People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 101 Zhao Wuji pressed his face to his face, and Yu Xiaogang almost became angry and vomited

【Ding! 】

[Sacrifice successful! 】

[All seven members of the Mad Sentai team were sacrificed successfully, and the hidden mission was completed! 】

[Reward: Five thousand sacrifice points, now distributed to the system warehouse! 】

The moment he sacrificed the Spider Girl Soul Master, the system's voice emerged in Huo Feng's mind.

A smile appeared at the corner of Huo Feng's mouth.

The sacrifice points have arrived.


Under the surprised eyes of the audience, the last member of the Mad Fighting Team also fell on the Soul Fighting Stage.

The spider female soul master was already injured by Huo Feng's light wings, and now she was sacrificed again.

Her body could no longer bear it, and she fainted.

The spirit fighting arena suddenly became strangely quiet.

Not only were the audience not shouting, but the host was not in a hurry to announce the result of the team battle.

Ten seconds passed, and Director Ao's voice suddenly echoed in the spirit fighting arena.

"No one in the Mad Battle Team can stand on the Soul Fighting Stage again within ten seconds!"

"Now I declare that the Shrek Seven Monsters will win this team battle!"

"Team Madness's seven-game winning streak has been ended!"

"The legend belonging to Team Shrek is coming!"

Following Manager Ao's announcement, everyone in the audience finally couldn't restrain themselves, and cheers and cheers instantly broke out!


"Shrek is awesome!"

"Captain Shrek, you are my god!"

"I'm going to give you a monkey!"

Sounds that were getting more and more outrageous resounded throughout the spirit fighting arena.

Huo Feng walked off the Soul Fighting Stage with some embarrassment.

What kind of words are these?

Can't you be more reserved in public?

"You should be the captain of Team Shrek, right?"

As soon as he stepped off the soul fighting stage, Manager Ao came up to him.

Now he has a kind smile on his face, and he no longer has the contempt for them before.

This Shrek team really exceeded his expectations.

The other team members are okay, especially their captain.

Not only is his acting style extremely unique, but his strength is also unique.

"I am."

Huo Feng nodded and said nothing else.

An old fox like this in the spirit fighting arena has always been mercenary.

He didn't want to have anything to do with such people.

"If I said something wrong before, please don't mind."

Huo Feng couldn't help but be a little surprised by Director Ao's sincere attitude.

But he didn't say much, just waved his hand casually, and then responded,

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter."

After saying that, Huo Feng left directly.

Not only was Manager Ao not disappointed, he smiled and nodded.

The character of a genius is often unpredictable.

In his opinion, this is the captain of the Shrek team.

"You guys, go and drag those people off the soul fighting stage. The next soul fighting is about to begin."

Seeing that several members of the Mad Battle Team were still unconscious on the Soul Fighting Platform, Director Ao quickly called for people to drag them all down.

The backlash from the fanaticism effect, coupled with the fact that they were all sacrificed by Huo Feng.

The current state can be said to be quite bad.

Nothing will happen to Xiao Ming'er.

But I have to stay in bed for at least ten and a half days.

"Director Ao, these people in the Mad Battle Team are all seriously injured. They probably won't wake up for a while. Where should they be thrown?"

Director Ao glanced at the members of the Kuang Sentai, all of whom were seriously injured, and strengthened his thoughts just now.

He waved his hands casually and talked as he walked.

"Just throw them in the lounge. Whether they are dead or alive has nothing to do with us."

After speaking, Manager Ao left without looking back.

On the other side, when Huo Feng walked to the resting place of Team Shrek, Xiao Wu rushed towards him.

"Huo Feng, you are so handsome."

Without any mental preparation in advance, Xiao Wu hugged Huo Feng directly.

Perhaps influenced by her own soul skills, the former's slender body wrapped around Huo Feng's body like an octopus.

Her legs were wrapped around Huo Feng's waist, her arms were around his neck, and her pretty face was flushed with excitement.

Damn it, what are you doing?

Huo Feng was stunned.

It's not good to do it in public, it has a lot of influence.

This is what Xiao Wu, a hundred thousand year old monster, can do.

A girl like Ning Rongrong, whose physical and mental age is similar, no matter how outrageous her thoughts are, she definitely doesn't dare to act out.

Not to mention Zhu Zhuqing.

With her character, it's even more impossible.

Seeing such a weird scene, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but feel a little feverish on her face. She was even redder than Xiao Wu's face.

"Xiao Wu, come down quickly, there are so many people!"

The three men next to him immediately turned away.

"Cough cough cough"

Hearing Ning Rongrong's voice, Xiao Wu realized that her actions were really indecent.

She immediately coughed to cover up her embarrassment.

Fortunately, they don't have many viewers here to see it.

"I'm sorry Huo Feng, I'm just too excited!"

"Xiao Wu is right, Huo Feng, you are indeed so handsome!"

Ning Rongrong also quickly added.

Her eyes quietly fell on Xiao Wu's pretty red face, and she felt a hint of envy in her heart.

But if you ask her if she dared to go up and hug Huo Feng just now.

Ning Rongrong definitely didn't care.

Not to mention such an intimate hug.

"He is very handsome!"

Zhu Zhuqing also said something.

Three short words that still fit her character.

Seeing more and more spectators discovering their location, one after another gazes were cast towards the place where Team Shrek rested.

Someone even walked towards them.

Huo Feng made a prompt decision and led everyone out of the Soul Division Arena.

"Hahahaha, Huo Feng is so good!"

"How about you, Dean, who has a good vision? In my opinion, Huo Feng can be trained as the core of the Shrek team!"

"Unlike some soul masters who are restless in their cultivation and think about crooked ways all day long, Huo Feng truly deserves the title!"

In the corner of the auditorium.

Zhao Wuji opened his mouth directly in front of Yu Xiaogang.

The latter now has black lines all over his face!

He originally thought that after the Shrek team lost the team battle spirit, he could successfully take over it.

Thus began to slowly train Tang San.

Who would have thought that this kid Huo Feng was so perverted that he would directly turn the tide and beat six of them.

Now, Tang San might not be able to enter the starting lineup for a long time.

The corners of Yu Xiaogang's mouth twitched involuntarily.

He was really getting angrier now as he thought about it, and was stimulated by what Zhao Wuji had just said.

A mouthful of old blood almost spurted out.

He stood up from his seat stiffly.

Pretend to be calm to show that you are not affected by anything anyone says.

Then he slipped away without looking back.

Zhao Wuji on the side curled his lips.


It seems that this master’s mental endurance is not good either!

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