People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 403: Emperor Xueye passed away, the whole country mourned

In the Tiandou Palace, Emperor Xueye was lying on the hospital bed. His face was pale and haggard, and he was almost exhausted.

His eyes were deeply sunken, as if hiding endless worry and fatigue. The breath is like a candle in the wind, which will be extinguished at any time.

The air in Tiandou Palace was like solid ice, cold and heavy. Every courtier and maid lowered their heads tremblingly, not daring to make a sound for fear of disturbing the final peace of the great emperor on the bed.

His breathing was weak and rapid, and every breath required all his strength. His skin became as pale as snow, and his body seemed to have been frozen by ice and snow. In his eyes, the majesty and wisdom of the emperor were no longer there, only the desire for life and the fear of death remained. His life is like the last candle in a winter night, which may be extinguished at any time.

All the court physicians and wizards were helpless. They could not stop the flow of life and heal this once powerful body. They could only stay by his side silently, ease his pain as much as possible, and help him through this final journey.

At this time, Xue Qinghe and Xue Beng were kneeling beside Emperor Xue Ye’s bed.

Their eyes were red and they looked sad. On this cold night, they were about to lose the father who loved and protected them.

Emperor Xue Ye's chest rose and fell slightly, and every breath seemed extremely difficult. His hands tightly grasped Xue Qinghe's and Xue Beng's hands, as if conveying his last fatherly love to them. Tears shone in his eyes, showing endless sadness and helplessness.

"My children," he spoke with difficulty, his voice like withered leaves, "all people are mortal, so don't be too sad."

Xue Qinghe and Xue Beng held Emperor Xue Ye's hand tightly, and their tears fell on the back of his hand, warm and hot. They wanted to say something, but no words could ease the grief at this moment.

"Qinghe, after I die, you will be the future emperor of the Tiandou Empire. I believe that the Tiandou Empire will prosper under your hands."

Xue Qinghe held his father's hand tightly, tears falling like broken beads: "Father, I will do my best and will not let you down." Emperor Xue Ye nodded slightly, although the fire of life was gradually extinguished. , but his eyes are still full of majesty and wisdom. He spoke with difficulty, as if he was telling an outcome that he had foreseen: "After I die, I hope you will not make things difficult for Xue Beng. You must unite and protect our Tiandou Empire."

The snowflakes falling outside the window seemed to add a bit of sadness to the tragedy. Xue Beng lowered his head aside, his clothes already wet with tears. He knew that he was about to lose the greatest father in the world.

"Father, I will definitely remember your teachings." Xue Beng raised his head, his eyes full of determination. Emperor Xueye nodded slightly. At this moment, his fire of life had gradually dimmed. However, his eyes were still full of determination and hope. He seemed to be using his last strength to entrust an important responsibility to his children.

"After I die, Xue Beng, you must assist your brother and protect our Tiandou Empire together." Xue Beng held Emperor Xue Ye's hand tightly and burst into tears. He nodded vigorously, expressing his determination for this important task.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze, and the entire palace fell into silence. All eyes were focused on Emperor Xueye on the hospital bed, and everyone felt the solemnity and sadness of this moment. Emperor Xue Ye's breath became weaker and weaker, and his hands gradually lost strength. His eyes slowly closed, as if recalling the past years.

His soul, like a swaying leaf, will leave this world at any time. However, before he closed his eyes, his last order shook the entire palace like spring thunder: "Everyone, step aside and let me accompany my children."

Everyone retreated silently, leaving only Xue Qinghe and Xue Beng guarding the bedside of Emperor Xue Ye. They looked at their father's figure, and their hearts were full of respect and nostalgia.

Suddenly, Emperor Xue Ye's body trembled suddenly, and his eyes were like two bright stars, which were instantly extinguished. His body stiffened and his last breath slowly came out of his mouth.

At that moment, the entire palace seemed to fall into an icy abyss. The air freezes and time stands still. Only Emperor Xueye's last words echoed in the air, like the cold wind on a winter night, biting and cold.

Xue Qinghe stood up slowly, patted Xue Beng on the shoulder, walked out of the palace, and announced to all the eunuchs and maids who were kneeling outside, and sadly announced: "Father, the emperor has passed away."

The heavy snow outside the window seemed to be mourning the death of this great emperor. Xue Qinghe stood on the steps and announced the death of Emperor Xue Ye with a trembling voice, looking extremely tragic.

Following Xue Qinghe's announcement, the entire palace instantly fell into grief. The eunuchs and maids were crying, and all the palaces were in mourning. Everyone lowered their heads silently, not daring to make any sound. Heavy snow covered the entire palace, as if the deceased emperor was covered in white mourning clothes.

On the other side, Jun Yi has arrived at Tiandou City. Along the way, snowflakes continue to fall in the sky.

The cold wind was biting, and the three of them talked and laughed all the way, full of laughter.

They came to the gate of Tiandou City. White silk was hung on the gate, which was a sign of the emperor's death. After entering the city, they saw the scene of mourning on the streets. The people were dressed in mourning clothes and cried silently, as if the whole world was shrouded in sadness.

The shops on both sides of the street also hung white banners, and snowflakes fluttered in the air, floating together with paper money. The silver-white flying all over the sky added a bit of desolation to this tragic day.

"What is this?" Dugu Yan looked at the pedestrians in front of him curiously, full of confusion.

"Only when the emperor dies can there be such a posture." Jun Yi said lightly.

"The emperor dies?"

"We will know if we go to the palace."

Jun Yi and the other two passed through the gate and came to the square of the palace. An altar was set up in the center of the square, with an incense burner burning on the altar, and the incense smoke curled up in the air, like a elegy for the deceased emperor.

Jun Yi looked around and saw those familiar faces. They were all loyal generals under the emperor. Their faces were full of grief and helplessness.

"According to the timeline of the plot, Xue Ye still had at least five years to live. Why did he die now?"


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