

When did labor and management promise to contribute money together with you two?

Yu Xiaogang is simply stupid.

He had no mental preparation at all, and Flanders took him with him.

And it’s also about money.

Reward everyone?

Tang San frowned, his face full of confusion.

What Dean Friend said just now, it seems that the teacher also paid for it.

But due to my poor performance today, I had no shame in attending Shrek Academy’s celebration banquet!

What he was confused about was how Yu Xiaogang would agree to pay for such a thing.

Doesn't the teacher know that it will be very embarrassing for him to attend the college party?

Of course, Tang San only dared to think about it in his mind. There were so many people around, and it was impossible for him to raise any objections.

In fact, he really wrongly blamed Yu Xiaogang this time.

The latter was no longer a thing, but he still had some feelings for his disciple Tang San.

Let Tang San, who just lost the game, go to Shrek Academy's celebration banquet.

Wouldn't that be pure clown behavior?

Yu Xiaogang's name was entirely added to the former by Flanders on the spur of the moment.

After all, the dean of Shrek Academy is notoriously stingy.

Flanders felt uncomfortable when he thought that Yu Xiaogang and Tang San would have to eat and drink for free in the academy.

After finally seizing such an opportunity, of course he wanted to make Yu Xiaogang bleed.

Although the latter didn't know about it before, it's not too late to tell him now.

Flanders thought the time he had chosen was perfect.

With so many people present, it must be impossible for him, a great master, to lose face just because of a few gold soul coins, right?

Don't tell me, Yu Xiaogang's little psychology is very easy for Flanders to control.

Although he was extremely reluctant, he didn't say a word.

Immediately afterwards, Flanders spoke again,

"I don't know if everyone is willing to participate in our Shrek Academy's event tonight. The choice is yours."

"It's up to you to decide whether you want to go or not. This is a free activity and I don't make any strict requirements."

After saying that, Flanders glanced at Tang San and Yu Xiaogang, master and disciple, very casually.

According to his judgment, among all the people present, they were the only two who didn't want to go.

For others, this is indeed a serious celebration party.

But it was Tang San and Yu Xiaogang's turn.

Then it would not be a celebration banquet, but a torture banquet.

While eating, everyone will inevitably talk about the details of today’s spirit fight.

By then we have had three drinks.

It was unclear whether he could still keep silent about Tang San's "brilliant achievements" like he did now.

But the final decision-making power of their master and apprentice obviously lies with Yu Xiaogang.

Tang San's idea didn't even have any reference function.

He can only think about it in his heart.

Therefore, Flender wanted to see how Yu Xiaogang would choose.

Did you put down your dignity and choose to go with Tang San?

Still holding on to his words.

But no matter which one it is, Yu Xiaogang will definitely not be able to escape the amount of money he should pay.

"Of course you go, Dean!"

Ma Hongjun answered directly without thinking.

As Flanders's disciple, he naturally wanted to be the first to respond.

And Ma Hongjun didn't eat well all day today.

Originally, he planned to have a feast when he came back.

Now that the dean wants to treat him, he is naturally very happy.

"Dean, let's go too!"

Dai Mubai and Oscar looked at each other, then nodded.

They still have to give the dean the face.

And this is for free!

After all, who doesn’t like free sex?

Letting the penniless dean Flanders treat guests to dinner was something they had never dared to think about before.

Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing gathered around and whispered a few words.

Then the three of them set their sights on Huo Feng together.

Full of expectations

Naturally, they wanted to join in the excitement.

But if Huo Feng doesn't go, there will only be Dean, them and Dai Mubai.

forget about it

Huo Feng was stunned for a moment, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Why does he feel like these three girls are entangled with him?

No matter what you do, you must follow yourself.

Huo Feng shook his head gently and looked at Dean Flanders with a smile.

"Dean, the four of us are going too."

After saying this, only Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were left in the room who had not yet spoken.

According to Tang San's own thoughts, he didn't want to go at all.

There are probably two reasons for this:

The first one said that he always felt a little inappropriate sitting with other Shrek students.

Although no one would take the initiative to say anything, Tang San always felt very awkward in his heart.

The second reason is that he is still very unwell and is not suitable for going out for dinner and drinking.

The others will have a rest tomorrow, and those who ride horses will have to go to the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena to participate in one-on-one competition.

If the state is not good, you lose again.

That's really shameless.

But the choice in this matter does not lie with Tang San himself.

And it's in Yu Xiaogang's hands.

If the latter asked him to go, he would have no choice but to go.

But Tang San believed that the teacher's thoughts were similar to his own.

"Since everyone has gone, then Tang San and I will naturally arrive too."

However, before Tang San had finished thinking, Yu Xiaogang had already opened his mouth to answer for him.

He was completely stunned, and he couldn't help feeling a little depressed and disappointed.

The teacher actually chose to agree.

In this case, there is no other choice.

But Tang San had already made a decision in his heart, it was okay to eat or something.

But if it's drinking or something, he won't participate.

Just don't affect tomorrow's fighting spirit.

What Yu Xiaogang thought was actually very simple.

According to what he thought, it was just taking Tang San to have a simple meal.

And because of his own reasons, he and Tang San almost escaped to death before.

The stomachs of the two of them can be said to be empty now.

It's just a good time to have something to replenish.

Of course, there is another main reason, and that is Yu Xiaogang's money.

Don’t pay to go out to eat?

Wouldn’t that be a waste!

Therefore, not only is he going, but he is also ready to get his share of the money back.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, let's proceed as planned."

"Everyone go back and tidy up briefly. Meet below the hotel in a quarter of an hour. I will be waiting for you at the door of the hotel!"

Everyone nodded, and then they went back to their rooms to clean up briefly.

A quarter of an hour later, Flanders very skillfully led everyone to a restaurant in Soto City.

Seeing the former come in, the waiter in the store immediately greeted him.

Obviously knew him.

The waiter looked at the people behind Flanders, feeling a little confused.

Although this boss comes a lot, he usually brings one or two people with him.

Why are there so many people this time?

"Boss, what standards are you preparing for today?"

"I'll arrange it for you directly!"

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