Roa had thought that waiting for the queen would be a protracted battle, and even one might not succeed, and perhaps he would have to learn a few more lessons from the simulation.

But it was actually much faster than he thought.

[You studied for more than ten days and felt that your original martial arts were a little too messy, so you spent several days integrating all the martial arts you had learned in the past, and gradually began to find a little way of your own].

[You stayed at the entrance of the Shadow Country for more than twenty days, and then you saw the queen of the Shadow Country appear].

[The other party did not talk to you directly after appearing, but took out his own two guns and made a move on you].

[You take out the sword in the stone and fight with the other party, your martial arts are completely suppressed by the other party, and your physical fitness is not as good as the other party, and you quickly fall into a disadvantage].

[(Martial arts wizard, launched)].

[In the process of fighting, you gradually learn something from the opponent’s movements, and then you casually take out a knight’s gun from the weapon rack].

[You have a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, and it is easier and easier to fight].

[The other party also discovered this, so after a fight swung you away, she stopped shooting, but took off the mask on her face and began to communicate with you].

[She obviously knows something about your situation, so her first sentence asks you what you came to her for].

[You directly said something about Voltigeng, and she refused].


Luo A had been just thinking about whether he could see the other party and tell the other party his purpose, but he didn’t expect the other party to refuse.

After all, this is the Queen of the Shadow Country, Skahah!

Her biggest purpose is to find an existence that can kill herself, and she will not be afraid to fight with the strong… Is it like this, after she learned of such a powerful existence as Votigen, she didn’t have the will to fight with the other party at all?

Roa was a little puzzled by this, and then he continued to read.

[As the queen of the country of shadows, herself the queen of the country of death, Skaha feels that the final and best destination for a warrior is death, but she herself will not die, so she has been chasing the road of death, looking for the existence that can kill herself].

[She is indeed not afraid to fight, but she will not strike at will].

[In her opinion, arbitrarily solving enemies that other heroes should solve is a denial of future heroes].

[For Skahah, who has the wisdom of the magic realm, she knows very well that solving Voltigon should have been a great cause that the king of Britain wants to achieve, so she has no intention of fighting Voltigon herself].

[However, although she can’t do it, she said that she will teach you the martial arts of the king of Britain, and then Futigeng will be killed by your own hands].

[But in exchange, you will be drawn into the Land of Shadows by her after you die, and then you need to fight her at that time and try to kill her].

[You accepted].

[There are Artoria and Morgan on Britain’s side, so except for a few of the work you have to do yourself, most of the work is left to the two of them].

[For the next period of time, you have been studying martial arts with Skaha at the entrance position of the Land of Shadows].

[(Martial arts wizard, launched)].

[Skaha has taught many students, and even among her students there are many famous heroes, but even so, she still said that your talent is the best she has ever seen, and said that if it is you, you may really be able to meet her expectations and succeed in teaching].

[After discovering your talent, Skaha has become more dedicated to your teaching].

[You quickly integrated your martial arts and learned all the martial arts on Skaha].

[You changed your offensive thinking and started to hold a gun with a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, so when Skaha thought you could go back and fight Votigen, she gave you a must-hit gun as usual].

[After you thanked Skaha from the bottom of your heart, you returned to Camelo].

[You did not immediately accept the allegiance of the Pierts, but first began to form the Knights of the Round Table].

[Lancelot challenges you and is defeated by you with a normal sword].

[The other knights also try to challenge you, but even if they do it together, they are not your opponents, and they can’t even force your sword in the stone, nor can they force you to take a gun].

[King Berinno, one of the twelve kings, also challenges you, but he does not choose to duel with your sword, but intends to duel with your gun].

Seeing the name King of Berlino again, Roa also raised an eyebrow.

He still knew the name King of Berinno.

This is the one who broke the sword in the stone.

When holding the gun, even Artoria could not beat him with a gun, fought him three times, and even lost the third time.

To say that in Britain during this period, the only person who could surpass him in gunsmithing was probably his son Lanmarok.

Ranmalok is one of the three strongest knights of the Order of the Round Table established by Artoria.

Without him, then the Knights of the Round Table may appear, the strongest knight is Lancelot, and then the only one who can match him is the case of his son Galahad.

Ranmalok was able to single-handedly defeat the combined forces of more than thirty knights.

His marksmanship was even hailed as unsurpassable and invincible at its peak.

It can be seen that the guns of King Berlino and his son are quite powerful.

But their gunsmithing compares to Skaha’s… That’s far from it.

You know, even if it is a disciple of Skahah, that is, the son of light in Ireland, his martial arts are considered to have reached the level of the Divine Domain, let alone Skaha himself, who personally taught this kind of disciple.

The self in the simulation can actually be recognized by Skaha, and such a thing as the broken sword in the stone will probably not happen again.

And that’s exactly what happened.

[King Berinno and you duel with guns, and lose worse than Lancelot].

[Then the other knights learned that what you were best at was gunfighting, and they were convinced by this, and then the Knights of the Round Table were officially established, and the strength of King Arthur spread among Britain].

[Because none of these knights have succeeded in seeing you fighting with a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, it is rumored that you are a knight who is better at using a gun than a sword].

[You didn’t explain it after you learned about it, but went directly to Merlin and confessed that you needed a useful gun that could defeat Voltigon].

Seeing this, a smile also appeared on Roa’s face.

Skaha has been contacted, then Holy Gun Lengominad, it is time to come too!


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