People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 454: Shura God, who is under surveillance by the Seven Deadly Sins, restores the power of th

In the vast space of Shura Temple, each of the seven first-level gods under Destruction occupies a place. Their existence is like seven unshakable boulders, which remain motionless no matter how the torrent of time washes away. Their eyes are cold and sharp, as if they can penetrate all hypocrisy and lies.

The God of Arrogance, with a golden crown on his head and a red robe, his eyes are like cold swords, revealing disdain and arrogance.

The God of Jealousy, dressed in emerald green robes, his eyes sparkling with jealousy for all the good things in the world.

The god of wrath, his whole body shrouded in darkness, with only his eyes like lightning, always ready to destroy all evil he sees.

The God of Sloth, leaning on the magnificent carved chair, his eyes as unfocused as mist, as if he was not interested in anything in the world.

The God of Greed holds a golden bowl in his hand, his eyes full of desire for wealth and power in the world.

The god of gluttony, with a fat body and a love and greed for food in his eyes.

The god of lust, his eyes are full of yearning and pursuit of all the beautiful things in the world.

Under the supervision of these seven gods, God Shura seemed unusually silent. His face no longer had the majesty and domineering look of the past, but was replaced by a deep sense of exhaustion and helplessness.

His eyes wandered between the seven gods, and then he sighed.

God Shura really didn't expect that the God of Destruction would take this matter so seriously. Did he really think that Jun Yi could save the divine world from the catastrophe tens of thousands of years later?

Suddenly, God Shura raised his head, frowning slightly. He suddenly sensed Tang San's aura, as well as his angry and confused emotions. He instantly understood that there was something wrong with Tang San's divine test.

He stood up directly, looked at the God of Arrogance, and said, "There is a problem with my successor, and I need to confirm it."

The air in the Shura Temple instantly solidified, and the arrogant God's eyes swept across the Shura God coldly, and the cold sword light seemed to be able to pierce all voids. "Your successor? God King Shura, when did you become so interested in a successor?" He sneered, the golden crown shining with a cold luster.

God Shura looked directly at him, with endless majesty in his eyes, "I chose this successor from the beginning, and it has a different meaning." His words were full of indifference, as if he was announcing an unchangeable fact. .

The God of Arrogance smiled slightly, that smile was like a glacier that has not melted for thousands of years, cold and arrogant, "We are here to monitor you under the order of the God King of Destruction. This is also with the consent of the God Realm Committee. You shouldn't disobey, right?"

The air seemed to be frozen, and every sound in the Shura Temple was frozen in the air. The sneer of the arrogant god echoed in the air, as if leaving cold traces in every corner. God Shura didn't look back, his gaze seemed to penetrate time and space, falling on that distant figure - Tang San. He felt Tang San's anger and incomprehension, as well as his despair and helplessness.

God Shura finally noticed that Tang San had completed his sixth test, but why didn't Tang San have the aura of the God of Death realm on his body? Could it be that there is something wrong with the place of inheritance in the lower realm?

He turned around and walked towards the God of Sloth, the head of the seven gods. His steps were steady and firm, and each step seemed to tap the silence in the air. He came to the God of Sloth and looked at him with his unfocused eyes.

"Lazy, you are the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins. Now I only need to send down a divine power that has no lethality. You can check it first."

The voice of God Shura echoed in the hall.

The God of Sloth raised his head slightly, and there seemed to be a hint of surprise in his eyes. Then, he leaned back on the magnificent carved chair and looked at God Shura with a casual look.

"Since you have chosen to give in, I won't add insult to injury. It's up to you."

His voice seemed filled with sleep, as if even speaking made him tired. The God of Arrogance's eyes were cold, and he looked at the God of Lazy, as if asking for his opinion.

The God of Lazy raised his eyes slightly, glanced at the God of Arrogance, and then slowly shook his head.

God Shura slowly released a stream of pure divine power and handed it to the God of Arrogance for inspection.

The God of Arrogance took over the divine power, glanced at God Shura coldly, and then integrated the divine power into his own god. His eyes instantly became solemn, and a trace of searching look flashed across his face. The air seemed to be frozen, and all the gods were waiting for the test of the arrogant god.

At this moment, even the God of Gluttony could not break the tense atmosphere, and all eyes were focused on the God of Arrogance. Finally, the God of Arrogance slowly raised his head, and there was an indescribable color in his eyes.

He looked at God Shura, his lips moved slightly, as if he was hesitating for something. God Shura did not speak, but quietly waited for his response. At this time, he was unusually calm, as if he was fully prepared. The God of Arrogance took a deep breath and finally said: "There is indeed no problem with your divine power. It's just that I'm a little confused, why is this divine power so weak?"

The solid atmosphere in the air collapsed instantly after the words of the arrogant god fell. The God of Gluttony blinked his eyes, while the God of Greed looked at God Shura with twinkling eyes. God Shura smiled slightly, as if he was not surprised by the arrogant God's question. He put his hands behind his back and turned his gaze to the mist-like eyes of the God of Sloth.

"It must be weak. After all, it is only used to repair the problems that occurred in the divine test. If too much divine power is used, wouldn't it be equivalent to the left arm? As a law enforcement god, do I have to break the law knowingly?" The voice of Shura God echoed in the hall.

The God of Laziness frowned slightly. He glanced at Shura God, as if trying to figure out the truth of the other party's words. But when he saw Shura God's firm eyes, he finally nodded. He slowly stood up from the magnificent carved chair and greeted the Shura divine power.

His eyes gradually became deep, as if he was looking for something in this weak divine power. Time seemed to slow down at this moment, and every breath seemed to be stretched.

Finally, after the investigation of the Seven Deadly Sins, it was confirmed that there was indeed no abnormality in this divine power.

Shura God turned around, and the figure of the God of Laziness was reflected in his deep eyes. He looked at the God of Laziness, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, which was full of cunning and depth. "Since you have confirmed that there is no problem with this divine power, then I should also solve the problem of my successor." Shura God said lightly.

The God of Laziness nodded slightly, his eyes still full of sleepiness and disdain, "As you wish." His voice seemed even lazier than before.

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