People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 313 Bibi Dong: Are you Huo Feng, the captain of the Shrek team?

Has what was supposed to come finally come?

Huo Feng watched the five people who walked out of the Pope's Palace.

On this platform, only the seven people from Shrek Academy did not kneel.

Even the seven people from the Divine Wind Academy had already knelt on one knee.

The Shrek people had never discussed the situation in front of them beforehand, but they made the same decision.

As a prince, Dai Mubai would naturally not kneel to the Spirit Hall.

Oscar never took the Spirit Hall seriously, and only felt that it was good when he received the gold soul coins issued by the Spirit Hall.

As for Huo Feng, he would not bow to the Pope.

In his heart, no one could make him kneel down.

As for others, even the emperor, so what?

Ma Hongjun's thoughts were similar to Huo Feng's.

Xiao Wu lowered her head, and no one knew what she was thinking.

But in fact, there was a special brilliance in her eyes at this time, which contained hatred.

As for Ning Rongrong, the jewel in the palm of the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

And she is likely to be the next generation of the patriarch, so she will not kneel.

Although there is no explicit rule that soul masters must bow to the Pope of the Spirit Hall.

But at this moment, the Shrek people are undoubtedly so unique.

As obvious as a crane standing out from a flock of chickens

Bibi Dong's eyes fell directly on the seven young men.

All the members of the Spirit Hall glared at the Shrek Seven Devils.

Ju Douluo Yue Guan, who was standing behind Bibi Dong, moved his lips towards Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong's eyes immediately found Huo Feng among the Shrek people.

When her eyes focused on Huo Feng.

Huo Feng clearly felt an extremely strong pressure.

His body trembled slightly, and he had to immediately activate his soul power to protect his body.

Only then did he block the pressure from Pope Bibi Dong.

But his actions were undoubtedly exposed, which was much worse than Bibi Dong's natural harmony.

"How dare you disrespect the Pope."

The cardinal who had sung before shouted angrily.

Bibi Dong's eyes have become calm.

Raising his hand, the cardinal immediately shut his mouth, with a look of awe on his face.

Bibi Dong was able to inherit the position of Pope because of the recognition of the previous generation of Pope and the support of several elders.

But she was able to hold this position, but it was entirely due to her thundering wrist and strength.

With a faint smile on her face, Bibi Dong stared at Huo Feng,

"Are you Huo Feng, the captain of the Shrek team?"

Huo Feng was shocked, he didn't expect that Pope Bibi Dong actually knew him.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He nodded, answering neither servile nor arrogant.

Bibi Dong nodded to Huo Feng,

"You are very good, as good as the rumors say."

Although Flanders tried his best to hide Huo Feng.

On the one hand, it was to hide the overall strength of the team, and on the other hand, it was to attract some unnecessary trouble.

But the sensitive Wuhun Hall still dug up a lot of information about Huo Feng.

It has even tracked down Soto City.

Yesterday, Bibi Dong had given all this information to Hu Liena.

Although the latter was somewhat disdainful and thought that they could not lose.

But after learning some information about Huo Feng, she had to take it seriously.

The members of the Wuhun Hall Academy and the Shenfeng Academy who knelt on the ground could not help but be surprised.

After the Pope appeared, he was the first to speak to Huo Feng.

And he seemed to know Huo Feng.

This was really hard for them to understand. (End of this chapter)

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