People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 311: Top three in the finals, the championship is just around the corner

Although the other three teams also made it to the top six, they were mostly just supporting roles.

The draw tomorrow will determine many things.

No one wants to meet the Spirit Hall Academy team first, as that represents a wall of obstacles.

The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition has come to an end.

It has also reached a fever pitch.

Those who can stay are undoubtedly the strongest among the young spirit masters.

Especially the golden generation of the Spirit Hall, which makes people see the true potential of the spirit masters.

Of course, this is on the premise that no one knows the real age of all the Shrek team members.

After dinner, the Shrek Academy students all went back to their rooms to rest.

The Spirit Hall has made good arrangements for accommodation.

Everyone has a separate room.

The opponent of tomorrow's game will not be determined until the draw before the game.

But no matter who you face, it is always right to stay in the best condition.

The fourth round of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition began after a day of rest.

Unexpectedly, after the fierceness of the last round, this round became normal.

The last six teams decided their opponents by drawing lots.

Among them, the Wuhun Hall Academy team, Shrek Academy team, and Shenfeng Academy team, which were obviously stronger.

None of them drew the other two teams, and the three strong teams each drew an opponent that was not very strong.

This also made the fourth round of the game end without any suspense.

The final three were the three strongest.

At this time, it was the moment of the final struggle.

The combat power of the three major teams was basically intact.

The finals were just around the corner.

They were only one step away from the final championship.

The bright sunshine fell on the earth, and under the sunlight.

The Pope's Palace looked even more magnificent, like a fairy's residence.

In front of the Pope's Palace, two rows of palace guards lined up from the front of the Pope's Palace to the foot of the mountain.

The bright silver armor and heavy knight swords made the entire Pope Mountain more majestic.

The eliminated teams have all left, and they were not even allowed to watch the last day of the battle.

Only the truly strong young people are qualified to step onto the square in front of the Pope's Palace.

Early in the morning, the three teams that entered the final three had already appeared in front of the Pope's Palace and were waiting quietly.

The teachers of the three major colleges were not allowed to stand on the square, and could only wait outside.

A total of 21 players participating in the finals stood quietly on the square.

They were all waiting for the arrival of this final moment.

The expression of the Wuhun Hall Academy team led by Xie Yue was the most relaxed.

But what flashed in their eyes was the light of faith.

The faith in the Wuhun Hall and the faith in the Pope.

Shrek Academy maintained the most low-key attitude.

Seven people lined up in a row, from left to right they were Huo Feng, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

The square in front of the Pope's Palace is no smaller than the competition platform used in the previous competition.

The square square floor is paved with special stones.

Careful inspection revealed that the stones had a faint lustrous glow.

Although they were not real jade, they were definitely not comparable to ordinary rocks.

This showed how terrible the financial resources of the Spirit Hall were.

At this time, a group of people came out from the side door of the Pope's Palace.

A total of twelve cardinals, whose status was second only to that of the Platinum Bishop, slowly came over. (End of this chapter)

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