People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 215 What if it's God? I'll kill him with one sword!

The Ice Dragon King still remembered the scene vividly. Jun Yi let himself use his soul power as a medium to form a body, and then peeled off his consciousness and put it into the soul power medium. He could appear in the eyes of everyone in this posture. This method sounds simple, but the Ice Dragon King, as a first-level god in the God Realm, naturally knows how difficult it is, especially the peeling of consciousness.

The soul and consciousness are connected, and peeling off consciousness is extremely damaging to the soul. Even the Ice Dragon King, who is a first-level god, dare not try it easily. After all, the cost of doing so is completely disproportionate to the benefits obtained. No one would do it. If you accidentally play it wrong, it is very likely to cause the soul to be incomplete and become a fool. And this young man dared to operate on his soul directly. This kind of courage is not something that ordinary people can have.

Jun Yi kept operating here. The barrier brought by the sacrifice ceremony was as if it did not exist for him. At the same time, the figure of the Snow Emperor had begun to become illusory, and Zhu Zhuqing's soul power level began to rise continuously, 45, 47, 49, 50. The powerful soul power of the Snow Emperor was input into Zhu Zhuqing's body, which increased her soul power by at least 2 levels at one time, and soon reached the barrier of level 50. Then the figure of the Snow Emperor disappeared instantly, turned into a blood-red soul ring, and began to fly towards Zhu Zhuqing.

At this time, Jun Yi directly used the ice knife in his hand to continuously wave, and in an instant, he separated the consciousness of the Snow Emperor from the soul ring. Then he took out most of the soul power in the soul ring to form a soul power body. The light of the blood-red soul ring also dimmed and was absorbed by Zhu Zhuqing. Then Jun Yi began to merge the consciousness of the Snow Emperor in mid-air with the soul power body.

This process was extremely slow. It took Jun Yi a whole day to fuse the consciousness of the Ice Dragon King. Of course, because the Ice Dragon King was once a god, its soul had reached the god level, so it had a repulsive reaction with the soul power. Jun Yi could only compress the soul power and improve its quality to barely make a decent body for the Ice Dragon King. Fortunately, the Ice Dragon King is now a residual soul, otherwise Jun Yi really couldn't fuse it and turn it into a soul.

Jun Yi's mission was completed, and the next step was to wait for them to fuse. Then Jun Yi turned his head and looked at the three soul beasts that had already appeared here. At this time, they all knelt on the ground in a crawling posture, looking at the figure of the Ice Dragon King and trembling.

They felt the breath of the Snow Emperor's sacrifice, so they came to see what happened. When they saw two humans appearing here, they were ready to attack subconsciously, but were shocked by the look of the little ice dragon. The Ice Emperor clearly felt the breath of the Ice God emanating from the little ice dragon, and knelt down in submission. The Titan Snow Demon King and the Ice Bear did not know the existence of the Ice God. They were shocked by the soul beast pressure emanating from the Ice Dragon King. The suppression from the upper soul beast directly made their bodies unable to move.

"Child, are you done there?" The little ice dragon flew back to Jun Yi and asked.

Jun Yi nodded and replied, "It's been solved."

"These three soul beasts are also my people. The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion is still strong, but the other two are a little weak. Do you need their help?" The Ice Dragon King asked.

"Uh, I don't think I need it for the time being."

Jun Yi understood what the Ice Dragon King meant. He was asking him if he needed other soul beasts to sacrifice. Jun Yi said that he didn't need it at the moment.

"Your Highness, why did you let Xue'er sacrifice to a human?" The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion asked.

"All this is for the revival of the soul beast clan. This little girl is extremely talented and may become a person similar to me in the future. I let the Ice Snow Girl sacrifice to her in order to further improve her talent, so that she can play a very important role in the future war in the God Realm." The Ice Dragon King explained.

"Why does the revival of the soul beast clan require humans? Can't we soul beasts do it ourselves?" The Ice Emperor was obviously dissatisfied with letting the Snow Emperor sacrifice.

"It's useless. If we only rely on our soul beast clan, it will not succeed. The road ahead is cut off. No matter how much the soul beast clan practices, they will never become gods again. This is the result of that failure for our soul beasts." The Ice Dragon King sighed and said slowly.

"What's more, not all humans are our enemies. During the great war in the God Realm, many gods chose to help our soul beast clan, fighting against other human gods and fighting for us."

The Ice Dragon King's explanation dispelled some of Jun Yi's doubts. No wonder the Ice Dragon King chose to let him absorb its residual soul so easily at that time, and was willing to help him and let the Snow Emperor sacrifice to Zhu Zhuqing. It turned out that there was this reason.

Then the Ice Dragon King continued: "Also, when the human gods become gods, they can directly revive the sacrificed soul beasts. This way, they can not only get rid of the God Realm's constraints on our soul beasts, but also directly enter the God Realm."

The Ice Dragon King's words made the Ice Emperor stunned. She didn't expect that there were so many secrets behind this.

"You all should return to your respective territories. Your strength is still weak and you can't contact higher-level existences. It's also good to live well in this extreme north."

Hearing the words of the Ice Dragon King, the three soul beasts present had mixed feelings. Their strength was the strongest in the Far North, and the weakest ice bear had nearly 200,000 years of cultivation, but the Ice Dragon King called it "still weak", which hit their self-esteem.

Seeing his people being hit, the Ice Dragon King added: "Don't be discouraged. When we take over the God Realm and restore the soul beasts' path to becoming gods, you all have the possibility of becoming gods."

"You retreat, return to your respective territories, and don't disturb me." The Ice Dragon King issued an order to expel the three beasts and asked them to leave.

How dare they disobey the Ice God's order? The three soul beasts had to salute the Ice Dragon King and then left.

"Child, do you understand what I just said?" The Ice Dragon King turned around and asked.

"You forgot that when I absorbed your residual soul, I got the memory in your residual soul. I naturally know these things." Jun Yi replied with a smile.

Hearing this, the Ice Dragon King smiled slightly and continued to ask: "I forgot about this. Are you afraid, kid? Your future enemy is the god who rules over everything."

"Since I have already promised you, I am naturally not afraid. What about the god? I will kill him with one sword when the time comes!"


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