Soto City, Wuhun Hotel.

“Come, toast to our victory today.” Dai Mubai toasted and said in celebration.

“Cheers, cheers.” Ma Hongjun and the others toasted and clinked glasses with Dai Mubai.

“I suddenly felt that this big Soul Fighting Arena was boring, too boring.” Dai Mubai said, “All the teams are too inferior, and none of them are our opponents.

Oscar laughed, “Of course, we are monsters, how can ordinary people be opponents of monsters.”

Ma Hongjun said drunkenly, “The team of the Soul Venerable can’t satisfy me anymore, I want to challenge the Soul Sect!”

“Hahahaha…” The three

two and five children of the Martial Soul Hall ate without saying a word, the excitement was slimes, they had nothing, they were just three ruthless mission machines.

While everyone in Shrek was talking and laughing, Flender walked in from outside, holding a document in his hand.

Yu Xiaogang asked, “Did you tell the people in the Soul Fighting Arena to arrange the team of the Soul Sect tomorrow.”

“Only by challenging stronger teams can little monsters have better room for improvement.”

“Having said that, the supervisor rejected our suggestion and has already arranged for tomorrow’s opponent.” “And the team that claims tomorrow will end our winning streak.”

“Want to end our Shrek’s winning streak?” Dai Mubai smiled, “Is it the Soul Sect team, or the Soul King team?”

“Neither.” Flender shook his head, “The other party is a Soul Venerable team.

When they heard the Soul Venerable Team, everyone in Shrek showed an angry look.

As the pride of monsters, they are confident that they are invincible in the Soul Venerable Team, even if they are strong opponents in the Soul Venerable Realm, they can overcome difficulties and defeat each other.

If you want to end their streak, how can it be a Soul Sect team, send a team with Soul Venerable combat power, and dare to threaten to end the monster’s streak?

This is a humiliation for them!

“Soul Venerable?” Zao Wou-ki laughed, “Flander, are you sure that the Soul Venerable Battle Team can satisfy the appetite of the little monsters?”

“We can even win a Soul Sect team like the Fierce God Battle Team, and the Soul Fighting Arena can find a random team and boast of ending our winning streak?”

“The Arena will not be untargeted, and since the declaration is to end our winning streak, then this team must have something outstanding.” After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he turned his head to warn the four of Shrek.

“You are indeed very good, and you deserve the reputation of monsters, but don’t be complacent, and you have to be cautious about any kind of opponent.”

“Well, teacher, we understand.” Tang San said.

“Okay, do you have any specific information about that team?” Yu Xiaogang looked at Flander, “If you can know the specific information of that team in advance, tomorrow’s team battle will be a little easier.”

Flender put the information of the Imperial Dou team on the table, “It’s all here.”

This information was just given to him by the person in charge, and he has not yet opened it to see it.

For the privacy of the participants, the Soto Arena only revealed the title, martial soul, and soul power level of the Imperial Fighting Team, and hid the name, age, origin, etc.

Yu Xiaogang glanced over, and was immediately stunned, his eyes staring at this information.

“What’s wrong, Xiao Gang, is there anything strange?” Friend asked.

“Of course.” Yu Xiaogang stretched out his finger to a martial soul, “This martial soul is not simple.”

Flender followed the position where Yu Xiaogang’s finger was pointing and glanced at it, which read: Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda.

“Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda?” Flender was taken aback, and the others looked at it.

“That’s right, this is a genuine super martial soul!” Yu Xiaogang said solemnly.

“Super Martial Soul?!” Everyone looked at Yu Xiaogang in amazement.

“Teacher, what is a super martial soul?” Tang San asked.

“Super Martial Soul is a kind of martial soul that is above the top martial soul. Yu Xiaogang said, “Top level means the top level of human martial soul awakening.

“Like Dai Mubai’s white tiger, and the blue electric tyrannosaurus rex, they are both top beast martial souls, but the blue electric tyrannosaurus rex is slightly stronger than the white tiger.” “And the super martial soul,

as the name suggests, is beyond the top martial soul, or some martial soul that exists in the legend.”

“The Seven Treasure Glazed Pagoda is ranked at the top of the auxiliary martial soul, and the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda is a true super martial soul.”

Both the students and the teachers of Shrek Academy put away their previous contempt, but looked at Yu Xiaogang with an incredulous look.

After a while, Zao Wou-ki’s face twitched, “Xiao Gang, are you sure you’re not teasing us.”

“Do you think I’m the kind of person who would joke about this kind of thing?” Yu Xiaogang said.

Zao Wou-ki shook his head, “It’s not like that.

“Master, how did the Seven Treasure Glazed Pagoda evolve into the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda?” Dai Mubai couldn’t help but ask, “Our martial soul, is it possible to evolve?”

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, “This kind of evolutionary condition can be encountered but not sought, my martial soul mutation was originally changed in a good direction, evolving into a golden holy dragon, which is also a super martial soul.”

