People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 319: Ning Fengzhi, who treats Jun Yi as a chess piece, always hates Jun Yi's Sword Doul

"The truth? I don't know much about this, but I do know some of their attitudes and opinions towards you. But are you really willing to listen? This may be a bit cruel to you." Bibi Dong said slowly.

"Please explain it to Sister Dong'er." Jun Yi's eyes were full of hope. This was actually a knot in Jun Yi's heart that had troubled him for a long time.

"Ning Fengzhi is a man who has been shrewd and calculating since he was a child. I have always hated him. But I will be responsible for what I say next, and there is no adulteration. Do you still remember the first time we met a few years ago?" Bibi Dong said seriously.

"Remember, at that time I was still shocked by the appearance of the Pope, and I couldn't help but take a few more glances." Jun Yi made a joke, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

Bibi Dong naturally heard the meaning of Jun Yi's words, so she replied: "I noticed it at that time, but I thought you were a child and was unwilling to hold you accountable, otherwise a person would dare to use such lewd words. He stared at me with narrowed eyes, he would have been dragged out and executed long ago.”

"I can't help it. Who makes Sister Dong'er look so good-looking? Any normal man should take a few glances at her."

"makes sense."

Gradually, the atmosphere became less heavy, and the two chatted about their first impressions of each other when they met, talking and laughing.

Then Jun Yize continued to ask: "Then what happened after I left?"

"After you left, Ning Fengzhi said that she wanted to negotiate a deal with me. The content of the deal was the truth about Rong'er's death, but do you know what she wanted to trade with me?" Bibi Dong turned to look at Jun Yi, Said with a sigh.

"Isn't it a soul guide blueprint?" Jun Yi was a little confused.

"No, the condition he made at first was you." Bibi Dong looked at Jun Yi's face with a trace of pity in her eyes.

"Me?" Jun Yi had a trace of confusion on his face.

"He wanted to use you in exchange for the truth about Rong'er's death. He told me that you were extraordinary and had the ability to create various soul tools. Not only that, you were also a genius with extremely high talents. As long as I Tell him the secret, and he will let you join the Spirit Hall."

"Then why did it become a soul guide blueprint later?" Jun Yi asked lightly.

"I'm not a fool. You are Xue'er's adopted child, and your relationship with our Wuhun Palace will be good in the future. You may even return to Wuhun Palace with Xue'er. So the chips are not equal at all, and even if you let You joined Wuhun Palace, and based on your attitude towards the Qibao Glazed Sect at that time, even if our Soul Guidance Device could be obtained, it would still be the worst. So I rejected him on the spot and chose to settle for the next best thing. I got the drawings and finished product of the soul guide from him, and asked the Qibao Glazed Sect to never make soul guides." Bibi Dong slowly told the situation at that time.

"So, Uncle Ning just treats me as a chess piece that can be placed at will, right?" Jun Yi's expression was plain and scary.

"Jun Yi, don't be too sad. Aren't you going to create your own power in the future? Then you can become a chess player and get rid of the control of others."

Bibi Dong saw something was wrong with Jun Yi's situation and tried to comfort her. She was a little afraid that Jun Yi would collapse emotionally and do something crazy.

"I remember Jian Chenxin was also present at that time. Do you know his attitude towards me?"

"I actually know something about this. Our Wuhun Palace has an internal agent in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. The result they obtained after years of investigation is that Sword Douluo has never liked you from the beginning to the end. In his eyes, you are just a An orphan with some talent is just lucky enough to be adopted by Xue'er and grow up in the palace. Otherwise, you would not be qualified to come into contact with the Qibao Glazed Sect in this life. You are not worthy of Ning Rongrong, and he even did it several times. Because of your ambiguous attitude towards Ning Rongrong, I wanted to expel you from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Then, when the news that you had an affair with Dugu Yan and Zhu Qing came to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Sword Douluo was furious and started talking to him at that time. Ning Fengzhi had a big quarrel and said he wanted to kill you. "

"When I received the news at first, I thought Jian Chen was just talking about it casually and didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until later that Sword Douluo returned from the sect after leaving the sect for a long time, but lost his right arm. He had a big relationship with Ning Fengzhi again. We had a fight, and that's when I knew that he actually took action and chased you for a long time. Although I didn't know if Ning Fengzhi was behind this incident, he must have known about it. of."

Speaking of this, Bibi Dong stopped, she changed her tone and said to Jun Yi: "But you are fine at all, but Jian Chenxin has broken an arm, and the dignified Sword Douluo was actually killed by a Soul Sect cut off his arm, it’s really hilarious to say it.”

Jun Yi, on the other hand, was still lost in thought. He did not expect that Sword Douluo would have such an attitude towards him. He thought that the disgust shown by Sword Douluo before was just because he was arrogant by nature and wanted to teach him as a strict teacher, but instead Unexpectedly, he actually hated himself.

This made Jun Yi a little bit unacceptable for a moment. Just when Jun Yi fell into silence, Bibi Dong leaned towards Jun Yi with a smile on his face and said: "Xiao Yi'er, it's getting late, Sister Dong'er's My shoulder is free and I can lend it to you to lean on.”

This statement made Jun Yi laugh, because Bibi Dong's current posture was exactly the same as when he comforted her a few days ago, which made Jun Yi successful.

"Thank you for your comfort, Sister Dong'er."

"You're welcome. It's good for me that you know the truth. When I deal with the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in the future, you won't interfere." Bibi Dong saw that Jun Yi's mood had improved and his expression had returned to normal.

"Let's talk about something else." Bibi Dong suggested.

"What does Sister Dong'er want to talk about?"

"I want to know about Xue'er. What has she experienced over the years? As her brother, you should know a lot, right?"

Bibi Dong said to Jun Yi that although She Long Douluo would return to the Spirit Hall to report to her about Qian Renxue over the years, most of them were official business, and they talked about Qian Renxue's deeds. What she actually wanted to know most was what kind of person her daughter was. In Bibi Dong's opinion, Jun Yi was undoubtedly the one who knew her daughter better.

"Sister Xue'er, I have to say, her acting is really good. I remember when I was a kid..."

Just as Bibi Dong and Jun Yi were chatting under the moonlight, the young girl Bibi Dong had just finished a battle with a low-level Soul Emperor. She looked a little embarrassed at this time, but fortunately she managed to kill him without any danger. She sat down on the ground, panting, and recovering her strength. . . . . . .

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