People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 171 I just like to see some beautiful things, is there anything wrong with that?

"Sister Yanyan, are you serious about this?" Jun Yi looked at Duguyan with a little expectation.

Dugu Yan stretched out her fingers, lightly tapped Jun Yi's forehead a few times, and said coquettishly: "Of course, I am willing to admit defeat. In the future, I am afraid I will only be able to wear stockings on my lower body. How do you want me to survive the winter? Huh? Only a pervert like you can make such a condition."

Hearing this, Jun Yi pretended that it had nothing to do with him and said, "Oh, I didn't propose this bet. I can only say that Sister Yanyan, you are shooting yourself in the foot and it has nothing to do with me. ”

"Besides, if it's cold in winter, you can wear stockings inside your pants. It won't be a problem. Just wear an extra pair of thin pants."

"Put stockings on your pants? You can imagine that. Hey, I didn't expect that Jun Jun, who looks dignified and extraordinary on the outside, turns out to be such a little pervert. My sister has fallen into your hands. "

Dugu Yan held his chin with both hands, a look of helplessness on his face.

"This is just a small hobby of mine, so how can I be considered a pervert? Everyone has a love for beauty. I just like to see beautiful things. Is this wrong?" Jun Yi retorted.

"You can still say that there are sets of truths, and you can turn black into white." Dugu Yan replied.

"That's what it is. I won't talk about it anymore. Their match has started. I want to see if there are any battle-damaged clothes. Hehe, I like to watch my sister fight with others."

Jun Yi turned his head and looked at the ring. At this time, both sides summoned their own martial souls and soul rings. Because Feng Xiaotian was not here, both sides were all three-ring soul masters, and the soul rings were all yellow. Zi's ​​configuration and number of soul rings are also the same.

As the referee announced and jumped off the ring, the competition officially began. On the Kamikaze Academy side, all the students were possessed by martial arts souls and used their soul skills to fly into the air to ensure that they would not be restricted by the ring.

Immediately afterwards, Tianshui Academy also moved. A total of seven girls summoned their martial spirits to observe the situation on the field and the positions of several students from Shenfeng Academy in mid-air.

The second soul ring on Shui Bing'er's body lit up immediately, and a total of seven ice rings were released, covering each of them respectively. The soul master shrouded by the ice ring suddenly had a layer of crystal blue armor. .

"Xue Wu, let's start." Shui Bing'er said to Xue Wu behind her.

"Okay." Xue Wu nodded, and then her black hair fluttered and she danced gracefully. The three soul rings on her body alternately shined, and circles of blue halo spread as she danced.

As she danced, a dark cloud appeared directly above the main arena in the center, completely covering the arena. Immediately afterwards, heavy raindrops began to fall from the sky. It turned into a large curtain of water pouring down.

Upon seeing this, the students from Kamikaze Academy immediately launched an attack from the air. They released their own soul skills to bombard the water curtain, but the water curtain was extremely stable and could not shake it at all.

I saw the first soul ring on Shui Bing'er's body light up. There were two Kamikaze Academy students with some water stains on their bodies. They only felt the coldness invade. The next second, the skin that touched the water stains condensed directly into The ice then spread to them, freezing their bodies in an instant. Then under Shui Bing'er's control, they were about to fall from the air to the ground.

At this time, other students from Kamikaze Academy flew quickly, directly catching the falling students, and then returned to the mid-air. Although they were frozen just now, the others relied on their own strength to break through the ice that blocked them. ice cubes.

The forced breakthrough also caused their combat effectiveness to decrease, but after all, they were still in mid-air and still posed a threat. Several students who were not frozen rushed towards Xue Wu again. As long as she stopped her from singing, they could get out of this predicament.

But the next second, Shui Yue'er and several other students appeared directly in front of Xue Wu, forming a solid barrier. A sneer appeared on Shui Yue'er's lips, "I want to interrupt our martial arts spirit." Fusion technology? Dreaming!"

After saying that, she bent her body slightly and whispered: "The first soul skill, water barrier."

In an instant, the water on the arena gathered towards Shui Yue'er's palm, forming a huge shield in front of Xue Wu. All the incoming soul skills were blocked by this water barrier.

"The second soul skill, waterspout." As Shui Yue'er's voice sounded, a huge vortex suddenly erupted from the water wall and rolled towards the rushing Kamikaze Academy students.

The students of Kamikaze Academy hurriedly dodge.

Although he could have missed it, Shui Yue'er's goal was achieved. On the side of Tianshui Academy, the blue hair and black hair instantly merged into one, turning into a dazzling blue-white light pillar and rushing into the dark clouds in the sky. The bodies of Shui Binger and Xue Wu disappeared at the same time. Their martial soul fusion skills exploded.

The rain in the sky changed, and the icy rain turned into snow flakes dancing in the air, but each piece of snow was as sharp as a sharp blade, floating down in the rotation, turning into a whirlpool of ice and snow, sweeping towards everyone in the academy in mid-air. , directly forcing them from the air and falling back to the ground.

"If you can't hold on, just give up and we will stop." Shui Bing'er's words came from a distance.

"The ice and snow are falling."

Countless snowflakes fell from the dark clouds, and the snowflakes in the sky kept spinning like a meat grinder, dragging the students of the Shinfeng Academy into it. The screams were endless, and blood spurted out. In this sky full of ice and snow, the students of the Shinfeng Academy looked so desolate.

And in the air behind Shui Bing'er, the snowflakes condensed and gradually took shape. A huge blue phoenix with a body length of seven meters appeared out of thin air.

"If you don't admit defeat, I can't guarantee your safety." A cold voice came from the air. Most of the students of the Shinfeng Academy were covered in blood and looked ashen. Looking at the blue phoenix, which was as white as jade and had a biting cold on its surface, their hearts were filled with despair.

At this moment, the seven of them had a thought in their minds at the same time: "It would be great if the captain was here."

If Feng Xiaotian was here, he could easily dissolve this martial soul fusion skill with the soul power of the soul sect level and his self-created soul skills. But unfortunately, Feng Xiaotian was no longer here. At this time, he was like a deserter.

"We admit defeat." Three of the seven stood up with pale faces, and the other four also stood up one after another. They all knew that even if they did not admit defeat, the final outcome would be the same. Such a gap was simply insurmountable.

The referee came on stage and announced: "The first game of the semi-finals, the winner: Tianshui College."


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