“It’s a pity, because my innate soul power is insufficient, I reversely mutated into Luo Sancang.”

Tang San and the others were silent, even the masters who knew so much about the martial soul only had the possibility of evolutionary success, which showed the difficulty of the evolution of the martial soul.

Powerful martial souls are generally a single lineage, and they will become extinct if they are not careful, such as six-winged angels, such as the nine-heart begonia, the golden crocodile king, and so on.

And Yu Xiaogang’s Luo Sancang, the degenerate body of the “Golden Holy Dragon”, is the only martial soul that cannot be inherited because it is too weak.

Want to inherit Luo Sancang? Then you must first be a soul master of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, and you must also be a direct disciple, plus a level 0.5 innate soul power.

“It’s useless to think so much now, super martial souls only exist in legends, you still don’t think about it too much, let’s watch the game in front of you first.” Yu Xiaogang said.

Everyone in Shrek looked solemnly at the names on the list, and just from the appearance of a super martial soul Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda, it could be seen that this was not a simple team.

The Imperial Dou team selected seven soul Venerables from ten people, all of them were high-level soul Venerables, and the martial souls of the seven people were not bad.

Seeing that “the nickname has been occupied”, the three people of the Martial Soul Hall looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then quietly listened to the arrangement of Shrek.

Su Yan had told them in advance that the ID of the Emperor Dou everyone, they knew, the test that the adult had for them, had come. After reading each other’s information, the

four of Shrek raised their heads and looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

Although they also thought that the opponent would definitely not be weak if he could become a silver fighting soul, they did not expect that it would be so strong.

Yu Xiaogang touched his bearded slag chin, “I have vaguely guessed the origin of this team.

“If my guess is correct, then, the children will not be in the slightest danger, Tang San.”

“Teacher.” Tang San immediately got up and said.

“This is the Soul Fighting Arena, there are not too many restrictions, that is, your dark weapon can also be used.”

“This time, I allow you to use those most basic dark weapons, but you can’t use the Zhuge God Crossbow, and you are never allowed to admit defeat until the last moment.”

Yu Xiaogang’s confidence that “children will not have the slightest danger” was in their good disciple Qin Ming.

As in the original work, Qin Ming forbade the Huangdou side to “even maim the opponent”, while Yu Xiaogang used the eight spider spear if he had eight spider spears, and if he didn’t, he used a dark weapon, anyway, don’t kill him.

It’s just that Qin Ming doesn’t care about it now, he, a little guy who has just entered the Soul Emperor, is now being hypnotized by Su Yan’s dream tapir, and falls asleep in the hotel.

On the side of the Emperor, Su Yan completely took over.

Seeing that Yu Xiaogang was not optimistic about himself, Tang San frowned, “Teacher, are we really unable to defeat our opponents?”

Yu Xiaogang took a deep look at him, “There is only a thirty percent chance.

He raised his finger to the information on the table, “The seven people on the other side, according to the information, are a combination with very strong attack power,” Yu Xiaogang said.

“The only good news at the moment is that the opponent’s control system soul master is already a soul sect and cannot play, so Tang San, you have to give full play to the advantage of controlling the field.”

“Once you are entered into the rhythm of several strong attack soul masters on the other side, the soul power of level thirty-eight and nine, plus the assistance of the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda, you may not be able to block it.”

Tang San nodded seriously.

“You have to watch out for three people.” Yu Xiaogang continued, “Their captain, the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda Auxiliary Soul Master, and that Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Martial Soul Soul Master. The martial soul of the captain of the Imperial

Dou Battle Team is called Kusanagi Sword, although this martial soul, he Yu Xiaogang has never heard of, but the other party can become the captain of the Imperial Dou Battle Team, its strength must not be simple.

“Blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex, Xiao Gang…” Flender seemed to suddenly think of something, but his words were stopped by Yu Xiaogang with his eyes.

Yu Xiaogang continued, “As a top-level existence among beast martial souls, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex has extremely strong attack power and is known as the strongest beast martial soul attack.

“Its status in the Beast Martial Soul is equivalent to the Seven Treasure Glazed Pagoda in the Auxiliary Martial Soul.”

Dai Mubai suddenly spoke, “Then that Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Soul Master, is it someone from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family?”

Flender on the side smiled bitterly, “Except for the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, at least I haven’t heard of the existence of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Soul Master.”

“The background of this team is terrifying, not only these three human soul masters, but also the Xuanwu turtle is a martial soul with the same name as the blue electric tyrannosaurus.” Yu Xiaogang said.

“It’s just that the number of Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Masters is smaller and there is no complete sect, so it is not as famous as the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, but nevertheless, the Xuanwu Tortoise is also a top-notch existence in the defensive martial soul.”

“Even if the other party is just a Soul Venerable team, it will be an extremely difficult soul fight for you.” Yu Xiaogang said solemnly.

Tang San said indifferently, “Teacher, pressure is the driving force, if we retreat in the face of difficulties, we will never become a real strong person.”

