The situation in Britain today is actually very bad.

Although Rome had withdrawn its troops from Britain during this time and began to gradually fend for itself after the rise of the barbarians and the weakening of the empire, Rome had to face the barbarians, and Britain was no different.

Although the previous king Uther was called the ideal king, it is also true that his younger brother, the White Dragon of Britain, the humble king Votigen, was bent on destroying the British Isles.

The Saxon barbarians were attracted by Votigen, and were led by him.

Even King Uther’s campaign against Votigen, who led the Saxon barbarians, failed before he died, leaving the mess to the new king.

And in addition to the Votigens and the Saxon barbarians, Britain is now facing the southward movement of the Picts….

In terms of fighting against foreign enemies, although there is no Rome, it is also a belly enemy.

This is what Roa said to the knights at the sword drawing ceremony.

But these are foreign enemies.

In fact, the situation inside Britain is not good.

The problem involved here is also something Roa did not know before, but only after becoming the new king – that is, Britain is not a country, strictly speaking it should be a huge alliance.

After Rome retreated from Britain, more than a dozen kings appeared on the island of Britain….

King Uther is only the chosen lord of the alliance and is honored as the king, but in fact, he is only the alliance leader of the Great Alliance of the Thirteen Kings of Britain, and the strongest king of Camelot among the thirteen kings.

The other twelve were only cooperative with him with nominal subordinates.

So it’s good when he is there, he is gone, and the problem in this area may be bigger than the problem of foreign enemies!

But it’s not without good news.

The good news is that this is the type moon.

The British Isles are still in the mysterious age, the last remnants of the mysterious age, so it is inevitable that the mysterious existence must become the leader of the unity in the mysterious age.

Although the other twelve kings claimed to be kings, they were not individuals with special powers, so they were not qualified to be true kings in Britain, which led to Britain becoming what it is today.

Although it will not directly enter the group of heroes to fight for hegemony, the internal and external troubles are extremely huge.

As soon as he thought of this, Luo A subconsciously thought of himself.

– Is he actually an individual with special powers?

He hadn’t thought of this before, but after he learned about these things, he found that he could be recognized, which meant that he was actually an existence with special powers compared to the other twelve kings.

And the special power he holds….

Being able to refine magic means that he has at least the ability to become a magician… In this day and age, perhaps it should be called the potential of wizards.

If anything else….

“Could it be that I was born to understand the language of this land? Is this also a special ability? ”

Or – crosser benefits?

Anyway, Roa is completely incomprehensible to some of the things here.

And it is also difficult to change the mind from knight to king.

It took him a few days to come to terms with the fact that he had become the new king of Britain, as he learned about these things.

And he also succeeded in obtaining another thing at Merlin’s suggestion, that is, King Arthur.

Yes, he is now called King Arthur!


Thinking of this, Roa didn’t know how to tell Morgan about this for a while.

You know, he was an assassin sent by Morgan.

The target of the assassination is the new king.

As a result, he is now the new king himself… Morgan wouldn’t let him kill himself, would he?

It’s complicated.

“Wang, the advice I gave you yesterday, how did you think about it?”

While Roa was thinking about these things, a voice came in from outside the door, and just listening to this somewhat fluttering voice Roa knew who was coming.

“Merlin, I have seriously considered your suggestion, I think there is no problem with your suggestion, except for the old knights who originally announced their allegiance to me at the sword drawing ceremony, I really need to promote some younger knights.”

With Roa’s words, Merlin walked in through the door.

“I’m glad you seriously considered my proposal, I thought you would say that the new generation of knights are too young.”

Hearing Merlin say this, Roa shook his head slightly.

“To say young, I’m younger than many of the new generation of knights, aren’t I… Well, let’s not use these words to fight between us, so Merlin, since you made this proposal, then do you have anyone to recommend? ”

“Of course.”

Hearing Roa say this, Merlin smiled.

He had his own purpose early on, otherwise he would not have given this proposal.

“Among the new generation of knights, we can reach Camelot now, and I think that the son of Sir Ector, Kai, is a very good knight.”

