People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 38 I think we should each control our own affairs and not interfere with each other.

"It turns out that he is the Fudo Ming King Zhao Wuji. He has been missing on the mainland for ten years. I didn't expect that he would be a teacher at Shrek Academy." Ning Rongrong said in surprise.

Zhu Zhuqing asked: "Rongrong, have you heard of this name?"

Ning Rongrong nodded and said to Zhu Zhuqing: "Yeah, back then, the Fudo Ming King Zhao Wuji once had a problem with the Wuhun Palace. The Wuhun Palace wanted to punish him, but he forced him to demote him from the level of sixteen soul emperors. The bishop broke out of the siege, and the incident was settled."

Dai Mubai spread his hands and said helplessly: "That's right. I can't help you much. I can only wish you good luck. You should introduce each other first, state your names and abilities, and see how we can cooperate. Only then can we best withstand Teacher Zhao’s exam.”

Tang San nodded, took a step forward and spoke first: "My name is Tang San, weapon spirit blue silver grass, level 29 control spirit master."

Xiao Wu watched Tang San speak, and the second one said: "Xiao Wu, Beast Martial Spirit Rabbit, a level 29 attack-type battle spirit master."

Then Ning Rongrong spoke, "My name is Ning Rongrong, I am the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda of Weapon Spirit, and I am a level 31 auxiliary weapon soul master."

"What? It's actually Soul Lord?"

After hearing Ning Rongrong's self-introduction, almost everyone's eyes were focused on Ning Rongrong.

"Has the 12-year-old Soul Lord already broken the record of the youngest Soul Lord in the mainland? And, is this martial soul from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect?" Tang San asked in surprise.

Ning Rongrong looked modest, waved his hand and replied: "The 12-year-old Soul Master is just average. I don't think it is that rare."

Afterwards, Zhu Zhuqing continued to speak: "Zhu Zhuqing, a beast martial spirit ghost cat, a twenty-seventh level agility attack type battle spirit master."

The last one was Jun Yi. He took out a long knife from the storage soul guide, then put it on his shoulder and said: "Jun Yi, Wuhun: Surgery Fruit, Level 33 Control System Soul Master."

Jun Yi's self-introduction was very concise, not as detailed as the others, because Jun Yi didn't know what type of martial arts his soul belonged to, so he simply said less.

"Another soul master. It seems that this Shrek Academy is really full of monsters. As expected, the teacher is right. This academy is really suitable for him, Tang San!"

After hearing Jun Yi's self-introduction, Tang San admired secretly in his heart.

Then Tang San stepped forward and said to several people: "Fortunately, we don't have many duplicate soul master types. We have two control type soul masters. Let's do it this way. Ning Rongrong will assist us from the rear, and Xiao Wu will be responsible for the main attack. I will take control and contain Teacher Zhao Wuji, and at the same time assist Xiao Wu in the frontal attack. Jun Yi, please cooperate with me from the side. Please use your speed to contain him from the flank."

Tang San arranged everyone as a captain, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong both nodded, Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Ning Rongrong and Jun Yi, and finally nodded slightly, agreeing to his suggestion.

"Since everyone agrees, then do as I say." Tang San said confidently.

"I don't quite agree." Jun Yi shook his head.

"Huh? Is there something wrong with my arrangement?" Tang San asked back. He thought that he had learned some spirit master battle strategies from the master. Although he was far from professional, at least he was definitely enough to deal with the Zhao Wuji in front of him.

Jun Yi smiled calmly and said: "I think we can each control our own affairs, and no one can hinder the other."

Tang San frowned slightly, very confused. He vaguely felt that the young man in front of him seemed to be hostile to him, but he couldn't explain exactly what it was.

"Then do as you say. We each control our own affairs and no one gets in the way of the other."

Tang San didn't continue to argue with Jun Yi. He understood that geniuses like Jun Yi had their own arrogance, and it was completely normal not to want to cooperate with others. Tang San, of course, would not feel uncomfortable with his hot face and cold butt. , after all, Tang San also has his own arrogance!

