“Your father heard that your sister Yan is going to Yuexuan, and then let me tell Sister Yan to take care of you in Yuexuan.”

Ning Rongrong petrified on the spot.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

Ning Rongrong fell into the philosophical triad.

“Too… Your Royal Highness the Crown Prince, you… You must be lying to me, right? Ning Rongrong reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing an ugly smile.

“How could His Royal Highness the Crown Prince tell lies?” Su Yan rua Rua Ning Rongrong’s head, the feel of this little girl’s hair is still as good as ever.

Su Yan had to admit that Ning Rongrong was indeed a genius, and could be on par with most of the children of Blue Star, you know, Ning Rongrong was also a grade jumping monster, and he graduated from the sixth grade of the junior department this year.

Although the knowledge level of Douluo Continent is much lower than in the previous life, but the education level is also poor, Ning Rongrong can learn while playing, and he can jump three levels in a row, which is already very remarkable.

The students of Douluo Continent are obviously at the age of learning advanced mathematics, but there are not a few who sigh at the univariate quadratic equation, and Ning Rongrong’s learning talent is definitely top-notch. If according to the development of the

original book, Ning Rongrong should have completed his studies in the intermediate department before he went to Shrek at the age of twelve, right?

For soul masters with good talents, it is enough to graduate from the intermediate department, which is equivalent to an undergraduate diploma in a previous life, and the Heaven Dou Royal Academy is the top school in the Heaven Dou Empire.

In other words, the official members of the Tiandou First Team are now “graduates of famous schools”, and as soul masters, there is no need for them to refine their studies too much.

As for Su Yan, who graduated with the first grade in the senior department, he was at the doctoral and postdoctoral level in his previous life, and in the soul master group, he was definitely the category with the highest “diploma”.

You know, the vast majority of civilian soul masters only study some cultural disciplines at the junior soul master academy, and all the rest of the time is practice, so the development of science and technology in the Douluo Continent is extremely slow. The

level of culture determines the upper limit of this civilization and this continent, and it is destined not to be too high.

It is difficult to change the status quo of Douluo Continent where knowledge is not valued, even if the influence of the Martial Soul Hall is increased to a certain extent, it will take decades.

Because, for the aristocratic class and the group of soul masters, they do not need to study those things, and they can obtain wealth and status by power.

The status of readers in the Douluo Continent is not high, everyone pays attention to soul power cultivation, and does not attach importance to science and technology.

Under this trade-off, the development of civilization on the entire continent is naturally slow, and the change can only be clearly seen in tens of thousands of years, and in Su Yan’s previous life, ten years changed the world.

Su Yan was thinking about things, Ning Rongrong was in a daze, and the two beauties stood together, causing the passing trainees to look sideways.

Ning Rongrong, with his appearance, strength and the temperament of hundreds of millions of people, ranked second on the list of college goddesses, squeezing Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling down. Ning

Fengzhi was very satisfied with his daughter, but Ning Rongrong’s pampered eldest lady personality gave him a headache.

Therefore, when he heard that Su Yan was going to Yuexuan to study, Ning Fengzhi moved his mind and sent Ning Rongrong to Yuexuan together to polish his temperament. Ning Fengzhi will not let Ning Rongrong

be there, stay for a year and a half at a time, now this age is the best time to lay the foundation, Ning Fengzhi is not willing to let Ning Rongrong waste. Ning

Fengzhi also knew that it was simply unrealistic to let Ning Rongrong become everyone’s show in a short period of time, and he needed to take his time, so he chose the way of “boiling frogs in warm water”. Ning

Fengzhi chose to let Ning Rongrong and Su Yan go to Yuexuan at the same time, two days a week, before Su Yan graduated, let her help take care of Ning Rongrong.

This arrangement not only does not affect the cultivation of soul power, but also allows Ning Rongrong to feel the atmosphere there and sharpen her restless nature.

However, Ning Rongrong can’t do it!

Ning Rongrong only knew that her cheap daddy was actually going to send her to Yuexuan, to that woman who the Snow Night Emperor couldn’t take!

Ning Rongrong, who failed to ask for help, fell into confusion, what should she do now? Grandpa

Jian and Grandpa Bones are unreliable, and now Brother Prince can’t help, she won’t really go to that ghost place, right?

Stay there for a year and a half, she’ll go crazy!

“Rong Rong, don’t think so much, it’s a blessing or a curse, all you have to do now is enjoy the moment.” Su Yan took Ning Rongrong’s hand, “Go, go out with my sister.”

Yuexuan Ning Rongrong definitely can’t escape, in that case, why do you want to do these “troubles”?

