“Do you want me to take in the nobles who come to me if I have the opportunity?”

In the extremely cold land, the huge white dragon bowed its head to the young king in front of him, not caring that the young man in front of him was his chosen heir before, and now he was his nominal biggest enemy.

Because King Arthur or Star Player, those identities no longer mean anything today.

In Voltigeng’s view, the Roa in front of him had only one identity.

That’s the island, that’s Britain!

It’s not the thief who uses the power of the island with Uther or Morgan, but the true will of the island!

He is the king of Britain, and rightfully so.

Because he is Britain!

Facing Votigen’s eager eyes, Roa was also a little used to this, so he directly answered Votigen’s question.

“Yes, wait a minute when you turn into a human form and follow me in full armor, and then you leave an avatar here—if there are nobles from the southern six-collar to join you, then you will leave these people behind and accept their surrender.”

Roa himself is not good at scheming.

But he had already seen the whole thing in the simulation.

These things here were not handled by him in the first place, but by Morgan, and the method he used now was an upgraded version of the method that Morgan had used to deal with these nobles in the southern six collars.

After all, even if Morgan has a good brain, he has a relationship with the fairy in the lake, and he has the power of the island… But she still couldn’t get Voltigon to match her plan.

But Roa is different.

Roa took the general idea of Morgan’s plan to deal with the southern six-collar nobles, and then arranged it a little on Voltigon’s side, and did not need to be much good at scheming and wisdom, and the result was already obvious.

It’s like he’s playing cards with someone with a southern six-collar.

Then this card not only requires the southern six-collar person to clear the card, the dealer is still his own person, and then he also put another deck of cards at hand and wants what cards to take from this side at any time, and even outside the court there are their own people with guns to the opponent’s head, and fence the hands around.

If you can still lose to the other party in this situation, then it is not a problem of not being good at power schemes, but simply a little mentally retarded.

“Well, I see.”

Votigeng had no doubts about Roa’s orders at all.

But it has some doubts about its own abilities.

“That… What you said is naturally no problem, but I don’t have the ability to be separated, so…”

Voltigon said it here, and then it stopped talking.

It is very clear that since the island is arranged in this way, it means that the island must have its own ideas.

It just needs to properly state the problem, as for the island did not think of this?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

If things really go wrong, then you will definitely be wrong, and the island cannot be wrong!

Roa didn’t know that Voltigon had thought of all the excuses for his mistakes in his heart, but he really had other plans in this matter.

“Don’t worry, I have thought about it. You sleep first, I’m going to find someone in your dreams, you don’t really have the ability to make avatars, but she does. ”

“I see.”

Voltigon was not surprised that Roa had already made arrangements, and even took it for granted.

There was no resistance or hesitation at all for Roa to let him sleep in front of him, and he was not afraid that Roa would kill himself while he was sleeping… Or the moment it confirms that Roa is the island, even if Roa lets it commit suicide, it will do it without hesitation!

This is Votigen’s loyalty and love for the island!

At Roa’s orders, Voltigon soon fell asleep on the ground.

Roa looked at such Voltigeng’s eyes shimmered directly.

Before getting the label of British will, Roa did not have the ability to get into other people’s dreams, but after getting this label, he could do more things at once.

Without Voltigeng’s own resistance, Roa directly entered its dream.

Votigen’s dream is very simple, it is the British Isles, very ancient, very mysterious and very large British Islands.

Before Roa was actually a little curious about how he found Meili in the simulation.

After all, although he can now get into Voltigeng’s dream, if he wants to find the hidden Meili from Voltigeng’s dream, it is not an easy task.

But now he knows.

Because there was only one island of Britain in Voltigon’s dream.

And as the will of the island that Voltigon knows, even if he comes to Voltigeng’s dream, he is still the will of Britain.

Under such circumstances, he wanted to find Meili on the British Isle – easily.

Roa only concentrated his mind a little, and he disappeared from the same place.

By the time he reappeared, he had come to the edge of a stream in the woods, and beside the stream, a small white beast seemed to be a little afraid of itself, and after learning that it had been found, it hid behind the stone, staring at itself with those pitiful eyes.

If he hadn’t known that this was Meili, Roa would have been deceived.

But knowing it is different.

He walked directly to Meili’s side, then grabbed the back of her neck, and then lifted her directly.

“Merlin… Forget it, I still can’t connect you with that old liar, I’ll just call you Meili – Meili, don’t pretend, I need your help, and you need my help, don’t you? ”

Hearing Luo A say this, the little beast looked around a little helplessly.

It wasn’t until it saw Roa’s eyes, saw Roa’s eyes without any hesitation and doubt, and some were just affirmations that seemed to see everything, that she finally let go of her disguise.

Then, in the light that seemed to be pure white and seemed to be colorful, the little beast that Luo mentioned became the appearance of Meili.

Meili is definitely larger than the little beast just now, but her body size is also petite among humans, although she has changed back this time, she is still in Roati’s hands, and even the position where she is caught is still the same back of her neck.

Although in the twist, she gets a little love for King Arthur from the sandbar love song so that she does not hate this look, but the fact that someone grabs the back of the neck is still unacceptable to her.

So after she twisted a few times and confirmed that she couldn’t break free, she looked at Luo A expressionlessly and spoke directly.

“… Although I don’t know why you know of my existence, can you put me down and talk? ”

“Of course.”

Roa smiled and lowered Melly to the ground.

After all, he also had to tell Meili about the situation here.

I just hope not to scare her~


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