The first underground battle!

“Damn it!”

The sudden tremor of the ground caused many people to fall directly to the ground. Dagu stabilized his body easily, but seeing the dorsal fin that broke through the ground and appeared in the commercial square like a wall, his heart arose. A bad feeling!

Sure enough, the moment the tremor stopped, the dorsal fin, which was more than ten meters high, suddenly moved. It rushed towards Dagu, and a broken bulge rose from the ground!

“Aiming at me?”

Dagu was a little puzzled, but since the other party came after him, it would be great!He took out the victory Haipa gun and aimed at the dorsal fin and fired two bursts. After attracting the attention of the dorsal fin, Dagu rushed towards the direction of no one.

Even if you want to fight, at least fight in an open place that won’t cause any casualties!

When rushing all the way to an unfinished unfinished building construction site, Dagu stopped. There are not many people here, and they can fight now!

The dorsal fin was already constantly sprinting towards him, like a shark that smelled blood, and it would not let it go if it bit it!


Dagu took out his divine light stick, and transformed into Dijia without hesitation.

After Dagu’s transformation, the monster hidden underground finally revealed its true face!

An extremely large shark!

“A shark that can swim on the surface?”

Dagu was a little stunned. He hadn’t noticed anything special about the shark in front of him, and thought it was just a mutated giant shark.


After posing in a fighting stance, Dagu rushed towards Guyozak. What he didn’t realize was that on the top of the building in the distance, two men were watching his battle.

“Do you think he will win?”

There was a sneer at the corner of Masaki Keigo’s mouth. He was holding a rather high-end camera in his hand. At this moment, he was admiring the moment when Dagu raised the divine light wand!

The one standing next to Masaki Keigo was none other than Mufu Kirino!

“What do you think?”

Regarding Masaki Keigo’s question, Kirino Mufu just pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose very indifferently.

Although I don’t know Gaizak well, with Dagu’s current strength, it is impossible for a small man-made war weapon to pose too much threat to him.

“Looking at your expression, it seems that you don’t have any confidence in me? Don’t worry, Geozak’s ability is not as simple as you think.”

Masaki Keigo found a bottle of red wine out of nowhere, poured some for Mufu Kirino, and then poured himself a glass.

Although Kirino Mufu’s expression seemed to be mocking his masterpiece, Masaki Keigo was not angry!

Because, the stronger Tiga is, the happier he is!

After all, as long as he can take away the Divine Light Rod in Dagu’s hand, Masaki Keigo is absolutely sure to make himself a more powerful Giant of Light!

At that time, a Gaiozark will be nothing more than a toy that can be kicked away.

Mufu Kirino didn’t take the red wine that Masaki Keigo handed over, he just gave Masaki Keigo a very indifferent look.

“I’ve done what I promised you. I hope you don’t forget what you promised me.”

After saying this, Mufu Kirino left.

Masaki Keigo looked at the back of Kirino Mufu leaving, and the smile on his face was restrained by him.

In order to accurately locate Dako’s position and state, Masaki Keigo found the reclusive Kirino Makio, and seduced him with a reason that Kirino Makio could not refuse.

With the help of Kirino Mufu’s spiritual power, Masaki Keigo easily separated the three of Lina from Dagu.

Even though they knew something was wrong with Dagu, Lina and Qianxue subconsciously failed to catch up with Dagu. This was precisely because of the mental interference of Mufu Kirino!

The reason why Qianxue’s incomplete fantasy fragments came to mind was also affected by this spiritual force.

Shimizu Mo felt this mental power, but he didn’t reject it, because he wanted to know what Mufu Kirino wanted to do.

“As long as you get that thing, it won’t be a problem even if you evolve with me!”

As a person who also possesses ultra-ancient optogenetic factors, Masaki Keigo still has a good impression of Kirino Mufu. After all, this is a strong support that can be drawn.

And what he promised Kirino Mufu was that as long as his experiment is successful, he must help Kirino Mufu also transform into a giant of light!

Now, Masaki Keigo has a giant stone statue and a monster stone statue in his hands. At that time, as long as the monster stone statue is smashed and reshaped into a giant stone statue, he can become a god together with Kirino Mufu and lead the evolution of mankind!

“Let me take a look, what method will you use to get rid of Guyozak!”

Even Masaki Keigo has no confidence in his masterpiece.

He knew that Gaiozark would definitely be destroyed by Tiga, but what kind of damage it could cause to Tiga, this is what Keigo Masaki focused on!

After all, in his research, even if Dagu transformed into Dijia, he still used Dagu’s own physical fitness.

As long as Dijia is seriously injured, Dagu’s physique will naturally be reduced to a point where he can easily defeat him, and it will be easy to snatch the Divine Light Rod by then!

On the battlefield, Gaiozark launched a fierce attack on Dagu with his steel body. Unlike the gentle underground wandering before, Gaiozark is extremely aggressive now!

After all, what Keigo Masaki wanted to do was to lead the evolution of mankind, not to eliminate mankind, so not only Dako wanted to evacuate those tourists, Keigo Masaki also carefully controlled Gaiozark to avoid casualties.

Because as a mechanical weapon, Gaiozark is not afraid of pain, which made Dagu fall into a bitter fight.

When Dagu found out that Gaiozark was just a mechanical weapon, he didn’t show any mercy!

A violent hand knife easily cut off Gaiozak’s head and feet, and Dagu transformed into a red and strong type, riding directly on theCovered Ozark’s body, and very roughly covered the dorsal fin on Ozark’s back!

“Go underground, Guyozak!”

Masaki Keigo’s pupils shrank. If Dijia was allowed to eliminate Gaiozark so easily, then the possibility of him wanting to snatch the divine light stick would be much lower!

Gayozak’s main battlefield is actually underground. Even without the sharp horns on its head, its combat power underground is much stronger than that on the ground!

After receiving Masaki Keigo’s order, Guy Ozark plunged directly into the ground, and Dagu was also taken by Guy Ozark into a dark and narrow space where he couldn’t see his fingers!

Here, it seems to be the trajectory of Gai Ozark’s previous actions.

Dagu sensed that if he wanted to stand up, he had to bend his body at a 100-degree angle, otherwise his head would be stuck in the mud!

“Underground battle? It looks like it will be a tough battle!”

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