sacrificed in the desperate battle with the shadow eye in front of him.

Their desperate purpose is to allow themselves to escape smoothly.

Now knowing that the enemy is right in front of us, how can brother Reiss not be angry?

Do you want to forgive it and let it tell Kingslayer not to attack itself again?

Since he doesn't want to have anything to do with the King Killer, the best way is to kill the dragon.

The shadow dragon must never leave the desert alive!

Thinking of this, brother Reiss's dragon arm broke through the air with an irresistible power, and grabbed the shadow dragon's neck. With his strength and the propulsion force of its wings,

At this distance, it is absolutely possible to defeat the enemy with one move.

Moreover, Brother Reiss wanted to save his life and asked about the whereabouts of the mad dragon apostle and information about killing the king.

"How is it possible...! You bastard, have you grown into an 'extreme dragon' in just one year!"

Tergrin roared angrily, for any giant dragon, it was impossible to compromise with the enemy at a critical moment.

The shadow dragon is no exception, so it roared and escaped into the shadows, and launched high-ranking shadow magic, brother Reiss's attack was directly missed, seeing the figure of Telglin blending into the mountain

In the shadow of Au, it disappeared in an instant.

"You can't escape!"

Under brother Reiss' "Eye of Breaking Demon", he can see the picture of Telgren moving rapidly in the shadow at 4.5. This guy seems to have escaped into the two-dimensional field, his body becomes

It has become a magic body like a shadow, as long as there is a shadow, it can move at will.

Using the ability of the system, brother Reiss sees through the attributes of the enemy.

[Fallen Shadow Dragon: Telgrim]

[Adept at: Shadow Magic, Lightning Magic, Poison]

[Skills: Shadow Charge, Shadow Thunderbolt, Shadow Escape, Dragon Breath of Destruction, Shadow Control, etc. 】

"The flames will consume you. In front of me, your magic is useless and your defenses are useless!"

Brother Reiss roared while observing the movements of the shadow dragon.

"My strength is far stronger than yours. Destroying shadows is as easy as driving away dust!"


Brother Reiss, who is comparable to the "extreme dragon", let out a huge roar, and seemed to be brewing some powerful moves. Facing the escape of the shadow dragon, he had to take extreme measures.

In the next instant, he finally moved, but what moved was not his body, but his tail, which was faster than his body. When the dorsal fin condensed blue lightning, the tip of the freely retractable tail slammed

Swinging out a terrifying slash more than twice the speed of sound.

"Explode all the darkness, thermal energy conversion - high temperature plasma cutting!!"

The hundreds of meters long plasma slash was thrown from the tail of brother Reiss, and the dark shadow that cut off the entire mountain canyon in an instant also appeared in an instant.

The shadow dragon Telgren let out a painful roar, its tail and half of its body were cut open, its scales were scorched black in the flames, and then the plasma exploded when it hit the ground.

Exploded, Tel Green also exploded directly and flew under brother Reiss' feet.


There was a crisp sound of bones cracking, and the sole of the pitch-black monster stepped on the chest of the shadow dragon Tergrin, causing its ribs to break and sag with terrifying force.

"Now, answer my question!".

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