People In Another World: Reincarnated Dragon, Call Me Godzilla

Chapter 98 No One Can Refuse The Mighty King Of Monsters!

At the moment when the black dragon monster comparable to the "extreme dragon" approached, an explosion-like piercing sound rang in the ear, and for the first time, brother Reiss increased his speed so fast that the sea water behind him boiled, leaving A crimson flame tail was stretched long, like a meteor trailing the tail of a comet.

As the distance approached rapidly, a thunderous growl gradually came out from brother Reiss' dragon throat.

The ferocious and terrifying huge monster soon arrived. It tore open the barrier, fell from the sky, and reached Haixiandu. It landed on the ground with an unprecedented explosion that the mermaids had heard, and the rocks on the seabed were smashed and splashed.

In the scalding and evaporating sea water, those bright golden vertical eyes were shining brightly, and the shock wave that followed like a shadow spread in the next second, sweeping in all directions, and the mermaid guards and soldiers of the sea clan who approached were all oppressed and unable to straighten their backs.

The ground cracked underfoot, and flames burned through the water.

The violent shock wave knocked away the members of the queen's guard, and Euridice and her guards were already waiting here. They used a spell shield to resist the violent shock wave, and raised their heads to look at the sudden and terrifying beast vigilantly. to the largest black dragon monster.

"Hello, Great King of Eyes!"

Euridice smiled and said to it: "Welcome to Haixiandu, we will give the warmest hospitality to powerful friends..."

Don't wait for the female~wang to say the following lines.


Brother Reiss lowered his huge and ferocious head, and with a distance between the two sides, he showed an evil smile and said, "How dare you be sure that I am a -friend?"

"I am the Great Black Holy Dragon, Brother Reiss Mirabeau Reiss-La!"

While speaking, the black dragon monster unabashedly wrote out its coercion that is so powerful that it does not belong to a dimension.

However, as a mermaid queen who follows an elegant demeanor, Eurydice has no dissatisfaction with the black dragon monster's abruptness. She panted slightly, and glanced at the nearby fallen mermaids, murlocs, and Naga guards. Her army is worthless against the dragon.

But it also proves the powerful power of this dragon, and she also needs to maintain a stronger magic shield to offset the impact of coercion: "The powerful king of dragons, my name is Eurydice, and I am a member of the Xiandu Sea Clan. Queen, candidate for the god of the ocean...."

Her words were interrupted again.

I saw that brother Reiss opened his arms slightly, and the dorsal fin condensed a strong light, and the sea water rolled up. He raised his head and took a breath, and then exhaled.

"Boom! Chi! Py!"

The radiant and terrifying atomic breath penetrated the bottom of the sea, tearing apart the sea like a galaxy flowing backwards into the sun and the moon. The powerful breath pierced through the clouds and cracked rocks, broke through the sea surface, and sank into the atmosphere. It was like a doomsday catastrophe. sea ​​blue hair.

The mermaid queen and her followers changed their colors in fear, only Euridice remained calm. She blushed slightly, her eyes flickered, she opened her mouth slightly, and was about to say something, but she hesitated.

The black dragon heated the high-temperature plasma and then compressed it to breathe out. In an instant, the flash broke through the sea surface, shining light in the dusk sky, and the loud sound that was delayed for a few seconds shocked the atmosphere.

With its power, the cracked sky was dyed blood red, the raised dust even reached the stratosphere, and the doctor spread to the horizon.

The sky and the earth split apart, the oceans dried up and became lifeless.

Countless ashes were scattered and flew around—the remains of fish and bird monsters.

The giant dragon bursting out with its incomparable strength exudes an ominous red aura of destruction.

It wasn't just to show off and show off his status, he also wanted to see what Eurydice looked like now.

"My strength is as you can see."

Brother Reiss pressed his head down, and the fangs gleamed in the dragon's mouth: "Cheat me, all sea celestial beings will be destroyed because of your ignorance.

...What kind of power is this?!"

The merfolk guards, who had recovered from the shock, were terrified, but not only them, but even Euridice could not answer.

Only the legendary sea god can smash the sea, destroy the sky, and even smash the stars!

Just the scene caused by this blow, the top of the head is the scene of the end of the world.

After a long time, Euridice still managed to force a smile, and said, "I understand, please rest assured."

"very good."

Brother Reiss showed a satisfied smile: "Also, I heard that there are very rich minerals in the seabed, right?"

"Near the seabed mountains, there is a mine of aquamarine crystals. In addition, there is a silver-white metal mine in the deepest part that is very similar to the magic stone you are looking for in the sea of ​​thundering sand." Euridice replied earnestly. As the leader of the mermaid, She is relatively clear about the situation at the bottom of the sea.

And it was also mentioned in the information that Chef Reiss likes to eat that kind of dangerous magic stone.