After a lot of effort, Su Yan calmed Ning Rongrong, and everyone combined, intending to play the latest entertainment venues.

Ning Rongrong also looked away, anyway, she can’t think of any useful way now, so she won’t think about it first, and talk about it when she goes out with Sister Yan and comes back.

Big deal, when the time comes in Yuexuan, let Sister Yan cover her, etiquette is impossible to learn, it is impossible to learn in this life!

For Su Yan, helping Ning Rongrong is a favor, but as long as Ning Rongrong goes to Yuexuan, it is estimated that it is an accident.

She understands people.

A group of people walked out of the academy, Su Yan bought a cup of juice and handed it to Ning Rongrong, Ning Rongrong poured the juice like an angry, while complaining to Su Yan about Ning Fengzhi.

“Sister Yan, I’ll tell you, my father tells me every day how good and powerful the holy girl of the Martial Soul Hall is, I’m about to die of boredom.” Ning Rongrong waved his small fist indignantly.

“Dad said that if I had the level of the Holy Daughter of the Martial Soul Hall, he would be able to hand over the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect to me with confidence and let me study hard.”

Ning Rongrong made a bitter face, “Do you say how I learn, he can’t understand those things…”

What hunger marketing, price marketing, membership… It really made her head very big (╬◣ᄌ◢)

The others chatted in pairs, and the atmosphere was unusually harmonious. Some people say that Ning Rongrong is a princess disease,

but Su Yan feels that Ning Rongrong is not a princess disease, because she was originally the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect.

Su Yan felt that Ning Rongrong was just spoiled by Ning Fengzhi and Sword Bones at the beginning, but in addition to being a little brutal and willful, she did not have those unbearable vices of the children of other big families.

How could a person like Ning Fengzhi teach a daughter who didn’t understand things, but he didn’t see that this Ning Rongrong, who grew up with her, was quite good?

Except for sometimes playing a little temper, Ning Rongrong shouted “Call me Miss Ning Rongrong” in an old-fashioned manner, which was not much different from other children of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

And Ning Rongrong in the original book was isolated by all Shrek trainees, was ridiculed by Flender “you are the worst”, developed serious self-doubt about himself, and was finally completely assimilated by the protagonist group.

It can only be said that Tang San is indeed very good at manipulating people’s hearts, completely controlling Ning Rongrong, making her first loyal to Shrek, and later supporting the development of the Tang Sect with the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Sect.

Even in the final decisive battle, Ning Rongrong gave up his two grandfathers and resurrected Tang San, leaving the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect with a broken sword and bones.

In fact, if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that except for Xiao Wu who is Tang San’s crazy button, the rest of the Shrek Seven Monsters are all paving the way for Tang San with everything they have.

In fact, from many details of the original work, you can see Tang San’s “delicate” thoughts.

The first time Tang San PUA Ning Rongrong was the part where Ning Rongrong laughed at Dai Mubai after he found out that Dai Mubai was deflated at Zhu Zhuqing.

Ning Rongrong made a joke about Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai was in a bad mood because of Zhu Zhuqing’s affairs, and the two had some conflicts, which was actually understandable.

But just such a small matter, Dai Mubai actually planned to make a move on Ning Rongrong, which made Su Yan seriously doubt whether he didn’t have a brain or had mold in his brain.

As a fallen prince who fled to the Heaven Dou Empire and shrunk in a small village, he actually dared to threaten the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect?

Do you really think that with the identity of the prince of the Star Luo Empire, you can eat all over the continent?

Why don’t you go to Tiandou City and shrink in this small place where birds don’t? Su Yan can only say that Dai Mubai

has a kind, as Ning Fengzhi’s only daughter, Ning Rongrong must have a master guard by his side, and it is not too simple for those people to clean him up Dai Mubai.

Without guards to protect her, a twelve-year-old girl who looks like a child of a big family can arrive at Soto City unharmed and find Shrek Academy? Moreover, even if Dai Mubai was

killed, the Star Luo Empire was estimated to have no reaction, at that time, Dai Mubai was just a waste prince, and he died when he died. Unfortunately, Tang San stopped Dai Mubai

in time, saved Dai Mubai’s life, and completely fooled Ning Rongrong. When Ning Rongrong and Dai Mubai

had just clashed, Tang San did not intervene to stop it, and even when Dai Mubai said the disgusting words of “X first and then kill, then X and then kill”, Tang San did not move. After Dai Mubai

shot Ning Rongrong away and the contradiction completely intensified, Tang San reacted, stopped Dai Mubai, stood up and said, “Forget it, Mubai, everyone is a classmate.”

For Tang San, if he stopped the conflict between the two from the beginning, it would not be good for him, but after Dai Mubai made a move, the meaning was different.

