The old man in the middle of the three old men laughed and strode forward to greet them.

He directly pulled Flanders' hand on his shoulder.

"You're welcome, Dean Flanders. I've admired your name for a long time. I really admire your name for a long time!"

"With the personal guidance of teachers from Shrek Academy, our academy will flourish."

"I am the chief of the Academic Affairs Council, Meng Shenji!"

"Martial spirit black demon, control type eighty-sixth level eight-ring fighting spirit Douluo."

"Let me introduce you."

Meng Shenji is of medium build and very thin.

The whole person looked like he didn't have much flesh on his body.

When he spoke, his voice sounded a little spooky.

But it's not unpleasant and gives people a very friendly feeling.

His beard and hair are all white. Although he is thin, his spirit is extremely strong and his face is red.

As he spoke, Mengshenji pointed at the old man on his left,

"This is the second chair of the college's education committee, Baibaoshan Contra."

"Martial Spirit Tianxing Furnace, defense system eighty-five level eight-ring fighting spirit Douluo."

Bai Baoshan's body shape is exactly the opposite of Meng Shenji's. He is not tall but extremely fat.

The standard height is four feet, and the waist circumference is also four feet.

There is always a gentle smile on his face, and the fat on his face trembles with his smile.

After hearing Mengshenji introduce himself, he smiled and nodded towards Flanders.

Then the Meng Shenji pointed at the last old man,

"This is the third seat of the Education Committee, Zhilin Contra."

"Martial spirit Tian Qingteng, control type eighty-third level eight-ring weapon spirit Douluo."

Zhilin, among the three senior officials of the Education Committee, seems to be the most normal one.

The appearance is also very ordinary.

Only the bright eyes occasionally revealed between opening and closing the eyes will give people a somewhat special feeling.

Although Flanders already knew that they were all Contra level experts above level 80.

But when Mengshenji was introduced, the feeling was still full of shock.

Especially among these three Contras, there are actually two control-type Contras.

Everyone in the soul master world knows that the attacks of the power attack system are indeed fierce.

The controllable system is the most difficult to deal with and the opponent least willing to face.

Unless they are restrained, it will be difficult for a soul master of the same level to defeat the control system in a one-on-one situation.

Of course, there are inevitably some surprises.

Just like Tang San.

He is also a control soul master.

It can be said that it has been ruined to a certain extent.

It really disgraced the control soul master.

The main reason is that Bluesilver Grass really has no fighting power.

Immediately afterwards, Flender also hurriedly introduced several teachers from Shrek Academy.

As for Shrek's seven students, he didn't say much.

But Flanders discovered that these three high-level officials of the Education Committee seemed to be more interested in the Shrek Seven Devils than they were.

Meng Shenji showed a kind smile,

"You're welcome."

"When you get here, it's like arriving at your own home. Please come inside!"

The Education Committee is not as luxurious as imagined.

On the contrary, the interior of the place where these three Contras work and live is very simple.

There are only necessary furnishings and some simple green plants for decoration.

Everyone was seated separately.

Because there were not many chairs in the Education Committee, the Shrek students could only stand behind Flanders and other teachers.

At this time, everyone's eyes were somewhat excited.

After all, there were three Contra-level experts sitting in front of them.

In the entire soul master world, soul masters who can cultivate to this level are absolutely rare.

And all of them possess great power.

Even if it cannot destroy the heaven and earth, it can definitely control thousands of armies with ease.

Meng Shenji asked the servant to bring tea and snacks.

Then he glanced at the seven Shrek students standing there and said with a smile:

"I heard from Qin Ming that these children defeated the Imperial Fighting Team of our academy."

"It really surprises me. Shrek Academy is indeed a place where monsters gather."

"Qin Ming's achievements have greatly surprised me. I didn't expect that your institute would produce so many outstanding talents."

Flanders smiled bitterly,

"Shrek Academy no longer exists."

Mengshenji shook his head seriously:

"No, look at these kids behind you."

"Their achievements in the future will also be the achievements of previous graduates of Shrek Academy."

"Rong Guangdu always belongs to Shrek Academy!"

"Qin Ming has made it very clear to us."

"It is our honor for you all to come to our institute this time."

"Unless you are willing, the college will never assign any teaching tasks to you."

"Here, everything is free for you."

"If you need anything, feel free to ask, as long as it's within my authority."

After all, Flanders is also a strong man in his seventies.

Naturally, we can see the sincerity shown by these three Contras.

That is absolutely not a lie.

This shows how hungry they are for talent.

Without even any temptation, he chose to trust Qin Ming completely.

Standing beside the three seats of the Education Committee, Zhilin Contra suddenly asked:

"I heard from Teacher Qin that among the students in your academy there is a particularly outstanding genius soul master.

"I wonder who it is?"

Flanders smiled lightly, but did not deny that Huo Feng was a genius:

"Huo Feng!"

Hearing Flanders calling him, Huo Feng walked out of the Shrek Seven.

Then he simply saluted the three Contras,

"Hello, three teachers."

Zhilin smiled slightly, and the air around his body suddenly became slightly distorted.

No one else felt anything.

But Huo Feng clearly found that the air around his body seemed to have solidified.

Huge soul power waves surged forward, and his body was completely unable to move.

He frowned and thought to himself,

"What does this old man want to do?"

But Huo Feng soon understood that the other party seemed to be testing his strength.

He released every trace of his soul power to resist the invading forces.

At this time, everyone in Shrek Academy also saw what Zhilin Contra was doing.

But no one said anything.

Zhilin's test of Huo Feng's strength was like an entrance exam.

Flanders wished he had done so.

Might as well let the senior officials of Tiandou Royal Academy take a look.

How powerful is the captain of Team Shrek who defeated the Imperial Team!


Zhilin's originally peaceful eyes gradually turned into surprise.

Then his pupils suddenly contracted twice.

Because he discovered that Huo Feng's soul power seemed to have exceeded level 40!

Looking at it this way, Team Royal Dou’s loss was not unjust at all.

At the same time, it was enough to prove that Qin Ming's praise of him was not flattery.

But it is truly powerful.

At the same time, Tang San, who was hundreds of kilometers away, was kicked out of a restaurant while cursing.

This is already the third hotel to be evicted.

For a moment, Yu Xiaogang actually felt that Tang San was a bit useless.

If you can’t even order food, what’s the point?

"Tang San, go to the next house!"

"Remember to state my name this time!"


A minute later, Tang San was kicked out directly.

I saw the boss with a ferocious look on his face.

"What master? I've never heard of it!"

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