Hearing this, Jun Yi smiled and then walked aside, waiting for the incense stick to burn out. Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also followed.

Tang San's guess was correct, Jun Yi did have some resistance to him, so when he heard that he wanted to assist Tang San, he directly refused. After all, who was Jun Yi, and Tang San was not qualified to order him.

But to put it bluntly, Jun Yi has a double standard, because he hates Tang San and subconsciously feels that Tang San's behavior is very pretentious, so he has such emotions. If it were anyone else, Jun Yi would have already agreed.

"It seems that you have all agreed. It's just right. Let's get started."

Seeing that the five people had dispersed, Zhao Wuji stood up again, clasped his hands together, and moved his wrists. A series of bone-shattering crackling sounds sounded, and the invisible pressure suddenly increased.

Zhao Wuji conjured up another incense stick in his hand, and before he could light it, Ning Rongrong took the lead.

"The seven treasures turned out to be colored glaze." The dazzling seven-color light was suddenly released from her body. In the palm of Ning Rongrong's right hand, there was a seven-color pagoda more than a foot high. Three soul rings of yellow, yellow and purple appeared from under her feet. Soaring out.

"The first is strength, the second is speed, and the third is soul."

Several rays of colorful light flew out from the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and then attached themselves to Jun Yi, Tang San and others. Everyone secretly admired in their hearts that he was indeed the number one martial spirit in the auxiliary department. The speed, strength and soul power increased by 40% at the same time, which immediately gave them confidence again.


At the same time, Jun Yi turned his left hand downwards, and the blue transparent space instantly enveloped everyone, directly covering more than half of the venue.

"What is this?" Xiao Wu looked at the space curiously and asked doubtfully.

"Being distracted during battle is not a good thing."

Zhao Wuji's voice came, and Zhao Wuji moved. He didn't rush toward a few people, but squatted with his legs half-crouched, and smashed his fists toward the ground at the same time.

"not good."

Tang San let out a low cry. The moment Zhao Wuji activated it, he already understood that Zhao Wuji's target was Ning Rongrong. The master once told him that if there was a spirit master from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda among his opponents, he must immediately Deal with him.

Tang San hurriedly summoned the Blue Silver Grass Spirit, and the blue vines and Zhao Wuji rushed in the direction of Ning Rongrong at the same time. But to everyone's surprise, Ning Rongrong didn't have any nervous emotions on his face, as if there was no tension at all. Not afraid of Zhao Wuji's attack.


In an instant, Ning Rongrong's figure disappeared in front of Tang San and Zhao Wuji, replaced by a small stone. The blue silver grass that Tang San originally used to entangle Ning Rongrong was thrown into the air and was caught by Zhao Wuji. The momentum was torn apart.

"What happened? Why did she disappear suddenly?"

Zhao Wuji stood where Ning Rongrong was just now, with a look of confusion on his face, but Ning Rongrong had already appeared further back about 20 meters away from Zhao Wuji.

At this moment, a female voice came: "Teacher Zhao, being distracted during battle is not a good thing."

I saw Xiao Wu's figure appearing in front of Zhao Wuji, passing through the shock, Tang San and Xiao Wu took off almost at the same time, even the jumping height was almost the same.

"Xiao Wu, come on."

Although Tang San didn't know what was happening, he still kept up with Xiao Wu's rhythm, raising his hands in front of his chest and pushing forward.

The toes of Xiao Wu's feet touched Tang San's palm, and with the help of Tang San's pushing force, they suddenly shot towards Zhao Wuji below like arrows.

Zhao Wuji did not make any move and allowed Xiao Wu to attack. Xiao Wu clamped his legs on the main arteries on both sides of Zhao Wuji's neck and twisted his delicate body with all his strength, spinning in the air.

At the same time, Tang San used the Blue Silver Grass Spirit to wrap around Zhao Wuji's lower body. The vines tightened extremely, and the strong paralyzing poison was suddenly released.

At the same time, the vines rising from the ground pushed up Zhao Wuji's body, causing his feet to leave the ground, and Zhao Wuji's figure flew directly...

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