Hearing Merlin’s recommendation, Roa nodded.

The name Kay he knew.

This man is Artoria’s righteous brother and the third seat of the Knights of the Round Table in the original work.

To be elected as a member of the Knights of the Round Table in the original work, his strength is naturally nothing to say, and he is a person… It’s a bit poisonous and a little, but it’s not a bad guy either.

And in comparison….

Thinking of this, Roa’s gaze fell on Merlin.

The old rascal in front of him is much worse than Kai.

And he will give such advice, and also recommend Kai, which is obviously after he accidentally pushed himself up after wanting to promote Artoria to become King Arthur.

Roa thought so, and Merlin did so.

“Ah, by the way, Wang, Sir Ector’s family actually has an adopted son, named Arthur, although he is only Kai’s attendant now, but his strength I can guarantee, if the king continues to cultivate some cronies, I think he can also be recommended.”

Speaking of this, Merlin also deliberately paused, as if thinking, and then spoke again.

“And… Although I have no doubts about the loyalty of Sir Ector, or Knight Kai, as a king, even trusting his subordinates requires some bonds. I heard that Knight Kay has a good relationship with this Arthur, so promoting this Arthur can further win over Sir Ektor and Knight Kai. ”

Merlin had a good point.

Roa’s side nodded.

But just when Merlin was about to elect Artoria to become a knight temporarily as Arthur, and then carry out follow-up plans, Roa looked like he trusted Merlin very much and directly issued the appointment.

“Since Merlin has said so to the wise men recognized by you, the king, so be it—first leave the job of patrolling Camelot and managing Camelot’s entry and exit to Knight Kai, as for that Arthur… It’s still a little unconvincing to go straight from the knight’s attendant and delegate a heavy responsibility, so let this Arthur be my personal guard. ”

“Anyway, after a while, I estimate that there will be some things on the side of the Twelve Kings, and for the time being, we are not enough people, maybe I will go to the battlefield soon, so that Arthur can follow me and let him better show his ability.”

Roa’s statement is equally well-founded.

And he looks very good for Merlin and subordinates.

But Merlin was a little speechless for a while.

After all, it was Arthur, but it was actually Artoria… She’s a woman pretending to be a man!

A personal guard dressed as a man… Pretty good at playing!?

Merlin, the old rascal, subconsciously thought of a lot of messy things in his mind, but he didn’t say anything more.

First, what Roa said is indeed reasonable.

Second, as an auxiliary official, he could only advise the king.

And Roa was also known as the Knight of the Morning Light before he became king, and there were never any bad rumors… In that case, it’s okay!

Although it was different from what Merlin thought at first, after deliberating for a while, Merlin nodded and agreed.

Roa, on the other hand, watched him leave from his study after giving the appointment to Merlin, gradually putting away the smile on his face.

He had sorted out a lot of Britain’s current internal and external troubles before, and now, he silently added Merlin’s name to his internal troubles.

Although Camelot became able to isolate all spells because of King Uther’s arrangement after the wizard massacre, so Merlin could not directly see through the situation inside Camelot with his clairvoyance with a map full opening effect, but this old rogue could not ignore it at all.

It can be seen that he is still supporting Artoria.

So is this a plan to directly kill himself, or is he only supporting Artoria for his and King Uther’s arrangement against Votigen?

The thought of this made Roa have a headache.

He is not good at playing with these power tricks.

So as soon as he thought of these things, Luo A also sighed secretly in his heart.

Eh, if only I had the kind of clairvoyance that could see through and the future.

Luo A had a headache thinking about these things, so after thinking about it for a long time, he finally didn’t think about it at all for the time being, and directly joked in his heart.

But at this moment, a voice sounded directly in his mind like a computer turned on.


[Pull out the sword in the stone… Conditions met].

[Become King Arthur… Conditions met].

[Approved by the original King Arthur… Conditions met].

[Let the original King Arthur become his knight… Conditions met].

【All conditions met】

【Life simulation system… Activate].


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