"Silver-white metal? Uranium ore? You haven't touched it, have you?"

Brother Reiss asked curiously. There are far more radioactive ores on the seabed than on land. Judging from the current situation, the history of the Sea Clan must have exceeded thousands of years, and those veins are still there.

"No, our sea has no need for minerals.

Euridice said that most of the time, sea dwellers would only pick up some shiny shell pearls, corals, and beautiful crystals to decorate. What they liked most was aquamarine, a gem mine, rather than hard and heavy metals.

That's the nature of beautiful sea creatures, so it really is.

But this also reveals another message, those radioactive uranium mines are also dangerous things for the sea people, they will not get involved easily because there are no "loving dragons" on the bottom of the sea.

Thinking of this, brother Reiss smiled even more. Even in the dragon camp, like most dragons, he could not resist the endless greed for wealth.

But unlike other dragons who love gold and glitter, what Reiss loves most is the dangerous radioactive magic mine.


Brother Reiss said with joy in his heart: "After a while, I will go to that seabed mountain range and mine minerals myself as my reward."

Subconsciously, Reiss has made the seamounts his own.

But Euridice refused him: "Sorry, you can't do that.

"Don't worry, I will not do anything to the creatures of Haixiandu, and I will try not to leak radiation to harm the species on the seabed, so as to avoid damaging the ecological environment there.


Unexpectedly, Vice Reiss' request was rejected by Euridice for the second time.


Brother Reiss narrowed his eyes, feeling that his majesty was being challenged, so he swayed his body and bent down, lowered his huge head, and looked down at Eurydice.

According to the idea of ​​the black dragon monster, things should not have developed to such an extent. It has already demonstrated its own strength. Logically speaking, the mermaid queen Eurydice should be afraid of him, and thus obey it.

0 looking for flowers......

Isn't this guy afraid of running away?

However, there was no timidity in Euridice's eyes, and her silvery pupils were full of firm gaze, bravely looking directly at the powerful and ferocious black dragon monster.

Brother Reiss seems to have misjudged, that is, although his strength is strong, he has ignored the bottom line of the mermaid queen Euridice.

He really looked down on the other party a bit, ignoring that the other party was also a queen.

But he is a powerful dragon, brother Reiss will never give in, if Euridice blocks him forcibly, he would rather destroy it.

Rules are never meant to restrain monsters.

"You are rejecting my terms!"

Brother Reiss's dragon power was released again, covering the sky and covering the earth, circling the bottom of the sea: "Do you really think you can stop me?"

In an instant, the sea monsters living in Haixiandu all froze. The beautiful mermaid on the top of the coral tree, the sandworm living in the ground, or the four-armed naga guarding the king's capital all felt their hearts tremble.

They all raised their heads and looked in the direction of Haixiandu Palace.

But soon, the breath that made them tremble suddenly disappeared, and they became calm, as if the moodiness of the sea had just set off a huge wave, and then suddenly calmed down, and everything stabilized.

But the mermaids still looked at the black dragon anxiously, staring at its meeting with the queen.

Brother Reiss stared into Eurydice's eyes for a while, then slowly stood upright, without making a sound or having strong emotional fluctuations.

The mermaid queen just told him a piece of news, which made him fall silent.

The seabed mountain range is the territory of the sea clan in Luoyan City, and there is a powerful dragon-like monster in Luoyu City, with a level of eleventh-level "It is the strongest underwater monster master in the bloody sea area.

It is the patron saint of the Aolong tribe.

It is said that they are twin brothers and sisters with Behemoth, the king of beasts in the Thundering Sand Sea. Its name is "Leviatan", with a cruel and ruthless personality, violent and murderous. It looks for prey in the ocean, which makes the surrounding creatures change their colors. .

At the same time, it is also one of the many descendants of the giant dragon (Whale Sea Dragon King) who wanders in the deep sea and can shake the rock.

The Whale Sea Dragon King ranks tenth among the Dragon Kings.

It is responsible for guarding the distorted interdimensional rift in the abyss of the seabed, but its Dragon Kingdom is not nearby, but the even larger "Giant Sea". According to legend, there are ancient ocean monsters that have not yet been extinct, far away from any continents and lands, located at the bottom of the world the end.

After learning the news.

Brother Reiss stepped out of the palace, spread his wings, swung his giant tail, and left Haixiandu.

Euridice watched her brother Reiss leave with complicated eyes, ending this not-so-pleasant conversation, but her face was expressionless and calm, and she didn't have any emotional fluctuations.

But the guards who are familiar with the Mermaid Queen know that Her Royal Highness Yuli pays attention to etiquette and self-cultivation, she is calm and composed, and will never show a gaffe at any time. The expressionless face and the ups and downs of her chest are enough to show that she is not at peace.

Because the huge black dragon just said a very casual and silent sentence: I will kill its corpse. .

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