People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 3 It’s time to awaken, Ning Rongrong strikes

"Then just let him die because of some 'accident'."

Xue Qinghe's tone was so cold that the infant Jun Yi couldn't help but shiver.

"This Qian Renxue is so cruel, can he even kill a cute child like me?" Jun Yi complained in his heart.

"Nowadays, there are many factions in the imperial family. Only the second and third princes are quite talented. The fourth prince is still young and is not a concern. It seems that we need to find some excuse to disqualify my younger brothers from competing for the throne."

Xue Qinghe continued to caress Jun Yi's face and said expressionlessly.

"Yu Long and I will definitely do our best to help Miss." The man in black robe said.

"I just hope that this child will have some talents in the future, so that he can be of some use, and it won't be said that he raised a waste in vain."

Five years later, in a courtyard of the Tiandou Palace, a handsome-looking boy was playing with some scattered parts, rare metals, etc., a dazzling array of things.

I saw him assembling the one in his hand and complaining:

"System, you are not reliable at all. When I look at other people's systems, they always get what they need. How come you have to do it myself?"

"This is to hone the host and prevent the host from becoming dependent on the system and eventually becoming a waste that is nothing without the system."

The system's cold voice replied.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the system would actually think about me. Not bad."

After praising the boy, he gave up the parts in his hand and said to himself: "It seems that this soul guide is really difficult to make. Even if there are drawings, I can't understand it. It seems that Huo Yuhao really has it." talent."

After that, he put away all the drawings and metal parts on the table, returned to the room and sat down.

In the past five years, Jun Yi has completely accepted the fact that he has traveled through time.

He had asked the system before why he came to Douluo Continent. The system's answer was simple. When Jun Yi was imagining, a meteor happened to pass by, so he fulfilled his wish and came here.

After hearing this reason, Jun Yi felt it was outrageous, but he had indeed traveled through time, and he believed the nonsense.

As for his current name, it is still Jun Yi. At that time, Xue Qinghe wanted to name himself Xue Mantian, and he called him Xue Mantian for a long time.

But when Jun Yi reached the age where he could speak, he acted coquettishly with Xue Qinghe and changed his name to Jun Yi. Xue Qinghe also happily agreed. After all, he was just a chess piece and it didn't matter what he called him.

Jun Yi has been living cautiously these years, not daring to cause trouble for Xue Qinghe, nor making too many demands.

Although Jun Yi seemed to be Xue Qinghe's adopted brother on the surface, he understood that he was just lucky and was chosen as a pawn used by Qian Renxue to win people's hearts.

It was also after Qian Renxue adopted Jun Yi that Xue Qinghe's title of "loving the people like a son" became widely known. He not only accumulated a good reputation among the people, but also gained a lot of political capital in the court.

But after all, Qian Renxue was kind to him as an adopter, and on the surface she was really good to him, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten such rare metals and materials to forge the soul guide. Junyi is also grateful.

"Today is the day to awaken the martial spirit. Qian Renxue should be here soon. I am so excited. I don't know which fruit I have awakened."

"It would be great if I get the Zhenzhen Fruit. Who can take my punch then?"

It’s fantasy time…

About half an hour later, a knock on the door and a gentle voice of inquiry reached Jun Yi’s ears:

"Xiaoyi, are you here? I'm taking you to awaken your martial spirit."

Jun Yi quickly ran to the door, opened the door, greeted Xue Qinghe who arrived, and said:

"Brother Qinghe, come in and sit down."

"Brother, please stop sitting down. Today is the day to awaken your martial soul. Are you ready?"

Xue Qinghe gently stroked Jun Yi's head and asked with a smile.

"Get ready, brother Qinghe, I deliberately ate some more today. I will definitely be able to awaken a good martial spirit!"

Jun Yi patted his belly specifically, looking eager to try.

"Okay, I believe Xiaoyi. However, don't put any pressure on you. Regardless of whether you can become a soul master or not, I will let you live your life safely."

Xue Qinghe said while holding Jun Yi's little hand.

"Thank you, brother Qinghe."

After that, Jun Yi followed Xue Qinghe onto the sedan chair, and the eight people carried the sedan chair towards the square in the palace.