“We can win.” Tang San started a journey of pouring chicken soup at the right time, to put it bluntly, it was the soul of an adult, using language art to kidnap a bunch of little children.

After the chicken soup was poured, everyone in Shrek looked like they were in a big realization, and Tang San began to deploy the battle situation again.

“This Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Soul Master, Mu Bai, will be handed over to you.”

“Don’t worry, Mistress,” Dai Mubai smiled, “Tomorrow I will let him see who is the number one beast martial soul on the mainland!”

“Ma Hongjun, this flying soul master is handed over to you.”

“No problem, third brother!” Ma Hongjun slammed his chest.

“Give me their captain.” Tang San paused and looked at the other three.

“Li Kai, remember to give us assistance; Xu Hu, trouble you to stare at the other party’s Min Soul Attacker; That one…… Little dance, you can adapt immediately.

Tang San didn’t have any ideas about this “little dance”, but she was very popular with Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

The remaining three nodded and didn’t say anything, and Tang San and the others didn’t mind, after cooperating for so long, their cooperation was quite tacit, and the relationship between them was quite good.

The next day, the Soto City Colosseum.

Qin Ming was also not awake.

After a night of brewing, the Arena of Souls has put a lot of effort into publicity.

At Su Yan’s instruction, the Fighting Soul Arena did not announce that Shrek’s opponent was the “Imperial Fighting Team”.

Without revealing the news in advance, you can also let more people bet on Shrek and earn back part of the previous losses, and Soto Arena naturally agreed. The

mysterious team challenged the undefeated Shrek Seven Monsters and threatened to end their winning streak, whetting everyone’s appetite.

The vast majority of people buy Shrek to win, but there are also a few people who buy this mysterious team.

On this day, the person in charge personally presided over this soul fight.

“Everyone, welcome to today’s Soto City Soul Arena!”

“Today, we will stage a battle between monsters and monsters!” “Team Shrek, Shrek, as the name suggests, is the name of the monster

, and the performance of Team Shrek in these months is also worthy of the title of the monster.”

“Their team’s team battle so far, the result is a complete victory, and it is a well-deserved undefeated team!”

In just a few words, the person in charge mobilized the atmosphere of the audience.

“And today, why do I say it’s a monster-to-monster game?”

“Because, the mysterious team we found in the Soto Arena can also be called a monster team.”

“This team is even more monster than Shrek!”

Hearing this opening statement, the corners of Su Yan’s mouth turned up slightly.

It is not necessary to step on it, but if the other party is Shrek, it will always make people feel happy.

And offstage, the four people on Shrek’s side, hearing the host say this, their faces became ugly. What is this,

this team, is it intended to step on our Shrek’s reputation to ascend?

The host continued, “Let me reveal the origin of this mysterious team.

“They are the Imperial Dou Battle Team from the Heaven Dou Royal Academy!” Heaven Dou Imperial

Academy, Imperial Dou Battle Team?!?!

Below the ring, Yu Xiaogang, Flender and others looked at each other, they had already guessed a seven, seven, eight, eight, and they were not surprised.

On the other side, the audience of the Great Soul Colosseum was already boiling!

The Heaven Dou Empire’s Imperial Fighting Team, the name “Emperor Dou”, represents their strength.

At this time, Shrek’s reputation was not obvious, and the Heaven Dou Royal Academy was the highest academy in the Heaven Dou Empire.

And to be able to stand out from the Heaven Dou Royal Academy and form a team, it represents the Heaven Dou Empire, and you can imagine how strong the strength of these trainees is.

“Gan, why didn’t you say it earlier, if it was the Imperial Dou Battle Team, I would have bet on the Imperial Dou Battle Team earlier.”

“RNM! Return the money, give me the money back! Is it worth us!

“The Great Soul Arena is tricky, why didn’t you announce the name of the team earlier!”

Of course, the anger of the audience will not help, Soto Arena has given an announcement that there is a team that will end Shrek’s winning streak.

So explicitly, smart people have already guessed today’s result.

“The strength of the Imperial Dou Battle Team, the whole team is above level thirty-five, and there are two geniuses who are only twelve years old!”

Hearing these words, Yu Xiaogang’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Twelve years old, level thirty-five or above, this completely surpasses the trainees they cultivated by Shrek!

And as a member of the Imperial Dou team, the other party will definitely not use crooked ways to forcibly improve his strength, that is to say, the other party does have extremely strong talent.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang had other thoughts.

The corners of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy are not good, but he has long had the idea of letting Flender relocate Shrek to Tiandou City.

After all, Shrek didn’t even have a place to participate in the Soul Master Competition, and I believe that after seeing the talent of their Shrek trainees, the Heaven Dou Royal Academy would not refuse them.

If only these two geniuses who met the enrollment requirements could form a team with the four little monsters of Shrek…

“Next, there are invited players from both sides to enter.”

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