People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 228 Self-immolation once can make you handsome

"Look, it's not your fault that I didn't recognize you the first time. Even you are dumbfounded now, right?"

Seeing Yan's appearance, Xie Yue suddenly burst into laughter. Yan took the mirror and carefully looked at his current face. The originally plain facial features completely changed at this moment, and his entire face was angular. Clear, sword-shaped eyebrows, a straight nose, and slightly pursed thin lips give people a cold and aloof feeling. He is definitely handsome, especially the black and red flame pattern between the eyebrows, which makes it even more... Somewhat charming. At this time, Yan was far more handsome than Xie Yue.

"Is this really me?"

Yan didn't expect that he would become so handsome?

"No, you can become handsome by setting yourself on fire once. You might as well do it a few more times and maybe you can become the most handsome man in Douluo Continent."

Seeing that Yan was indeed fine, Xie Yue started joking.

"You can pull me down. It's God's blessing that I can survive. You don't know how much pain I felt at that time. I don't want to experience this feeling again. If Jun Yi hadn't come to the rescue, I would have been there sooner." It was burned to ashes.”

Yan waved his hand to refuse, and then looked at his extremely handsome face in the mirror again, pinching his chin and nose to confirm that this was what he looked like now.

Xie Yue walked up to Jun Yi, bowed to him and said, "Thank you so much, Junior Jun Yi, for saving Yan's life."

Jun Yi saw that Xie Yue was not surprised at all when he saw his face. He smiled slightly and said: "We are all classmates of Wuhun Academy, and we should help each other. But when Senior Xie Yue saw me I’m not surprised, have you already guessed my identity?”

"Yes, I'm afraid the only boy who can get so close to Zhuqing is Jun Yi. Before in the academy, Zhuqing had never said a word to another boy, and in this mist In such a dangerous place like the Grand Canyon, the only one who can make her believe so much is Junior Jun Yi."

Xie Yue smiled and explained that he had helped his sister investigate relevant information and experiences about Zhu Zhuqing, so he still knew something about Zhu Zhuqing.

"So that's it. Senior Xie Yue is really attentive. It's really a coincidence. Zhu Qing and I have only been in this misty canyon for more than half a month. We just happened to pass by here today and we happened to see it. The two seniors were fighting against the evil soul master, so they came to help," Jun Yi said to Xie Yue.

"Evil Soul Master? By the way, Xie Yue, what happened to the Evil Soul Master? Did you kill him?"

After hearing the words "Evil Soul Master", Yan quickly turned around and asked Xie Yue Dao.

"He's dead. He was killed by our joint efforts. Otherwise, how could we save you."

Xie Yue lied and said that he promised to conceal her strength for Zhu Zhuqing, so he lied that the three of them worked together to kill the evil soul master.

After hearing that the evil soul master was dead, Yan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "That's good, there are too many evil soul masters in this Misty Grand Canyon. In the six months since we came here, we have to kill at least nearly a hundred people. I feel it is necessary to take some enforcement measures against this place.”

"It can't be that easy. The terrain of the Mist Grand Canyon is so complicated. Even if our Spirit Hall has mastered most of the terrain, we can't formulate order and rules here just because the fog lingers all year round." Xie Yue He sighed and said.

"Then after I absorb the soul ring, we will come back and continue killing until these evil soul masters no longer dare to harm others at will!"

Yan made up his mind to wait until he had absorbed the soul ring, then come back to continue training, and then go back when the continent-wide elite soul master competition began.

"Absorb the soul ring? You also broke through?" Xie Yue asked curiously.

"That's natural. It's all Jun Yi's help."

Yan told Xie Yue about his current physical condition, the evolution of his martial soul, and the breakthrough of his soul power. Xie Yue was stunned for a moment.

After listening to Yan's story, Xie Yue came to Jun Yi and bowed to him: "Thank you Jun Yi, we will never forget this kindness. If you need us two in the future, we will never give up." ”

"Senior Xie Yue, you're welcome. I see that your soul power fluctuation has reached level 50 now. I think you broke through just after the battle. It just so happens that you can break through the Soul King with Senior Yan. It will be easy to come back and practice by then. many."

Jun Yi said to Xie Yue, as soon as he arrived here, he noticed that Xie Yue's soul power had increased, from the original level 49 to the current level 50 soul king. It should be because of the life and death battle just now. , stimulated his potential and was promoted.

"Xie Yue, are you level 50 too?" Yan looked at Xie Yue in surprise.

"Hmm, it just so happens that we have been staying in this damn place for half a year. It's time to get some fresh air."


Yan nodded in agreement. Their original plan for this trip was to stay for half a year to get familiar with the environment, and then return to the academy to prepare for this continent-wide senior soul master elite competition. The two of them only brought dry food for half a year, which was just right. You can use the time of additional soul rings to go back and replenish your supplies. Come back after he improves his strength.

"By the way, why don't you see Senior Sister Nana following you? If she were here, that evil soul master wouldn't be able to do anything to you." Jun Yi asked curiously.

"Nana's original plan was to come with us, but she was later assigned other tasks by the Pope. I don't know what they were specifically."

Xie Yue replied that she had asked Hu Liena what she was going to do, but she was mysterious and didn't tell him, so he didn't ask too much.

Immediately afterwards, Yan said: "I know some inside information, it seems to be related to the soul guidance device. Didn't our Wuhun Palace build a new branch about knowing the soul guidance device? Nana was sent there."

"Oh, that's how it is."

After listening, Jun Yi understood the cause and effect of this incident. He remembered that in the original work, the three of them came to this misty canyon to practice together. In this life, Bibi Dong got the blueprint for making a soul guide from Ning Fengzhi, and needed someone to learn how to inscribe the magic circle. This required some spiritually strong soul masters, and Hu Liena became that candidate. Jun Yi also understood all this, and knew that Wuhun Palace was indeed preparing to seize the blue ocean market for soul tools.

But Jun Yi is not particularly worried. After all, he only gave Ning Fengzhi the blueprints for making the first- and second-level soul guides. The low-end soul guides will be made by Wuhun Palace. He, Jun Yi, will make them when the time comes. Just be high-end and directly capture the entire high-end market. . . . . .

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