In fact, at first Jun Yi didn't quite understand why the royal family had to unite to awaken martial arts. It wasn't until later that he understood that it was because the nobles wanted to show off their children's qualifications and get more resources.

On the sedan chair, Xue Qinghe was the first to speak: "Xiaoyi, Rongrong has also come to the palace today. She will be very happy to see you."

"Ah? Ning Rongrong is here too? Why?" Jun Yi asked confused.

Xue Qinghe explained: "Teacher came to the palace today to discuss important matters with my father. By the way, I will awaken my martial soul with Rongrong."

"Why, judging from your expression, you don't want to see Rongrong?"

Xue Qinghe teased with a half-smile.

"Well, I don't really want to. Can I go back?"


"All right."

Jun Yi looked embarrassed, held his chin with his hands, and looked out of the sedan with despair. Xue Qinghe on the side was smiling constantly.

Since Jun Yi was brought into the palace, Xue Qinghe has taken great care of Jun Yi.

The entire Tiandou Palace and even Tiandou City knew that Xue Qinghe loved his adopted brother very much, and would give priority to Jun Yi no matter what good things he had.

At the same time, Xue Qinghe's title of "loving the people like his own children" spread throughout the Tiandou Empire.

So when Xue Qinghe went to the Qibao Liuli Sect to visit his teacher Ning Fengzhi, he naturally brought Jun Yi with him.

Jun Yi also met Ning Rongrong, who was the same age as him. As for the relationship between the two, it was a bit subtle...

When I came to the huge knight training ground in the Tiandou Palace, I saw that many children of the same age as Jun Yi were awakening their martial spirits.

Most of these children were the younger generations of princes and nobles, and important officials of the court, so they had the opportunity to come to the palace to awaken their martial spirits.

Unlike when Tang San awakened in the Holy Soul Village, the Spirit Hall had to specially send soul masters to the village to help the children in the village awaken their martial spirits.

The Tiandou royal family was rich and powerful, and the martial spirit awakening was naturally one-on-one, so there was no need to queue up. When you come here, there will naturally be soul masters to awaken your martial spirit for you.

Xue Qinghe and Jun Yi got off the sedan chair. When everyone saw Xue Qinghe leading Jun Yi to the square, they all saluted.

"Don't be polite, I am here to help my brother Jun Yi awaken his martial spirit today."

Xue Qinghe's gentle voice reached everyone's ears. Everyone also made way for this wise prince.

Xue Qinghe brought Jun Yi to a middle-aged soul master, turned to look at Jun Yi and said, "Xiao Yi, come on, don't be too stressed."

"Yeah." Jun Yi nodded in response.

The middle-aged man took out a hexagonal transparent crystal and placed it next to Jun Yi. Just when he wanted to say something, he heard a little girl's voice instantly covering the entire square:

"Xiao Yizi! You made me look so hard! I didn't expect you to come here!"

Jun Yi looked up, and a stunning sword light crossed the sky. Two figures broke through the air and came to Jun Yi and Xue Qinghe in an instant.

One man had a handsome face, a straight nose and a square mouth, and a gentle and elegant appearance. He was wearing a spotless white robe.

The other had sharp eyebrows and eyes, and his eyes were sharp. His long white hair and silver-white robe made him look more like a stranger.

In his arms, a man in a sky blue skirt gave people a very clean feeling. His neat short hair and chubby cheeks, coupled with his puffy appearance, added a bit of cuteness.

Xue Qinghe walked forward and saluted to the two of them, saying, "Greetings, Teacher, His Majesty Jian Douluo."

Before Ning Fengzhi could respond, Ning Rongrong in Jian Douluo's arms jumped a little, came to Jun Yi, and then punched Jun Yi's head directly.

"No, are you serious?"

Jun Yi dodged Ning Rongrong's punch by turning sideways, and then grabbed her wrist with his backhand, and stopped Ning Rongrong with a grab.

Jun Yi was about to say something when he heard Ning Rongrong questioning Jun Yi: "Tell me, are you wrong?"

Jun Yi was like a black question mark. He clearly did nothing and did not make any mistakes at all.

"Boy, let go of your hands."

Suddenly, a chill swept over Jun Yi's body. Jun Yi turned his head and found that Jian Douluo was looking at him with a hint of displeasure in his eyes...

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