At that time, Tang San did not know Dai Mubai’s identity, but Ning Rongrong was the princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, which he knew, and Ning Rongrong was profitable.

If Dai Mubai really killed Ning Rongrong in a fit of anger, maybe they would face the endless pursuit and killing of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect.

At that time, Tang San did not know that his father was Title Douluo, so naturally he would not take such a risk. Therefore, stopping Dai Mubai

in time can be regarded as saving Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong once.

In this way, you can get Dai Mubai’s favor, and you can also stand on the moral high ground, accuse Ning Rongrong’s lofty attitude and accuse Ning Rongrong of being unsociable.

In this way, coupled with the previous variation, Ning Rongrong would slowly have an illusion, “Why do they all treat me like this?” Am I really wrong?

Over time, Ning Rongrong would slowly be brainwashed and assimilated, and then obey the leader of the team, Tang San, and even the secret method of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect was distracted and controlled, and it was all preaching.

But what’s wrong with Ning Rongrong? Could it be that a girl was pointed at her nose and scolded “I will kill you first X and then X, and then X and then kill”, and still need to give the other party a good look?

Dai Mubai himself has the face to be a time management master, but he has no face to be said, after Zhu Zhuqing was deflated, he took the only unsocial Ning Rongrong, and even directly did it, but it was right?

Ning Rongrong was originally the princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, and her views and opinions were naturally different from those of Shrek, which was a gap caused by different visions. As a result, in the mouth of everyone in

Shrek, this is Ning Rongrong’s playing temperament, not fit in, with a defective personality, and it is impossible to have friends… Directly lame Ning Rongrong, a stupid Bai Tian who had never seen the world.

Let’s just say, is there a possibility that your group of spicy chickens are not worthy of Miss Ning Rongrong?

Ning Rongrong was originally the proud daughter of heaven, why should she deign to degrade and degenerate, to adapt and cater to those guys?

Ning Feng in the original book was shrewd, but he was confused for a while, and he only saw that Ning Rongrong had a “friend” in Shrek that he could make friends with, but he did not find Ning Rongrong’s change. Ning

Rongrong later even bet on the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Sect for Tang San, but in the end, the sword was broken and shattered, and Ning Feng was white-headed overnight.

A group of commoners who prided themselves on nobility, PUA a real nobleman.

They used the resources of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect and shouted “Seven strange feelings are better than Jinjian”.

How ironic.

Su Yan didn’t quite understand why Ning Rongrong’s guards didn’t take action to destroy this colored tiger.

As for Flander’s “Ning Rongrong is the worst among the seven monsters”, that is even more of a joke.

In addition to Tang San and Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong is no worse than anyone, the Seagod assessment has explained everything, except for the two that are not considered, Ning Rongrong is the only top assessment. As for running, physical

fitness is indeed very important for soul masters, but it is really ridiculous for you to let an auxiliary rely on physical skills to survive on the battlefield.

Not to mention the Min Attack Soul Master, the speed of a war soul division of the same level cannot be weaker than that of the auxiliary soul master, and if all the teammates are sacrificed, the auxiliary soul division has no possibility of survival.

Moreover, why didn’t Flender let Xiao Wu or Zhu Zhuqing, who were also girls, comfort her after Ning Rongrong was angry and crying, but let Oscar go?

Shouldn’t a normal teacher’s thinking be, let the trainees who are also girls comfort Ning Rongrong?

Isn’t it strange to let a few girls not be used, and let Oscar comfort Ning Rongrong?

Flanders are old and refined, and naturally can see Oscar’s thoughts about Ning Rongrong, and Oscar is an orphan who was adopted by Shrek Academy. [Note 1]

If Oscar and Ning Rongrong become one, it can naturally bring great benefits to Shrek Academy, which is naturally what Flender is happy to see, so he will have such an arrangement.

I have to say that Flender is a shrewd businessman, and his talent is appreciated by Su Yan; But his means, Su Yan did not like.

After she graduated from Yuexuan and began to deal with the protagonist group, there was no need for Shrek Academy to exist.

At that time, let’s see if you can save the kitten.

After having fun, Su Yan sent Ning Rongrong back to the academy and waved goodbye to her.

Looking at Ning Rongrong’s back as she jumped away, Su Yan sighed, she really hoped that Ning Rongrong could be a carefree lady and spend her life happily.

I hope that in the end, they don’t go hostile…

[Note 1] Oscar’s life history

Oscar’s parents did not mention in the original book, speculating that he was an orphan or an abandoned baby, after all, people are not ruthless, but Oscar has never mentioned his parents, and the pigeon can’t think of a more reasonable explanation

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