People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 169 Yu Xiaogang’s critical use of Flender’s rice

He obviously still couldn't live with it in terms of face.

But my stomach couldn't hold on any longer.

After all, physiology defeats psychology.

Yu Xiaogang still gave in to the food brought back by Flanders.

When Tang San brought a large bowl in front of him.

Yu Xiaogang just pretended to shirk it twice.

I just couldn't bear it anymore.

Then he just gobbled it up.

Despite this, Yu Xiaogang still found a reason in his heart.

Only by eating well and nourishing the body can we continue to cultivate Tang San.

He only used the rice brought back by Flanders critically.

Seven days passed quickly.

Since that day, Flanders never brought food to Yu Xiaogang and Tang San again.

Fortunately, Tiandou Royal Academy has strong assets and rich financial resources.

Ordinary meals in the college cafeteria are free of charge.

Only then did Tang San and Yu Xiaogang starve to death.

Today is the day scheduled to compete with the Royal Dou Team.

Although Tang San was a substitute, he could still be considered a member of Team Shrek.

So after getting Yu Xiaogang's consent, he also went to the duel field with others.

The duel field of Tiandou Royal Academy is very majestic.

It can even be comparable to the size of some spirit battle arenas.

At this time, all eight members of the Shrek team and seven members of the Royal Dou team arrived at the duel field.

Flanders, Zhao Wuji, and Qin Ming were all there.

The surrounding auditorium was filled with students from Tiandou Royal Academy.

As early as three days ago, the students spread the news.

So many people came here after hearing the news.

They had long heard that this Shrek team member was very powerful.

But I've never seen them actually take action.

On the contrary, most people have seen the strength of the Royal Dou Team with their own eyes.

Therefore, a considerable number of people do not believe it.

A team that was not a noble came to their Tiandou Royal Academy.

And enjoy such good treatment.

So today is not just about watching a competition.

At the same time, we also want to see if Team Shrek is really worthy of its name.

There are a total of fifteen people in both teams.

Except for one auxiliary soul master from the Royal Dou Team and two auxiliary soul masters from the Shrek Team.

That leaves twelve people who need to draw lots for a one-on-one battle.

As for one-on-one opponents, they must be drawn from the opposing team.

And the soul power must be at the same level.

At this time, the soul power of Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan on the Imperial Fighting Team had reached level 40.

On the Shrek team, only Huo Feng and Dai Mubai had soul powers that reached level 40.

Therefore, the four of them did not need to draw lots.

Two one-on-one games, just play one game each.

Therefore, the one-on-one draw will directly result in ten people remaining.

They are all soul masters whose soul power exceeds level 30.

After briefly explaining the rules of the competition, Qin Ming started the first round of drawing lots.

"The first one-on-one battle!"

"Emperor Sentai Graphite!"

"Battle against Team Shrek"

"Tang San!"

"Both parties please come to the duel stage!"

After hearing the result of the draw, Shi Mo went to the duel stage without hesitation.

But Tang San obviously didn't react.

Still stunned in the audience.

After Qin Ming called his name again.

Only then did he finally step onto the duel stage.

Tang San was obviously not prepared.

He didn't expect that he would be the first.

Now the whole person is still in a state of confusion.


The next second, Graphite let out a loud roar and directly released his soul ring.

Two yellow and one purple, three soul rings coiled around his body from bottom to top.

Because their bodies have swelled a lot since their martial souls produced tortoise shells.

Therefore, the soul ring coiled around the body seemed to be somewhat deformed.

Before releasing his martial spirit, Mo Mo took off his shirt first.

Exposing solid muscles as solid as granite.

It immediately attracted the attention of some students in the surrounding stands.

With the release of his martial spirit, his shoulders slowly moved forward.

The whole back was half-bowed, and the earthy-yellow light condensed from all the soul power was condensed towards their backs.

Then a huge dark yellow tortoise shell formed.

The texture on the tortoise shell is light yellow.

Graphite's entire body's bones seemed to have undergone some changes with the appearance of the tortoise shell.

Not only did the tortoise shell appear behind him, but it also appeared in front of him.

And his limbs also became shorter with the appearance of tortoise shells.

In the middle of the plastron in the tortoise shell, there is a huge symbol.

Graphite's head and legs have poked out of the tortoise shell.


Tang San also quickly released his martial spirit.

Three soul rings, one white, one yellow and one purple, slowly rose from his feet.

When his first white soul ring came out.

It immediately caused some students in the surrounding stands to laugh.

This so-called Shrek Academy is full of geniuses.

At this level?

It actually couldn't even reach the optimal soul ring configuration.

"Blue silver entanglement!"

In order to seize the initiative, Tang San directly chose to take the initiative.

This is better.

The people around him laughed even more.

Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass.

Do you want it to be so funny?

They would like to take a look.

This Bluesilver Grass is in the hands of a so-called genius.

Can you still conjure flowers?

Several strands of bluesilver grass rushed toward Mo Mo.

The latter subconsciously let out a low roar.

Then the second soul ring on his body suddenly shone.

At the same time, a circle of light that was not intense lit up around the edge of the turtle shell.


The next moment, the tortoise shells on his chest and back separated strangely, and then became in his hands.

It turned into two huge tortoise shell shields one meter in diameter.

And graphite, which has lost its tortoise shell, is not only much smaller than its previous body before using martial arts.

And the strong body has turned into a thin one.

It seems that the tortoise shell is made of their bones and blood, and the strangeness is breathtaking.

It attracted a burst of admiration from the surrounding colleges.

This is called strength!

Looking at the blue silver grass coming towards him, Mo Mo waved his hand.

The Bluesilver Grass was completely torn apart.

But there were also two blue silver grass that bypassed Shi Mo's attack.

It successfully wrapped around the latter's body.

But it was shattered in the next second.

Tang San's nose twitched, this is enough!


The second soul skill was released.

Dozens of bluesilver grass grow directly from graphite's body.

It only took two breaths to wrap it up tightly.


At the same time, the third spirit ring under Tang San's feet lit up.

"Spider web binding!"

Thousand-year soul skills were released.

Shi Mo was immediately charged and unable to move.


Just when Tang San was feeling proud,

The graphite tortoise-shell shield whirled and roared in the air.

The unparalleled momentum alone is enough to frighten people.

The most peculiar thing is that behind each turtle shell shield.

They all have a yellow soul power connected to graphite's hands.

The sharp edge of the tortoise shell shield instantly chopped into pieces the cobwebs and bluesilver grass wrapped around his body.

Then with a thrilling roar, he instantly flew in the direction of Tang San.

Tang San looked over his face, feeling horrified!

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