People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 567 The Gods Descend to Xuejun Pavilion

"I was a little surprised at first, but in my memory, the representative of the God of Pride seems to be a fallen angel named Lucifer, so it is not surprising that the God of Pride has the power of an angel. This is why I let you fuse the God of Pride One of the reasons for the divine status." Qian Renxue sighed slightly and said, "It's a pity that I can't completely integrate it with my divine status. Otherwise, I will probably take a step closer to the level of the God King.

After all, my angel power is stronger than that of ordinary first-level gods. As long as I can integrate the power of this fallen angel, I believe I can definitely break through. "

"Do you want me to help you? I can use the special ability of my martial soul to perfectly integrate the two gods. Of course, this must be under the premise that the two powers can be integrated." Jun Yi asked Qian Renxue. .

"No, I want to fuse it with my own strength." Qian Renxue rejected Jun Yi, which was also expected by Jun Yi. In Jun Yi's opinion, Qian Renxue is an extremely proud person, and she generally doesn't Will easily accept help from others and do everything he can do himself.

. . . . . .

In the Star Dou Forest, the gods had turned the entire Star Dou Forest upside down, but they did not find the existence of the Dragon God.

They even tried to find a breakthrough from the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, hoping to force the Dragon God to appear, but they still got nothing. The soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest were dead and injured. Almost all the soul beasts that were over 50,000 years old had been slaughtered by the gods, but the Dragon God still did not show up.

"Could it be that the aura of the Dragon God is fake?" The God of Light's eyes were full of confusion.

The Wind God next to him nodded slightly, "Have we all been deceived? But who has the ability to simulate the breath of the Dragon God?"

As the God of Wind, his perception is unparalleled. If the breath is fake, he will definitely be able to detect it.

"Perhaps you have really been deceived. Among the people I know, there are indeed people who can do this."

Tang San was seen walking slowly in front of the gods, with a profound expression on his face. He had his hands behind his back, looking like a talker.

"Under the crown of God Shura, do you know who it is?" the God of Light asked.

"Of course, that person is the target of your trip to the lower realm, Jun Yi." Tang San replied calmly.

As soon as these words came out, all the gods were shocked. They did not expect that Tang San would involve Jun Yi with this issue.

"My Lord Shura, are you telling the truth?" Fengshen asked. "Of course it's true. Why should I lie to you? Let's kill Jun Yi first. Then we can capture him and interrogate him slowly." A hint of sneer appeared on Tang San's face. The God of Light frowned slightly, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Your Majesty, please take us to kill Jun Yi."

"Well, come here and I'll take you to Jun Yi."

Tang San nodded slightly, and then his whole body turned into blood and disappeared from everyone's sight, "Follow me, I won't wait for you."

A faint blood-colored afterimage was left in the sky, and figures behind them followed closely behind. Although their speed was vastly different from Tang San's, they still followed Tang San closely, not falling behind.

Then the gods came to the top of Gengxin City. The God of Light and the God of Wind flew to Tang San and asked curiously: "Your Majesty, are you sure Jun Yi is in this strange city?"

"Of course, haven't you discovered that your spiritual thoughts can't penetrate this city at all?" Tang San asked slowly.

The God of Light and the God of Wind looked at each other, and both saw the look of surprise in each other's eyes. They did find that their spiritual thoughts were blocked by an invisible force when they approached the city, but they did not move this. The matter is related to Jun Yi. After all, according to their knowledge, there is no power in this world that can block their spiritual thoughts.

Tang San seemed to have anticipated their reaction, and explained: "Jun Yi made a magical object called a soul guide, which blocked your divine thoughts. So I guess he used the soul guide to simulate The purpose of the Dragon God's aura is to divert our attention, thereby delaying time, and to ambush us. "

"Who is this Jun Yi? Why can he detect our aura?" The God of Light and the God of Wind were both shocked. If what Tang San said was true, then this Jun Yi would be really scary. Tang San nodded, "Oh, the Seven Sin Gods were careless and died in Jun Yi's hands, so I hope you can be more cautious. This Jun Yi is very cunning, so you must be careful."

Just as the gods were talking, a dazzling light suddenly emitted from the center of the city, and silver beams of light shot towards the gods in the sky.

When the gods faced this light, most gods chose to dodge, but some gods chose to directly resist with their own bodies. In their understanding, human things cannot harm the gods at all, but

They soon regretted the idea.

As soon as their bodies came into contact with these silver beams, screams rang out one by one, and the positions that they thought could not harm their bodies were now covered in black char, as if they had been burned. It's like being set on fire.

The gods, who were originally extremely powerful, were now screaming in pain. It was obvious that these silver beams were not aimed at them, but at the divine power of these gods. One after another, the silver beams shot into the bodies of the gods. The gods only felt that their bodies were constantly invaded by something. The powerful divine power in their bodies was as fragile as tofu dregs in front of the silver beams, and they would break at the slightest touch.

The shrill screams continued to sound, and the gods had no resistance at all in front of the silver beams.

"A bunch of trash, didn't you hear what I just said?"

Seeing that more than 20 gods were hit, Tang San was directly angry. He directly released his Shura Demon Sword and faced the silver beams in the sky.

"Do you really think I am exaggerating?"

While the blood-colored Shura Demon Sword cut off one silver beam after another, Tang San's figure slowly rose into the sky. He saw his hands in front of him, and an invisible suction spread, and those silver beams gathered towards his hands.

Then, Tang San shook his hands, and a terrifying energy wave spread out. Those silver beams were instantly shattered by him, turning into silver air currents that shot in all directions.

And those gods who were originally shot by the silver beams were wailing in pain. Their bodies were completely charred, and they could even smell a strong smell of barbecue. Their divine power was gone, and the weakest gods could not even maintain flight and fell directly to the ground.

. . . . . . . .

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