People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 59 The paper of this book is quite soft, it should be good for making toilet paper

"What kind of strange name is this? Who is the author of this book?" Ning Rongrong stood up and looked at the author's signature.

"This is the first time I've seen someone claim to be a master, and they really put themselves on the line. Is this book really as powerful as you say?" Ning Rongrong asked curiously.

Jun Yi shook his head and then wagged his fingers, saying: "No, no, no, you misunderstood. What I mean by greatness is Douluo Continent's tolerance for theoretical knowledge."

"What's the meaning?"

"Most of the theories in this book are nonsense, but it was still published. Isn't this a great thing?" Jun Yi said with a pious look.

Hearing Jun Yi's words, Ning Rongrong looked like a fool and said disgustedly: "Um, didn't you take your medicine today?"

"I can only say that you don't understand the value of this book. This book has reached an epic level. I will take this book to communicate with the instructor later." Jun Yi said with a proud face.

"As long as you are happy, I'm going to study first, so I won't disturb you anymore." Ning Rongrong said, picking up a book and reading it with gusto.

Jun Yi also opened the first page of this book. The author said, "The theory in this book is the result of my painstaking efforts and a lot of practical experience. If there is any similarity, it is purely plagiarism from me and I will be held accountable." Bottom left The corner is the signature of the two words "Master".

"As expected of a master, even the author's message is so domineering." Jun Yi laughed wildly in his heart.

Then Jun Yi opened the second page of the table of contents, which contained his ten core theories and the detailed number of pages.

"The first one is that the innate soul power is directly proportional to the strength of the martial soul. I still agree with this point, but isn't this common sense? How did it become his theory?" Jun Yi said to himself.

"Second, there are no useless martial souls in the world, only useless soul masters. Damn it, Dian within a Dian, I don't even know why Yu Xiaogang can come up with such a theory. He has half a level of innate soul power and has practiced to this day. He’s just a soul master who can’t break through. Isn’t he scolding himself? He knows how to laugh at himself.”

"Article 3: Martial spirits are divided into two categories, namely, animal martial spirits and weapon martial spirits. There are no other types of martial spirits. No, is there really nothing wrong with Yu Xiaogang's mind? He has really never seen Liu Xiaogang. The Winged Angel Martial Spirit? The Seraphim Martial Spirit carries an angelic holy sword in its hand, and it doesn’t belong to either of these two.”

Jun Yi continued to look down at Yu Xiaogang's ten core martial arts theories. Except for some of the most basic martial arts knowledge that everyone knew, the other theories could be called nonsense.

This book is filled with a large number of useless experimental theories used to prove the correctness of Yu Xiaogang's theory, but most of them are nonsense. You can understand all the contents by just reading the table of contents.

Jun Yi only spent one bathroom break to read the book, then stroked the paper and commented slowly in his heart: "The paper of this book is quite soft, it should be good for making toilet paper." , especially the signed page, is the softest and should be very comfortable.”

Then Jun Yi picked up this masterpiece and walked towards another area of ​​the library where he practiced and answered questions. He wanted to see what the teacher thought of this book.

Jun Yi walked to the door and opened it. It was very lively inside. Many students were exchanging their cultivation experiences with each other. There were also several teachers sitting on chairs, chatting with each student kindly and answering their doubts about cultivation.

Jun Yi came to a teacher and saluted him: "Hello, teacher."

The teacher looked at Jun Yi carefully, then smiled and said: "Hey, new face, do you have any doubts, classmate?"

"Well, I'm a new student. Teacher, what do you think of this book?"

After saying that, Jun Yi raised the book on the Ten Core Competencies of Wuhun and handed it to the teacher.

"Oh?" The teacher took the book and started reading it carefully. After a long time, the teacher's expression also changed significantly, from a slight frown at the beginning to a frown later, and then he closed the book as if Is looking for something.

Then he said to himself: "How could such a book appear in the library of Wuhun Academy? Did someone put it in the wrong place? But behind it is indeed the book number of the library of Wuhun Academy. It's really strange."

The teacher looked up at Jun Yi and said, "Classmate, I suggest you not to continue reading this book. The true theory written in this book is just a fictitious theory, and even some things are It’s empty talk. I didn’t find anything worthy of praise in this book. In fact, this book is simply a fallacy. The author of this book calls himself a master, which is really a disgrace to his name.”

After that, he handed the book to several other teachers and asked them to take turns observing it.

"What a sharp and sharp comment. As expected of a teacher from Wuhun Academy, he always talks in one way. A layman like me can only say rubbish." Jun Yi said to himself in his heart.

After a while, several other teachers also began to comment on this book.

"Not only is this book poorly written, but its creator is average. I'm sure the author's soul power level is no higher than that of the Soul Emperor."

One of the teachers criticized mercilessly.

"Not only that, but the author is so narcissistic that he actually said that these ideas are his own original work? He packaged some common sense and said it was a theory he studied. How can cats and dogs write books? I don't really understand what this book is. Why can it be published?”

Several other teachers began to comment harshly. At this moment, a middle-aged man who looked a little older and had a majestic face said: "Okay, you all, shut up! This book The author has a somewhat special identity. I will talk to you in detail later. Let’s put this book back first.”

I saw the middle-aged teacher picked up the book, handed it to Jun Yi and said: "Classmate, just use this book as a storybook and read it casually. If you enjoy the pictures, you don't believe the theory above. Wait a moment. After reading it, can you put it back in its place?”

"Okay teacher, I understand." Jun Yi took the book and returned to the quiet reading area.

At this time, the other teachers were still discussing this book and seemed to be quite interested in it.

"What do you think, who is Master?" one of the teachers asked.

"I don't know. Anyway, there must be a deep relationship. Otherwise, how could such a ridiculous book be put in the library?" The teacher on the side shook his head and said.

The middle-aged soul master said to the other teachers: "You should stop talking. The true identity of this master is Yu Xiaogang, the former young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family."

After hearing this name, several other teachers suddenly realized that everything that was originally absurd became reasonable...

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