Morgan still has a few days to return to Camelot, so Roa plans to find something for Merlin to do during these days.

So after lunch, Roa thought that he must prepare in advance and improve his food in the evening, and found Merlin and arranged a task for him.

That is to go to the Southern Six Lords to see the attitude of the Southern Six Lords King towards him, the new King of Britain.

Normally, a trustworthy knight should be sent over.

But Roa’s side has not yet formed his own knightly order, and there are very few people who can be trusted at present, so Merlin is not surprised that he handed this matter over to him, and he did not shirk, just nodded, and then followed.

In his opinion, this is a manifestation that the new king of Roa is too naïve and still does not know enough about his abilities.

So he plans to give Luoa, the new king, a hand, the whole ruthless life!

Let him see how disgusting he really is, and after this time, let him reject the idea of sending himself out to negotiate with people!

With this thought in mind, Merlin set off.

As for preparation?

There is simply nothing to prepare!

Only in terms of annoyance, he Merlin is very confident!

Once when he was traveling with Artoria and Kai, in three words, he provoked about thirty people to hack him to death with swords!

Except for Artoria, even Kai hates him very much!

So this time he went to the southern sixth collar and played normally!

Merlin is like this.

And Roa knew that Merlin was such a guy.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had been very clear in the three simulations that Britain now had the threat of the two groups of Picts and Saxons, so it was basically impossible for the other twelve kings to tear their faces directly with him, then he would not dare to send him to the Southern Six Domains even if he wanted to support Merlin.

But since he was sure that none of the other twelve kings would turn their heads with him, it didn’t matter.

Even sending Merlin to the Southern Six Collar may be because Merlin is too annoying, and he can let the Southern Six Collar decide in advance about cooperation with him, and then he will be able to stabilize the Southern Six Collar side by virtue of the war invaded by the Picts.

Otherwise, Roa would have remembered.

From the memories obtained from the simulation, even if the invasion of refined salt and the Picts could help him quickly unify Britain, this integration required a not short process.

Several years have been spent on this.

Otherwise, normally when the curse strikes, his Knights of the Round Table are almost pulled out.

Then it would be a good thing if this aspect could be sped up a little because of Merlin.

Roa arranged Merlin’s side.

Then he returned to the study, and asked Artoria not to follow him for the time being, first go to Kai’s side to see, and then he also sat in the king’s seat and directly began today’s simulation.

Three times a day.

Three times yesterday and three more today.

Yesterday’s third simulation ended in Voltigon’s victory, and today he will try to trust Merlin and better integrate the Britain left by King Uther, mobilize all the power that can be used, and then see if the power of all Britain can be directly killed by Voltigon as in the original work.

Morgan is going to use it, and Merlin is going to use it.

Artoria also needs to grow.

It is better to form the Order a little faster.

Well, try it!

Please select a tag (choose one of three).

[(Normal) hair loss: Your hair starts to fall out].

[(Rare) Devil in Color: You have a face that others will find lewd when they see it].

[(Epic) genius of alchemy: Your talent in alchemy is enough to be included in the annals of history].

Seeing these three labels, Roa didn’t even have room to hesitate, and directly chose the third one!

His previous three deductions were based on his status as a knight and king, but in fact, Morgan taught him how to extract magic and taught him some practical magic, and he is actually a magician.

It’s just that his talent in magic is not as good as his talent in knighthood, and the gap is very large.

That’s why he would have been developing as a knight under normal circumstances.

This time there is a [(epic) genius of alchemy], so let’s just see what will happen if you continue to develop as a magician and a king, and change all the previous mistakes.

Deduce, begin!

[You deal with official business for a while, and then you see a bird flying outside the window and in mid-air, and the bird poop falls on the head of Kai, a knight who is about to enter the castle, and you suddenly have some inspiration].

[When you wait for Morgan to arrive, you ask her for a lot of books on alchemy, and ask her to teach herself alchemy].

[(Genius of Alchemy, launched)].

[Morgan did not refuse to teach you alchemy, but she thought that this time would be the same as when she taught you magic before, so she advised you not to spend too much thought on magic before teaching you].

[As a result, the simple alchemy that Morgan showed you you can be learned once you see it, and you will soon be able to draw inferences].

[That’s when Morgan learns that your talent in alchemy may be even better than your talent in knighthood].

[You spent a week studying alchemy, and relying on your own knowledge to complete your initial inspiration, you made the first alchemical creation that truly belonged to you, the meteorite maker].

[A few weeks later, the Picts invaded Britain, and your arrangement was played, although the Picts caught the Celk Collar connected to them by surprise, but under your arrangement, the knights who had assembled early did not let the Serk Collar be destroyed by the Picts, and even stalemated with the Picts’ large army before you rushed to the battlefield].

[You rushed to the battlefield and easily repelled the Picts with the Meteorite Maker].

[King Arthur’s wisdom spread throughout Britain after this battle].


Roa was not surprised that his arrangement did not allow the Selk to be destroyed by the Picts, but according to his ideas, this battle would probably not be won easily.

After all, this time it is the large army of the Picts, and it is also the main force, if it is really so easy to deal with, then the Serk Territory will not be directly broken by the Pickts.

So he was very curious about the meteorite maker that could easily repel the Picts, and then continued to watch.

[Because he learned that Morgan was back, Merlin also returned to Camelot from the Southern Six and asked you about Morgan, and he quarreled with Morgan].

[You chose to stabilize the relationship between the two of them this time, but did not propose to reconcile them, but temporarily stabilized the matter this time, and then talked with the two of them for a long time, and even asked Artoria to help, and it took a long time for the two of them to at least not make trouble].

So that Morgan and Merlin at least don’t make a fuss… That’s pretty good.

After learning about the matter between Morgan and Merlin, Roa never forced the two of them to reconcile from the beginning, Merlin is an already annoying guy, and Morgan has a feud with Merlin….

Morgan can not take the initiative to deal with Merlin, this is the best outcome.

And to be able to keep the two of them from making a fuss, which is also a very good result.

So in addition to the previous meteorite maker, now Roa is also curious about how he achieved this result.


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