People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 577: Xingluo Empire seeks peace, Ma Hongjun and Oscar's feelings

Star Luo Empire, Star Luo City. At this time, Star Luo City was also overcrowded, and they were all waiting for the Emperor of Star Luo Empire. Compared to the high momentum of the Tiandou Empire, the Star Luo Empire seemed a bit dull.

News came from unknown sources that their new emperor Davis suddenly died suddenly in the palace, leaving all the dragons without a leader. At the same time, news also came that the Tiandou Empire was going to war against the Star Luo Empire.

Suddenly, the entire Star Luo City fell into panic. Many discerning businessmen had begun to evacuate from the Star Luo Empire, and some well-informed nobles also began to look for their own escape route.

After all, the Star Luo Empire has fallen into chaos. Under such a general environment, some small and medium-sized satellite countries that are attached to the Star Luo Empire have also announced their separation from the Star Luo Empire. Some have chosen to set up their own businesses, but most of them have chosen to join Wuhun. Empire, they don’t want their territory to be affected by war.

In just a few days, the Xingluo Empire was in panic and chaos.

In the Star Luo Hall, Zhu Zhuqing's father was sitting on the throne at this time. He was the new regent of the Star Luo Empire. In fact, Davis died suddenly a month ago. This news has been Hidden by them,

But this news was leaked out for unknown reasons. "Prince Regent! The Tiandou Empire has declared war on our country. We must come up with countermeasures as soon as possible!" A middle-aged man wearing black armor walked forward. The aura exuding from his body was that of Contra, and in front of him Behind him were hundreds of elite soldiers. The soul power fluctuations in these soldiers were all above the sixth level, enough to form a Soul Saint Master Regiment.

"It's useless. It seems that this battle has to be fought. What I'm afraid of now is that the Spirit Empire will also join the war. By then, we may be in misfortune."

Juno, the head of the Zhu family, who was sitting on the throne, said with a sad look on his face: "Now the whole Xingluo Empire is in panic. A large number of businessmen have left. This is undoubtedly an oath that our fate in Xingluo is about to end."

"These businessmen are all very skilled, and they will run away immediately if there is any slight disturbance." The minister on the side agreed.

"Now we must break the situation, and it seems that we can only suffer your Majesty." Juno stood up and announced to the ministers present: "By my king's order, the former emperor Davis hanged himself. Before his death, Write a testament and admit all your crimes, and the Star Luo Empire is willing to negotiate peace with Tiandou!"

"Yes!" Most of the people present chose to accept the order directly, while some militants were a little dissatisfied, "Regent, are you afraid of the Tiandou Empire? The military strength of our Star Luo Empire far exceeds that of the Tiandou Empire. fight,

Our army has the strength to fight the Spirit Empire, why should we surrender to them? "

"Yes, Prince Regent, we have absolute strength, why should we be afraid of them?"

Juno looked at these ministers and sighed deeply, "Everyone, I, Juno, understand, but are you really willing to be an enemy of Ning Fengzhi? Have you forgotten that this is the real genius? Have you all forgotten the military talents he displayed when he fought with Emperor Mubai?"

After hearing the name "Ning Fengzhi", several generals present calmed down instantly. They were all figures who had been on the battlefield in the past. Ning Fengzhi could be considered to have a lot of tricks, and his military talents were completely outstanding. He can be called a "famous general".

Whether it was layout or judgment, he showed amazing talent, and Ning Fengzhi already knew the Star Luo Empire's army very well.

Back then, he had defeated the strong with the weak, defeated the many with the small, and led the allied forces of the Star Luo Empire and the Wuhun Empire. The amazing military talent he displayed on the battlefield still made their hearts palpitate to this day.

Seeing that the opponents no longer had any voice, Juno said slowly: "So we should try our best to sue for peace. If war really breaks out, we must find the military talisman in the hands of His Majesty Weiss, otherwise we will not even be able to command the army."

. . . . .

At this time, in Tiandou City's Tiandou Square, Tang San's body was still hanging on a high platform. In order to vent their resentment, many civilians threw eggs and vegetables at his body.

Someone even set up a stall under Tang San's body to sell these things, and the prices were quite reasonable.

Tang San's body was smashed into a mess by them.

At this time, two figures appeared in the square. One of them was a square, fat man with red hair styled into a mohawk and two mustaches. The other one was dressed in black, with deep-set peach blossom eyes, giving people a deep feeling. His face was like a crown jewel, handsome and harmonious, with moderately thick eyebrows and a cynical smile on his face. He looked like a A charming noble son.

These two people are the current teachers of Shrek Academy, Ma Hongjun and Oscar, and they came here just to join in the fun.

"Hey, Oscar, look, that person is indeed Tang San. I really didn't expect that he would end up like this in the end, tsk tsk tsk." Ma Hongjun's words were full of sarcasm, and it didn't seem that it was because Tang San was his classmate before. And feel sympathy.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that he would end up like this. His body was exposed outside, and he couldn't do anything after his death."

Oscar sighed.

"Why Oscar, are you sympathizing with Tang San?" Ma Hongjun said with a smile.

"Tang San is also our classmate after all. I'm just sighing." Oscar replied.

"What's there to sigh about? If you treat him as a classmate, does he treat you as a classmate? Think about it, has he ever returned to our college even once after leaving the college for so many years? Has he ever visited our teacher and said A word of gratitude? Tang San is just a person.

Just an ungrateful bastard. He doesn't even respect his own teachers, let alone our classmates? "When Ma Hongjun thought of Tang San, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed. He remembered that a long time ago, Tang San was self-righteous and had no respect for his teacher, and he almost died in Tang San's hands several times.

Oscar didn't refute. Although he had a good relationship with Tang San, so many years of separation had long diluted the little feeling of classmate between them. He just said: "Fat man, stop talking. The dead are like this, but we still cherish it." Have some morals."

After hearing this, Ma Hongjun was also stunned, and then laughed and said: "I came here today just to get angry!"

Ma Hongjun came directly to a stall, took out a gold soul coin, handed it to the stall owner, and said, "Boss, I'll cover all the eggs you have here!"

The boss took a golden soul coin, his eyes full of surprise. This was when he met the God of Wealth. He handed a basket of eggs directly to Ma Hongjun, and then left the place directly.

. . . . . .

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