People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 612: Tiandou Empire Soul Master Competition, Liu Erlong and Flanders' Son

Huo Wu nodded and took the seats with the students behind him. Those students were also looking at Jun Yi and talking about him in low voices.

Huo Wu did not come forward to talk to Jun Yi, after all, she and Jun Yi were not that familiar.

Soon, many colleges came to the training ground one after another, and Jun Yi also saw many "acquaintances", such as Hu Yanli from Xiangjia College, Feng Xiaotian from Shenfeng College, etc., looking at the people who had already Jun Yi couldn't help but sigh in the packed venue.

"No wonder Sister Yanyan said she was busy today. After a long time, all the famous high-end colleges on the mainland have come, right?"

Shui Yue'er on the side heard this and explained to Jun Yi: "Yes, since Wuhun Palace announced the establishment of the Wuhun Empire, the continent-wide high-level soul master elite competition has stopped being held. The Tiandou royal family feels that this is a pity. So the Heaven Dou Empire Soul Master Competition was held again."

"So that's the case, but do the Tiandou Empire really have so many academies?" Jun Yi continued to ask.

"Of course not. Although this is called the Tiandou Empire Soul Master Competition, in fact, except for Wuhun Academy, all the soul master academies will participate, so this is actually not much different from the continent-wide high-level soul master elite competition. " Shui Bing'er said slowly.

"This is a good idea. Who came up with it?" Jun Yi asked curiously.

"Yes, it was proposed by Emperor Qinghe when he was still alive." Shui Bing'er said while looking at Jun Yi's face.

Jun Yi didn't look too sad, he just sighed: "So that's how it is."

At this moment, a small figure appeared next to Jun Yi. It was a little boy. He looked to be about 6 years old.

He is wearing a blue suit with light red hair, which is somewhat similar to the school uniform of Blazing Academy. He is like an exquisite porcelain doll, his face looks a little pale, but this does not affect his cuteness. "Brother, are you Jun Yi?" the little boy asked.

Jun Yi looked up at the cute child in front of him, with a slight smile on his face, and replied: "Yes, kid, what can I do for you?"

After hearing Jun Yi's answer, the little boy's eyes showed excitement, "Are you really the legendary brother Jun Yi? I didn't expect you were."

As he said that, the little boy quickly approached Jun Yi and said, "Brother Jun Yi, I heard from my family that you are omnipotent. There is nothing in the world that you can't do. Then you can help me check my Physically? I'm sick and can't awaken my martial spirit."

"There is no way to awaken the martial spirit?" Jun Yi's face showed a trace of curiosity, and then he released a trace of spiritual power and slowly injected it into the little boy's meridians.

The little boy felt warm and comfortable all over his body.

Soon, Jun Yi discovered something was wrong. He actually sensed an inexplicably familiar aura from the little boy's body, and this aura came from the little boy's martial spirit that had not yet successfully awakened.

"So that's it." Jun Yi withdrew his mental power, slowly looked into the little boy's eyes, and asked, "My child, what is your name? Who are your parents?"

The little boy was not timid at all, and replied calmly: "My name is Frulong. My father's name is Flanders, and my mother's name is Liu Erlong. They are the deans of Shrek Academy."

"It's indeed them."

Fu Rulong's words confirmed Jun Yi's inner guess, because he felt a trace of the aura of the blue electric tyrannosaurus in the little boy's body, but it was only a trace and could almost be ignored.

This trace of aura also allowed Jun Yi to confirm the identity of the little boy, because there is only one person in the world who has the bloodline of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, and that is Liu Erlong, who has the Fire Dragon Spirit after the martial soul mutated.

The reason why this little boy was unable to awaken his martial spirit was because his martial spirit was too powerful and his body could not bear it, so he could not awaken it.

This situation is somewhat similar to that of Yu Xiaogang back then. The solution is very simple, which is to exercise.

"Child, I have understood the cause of your illness. Next, I will give you treatment. It may be a little painful. Can you bear it?" Jun Yi asked the boy softly.

"Brother Jun Yi, can you really help me cure my illness?" the little boy asked in surprise.

"Well, it depends on whether you can endure the pain. If you endure it, you will be able to completely release the power of your martial soul."

"I can bear it!" the little boy said firmly.

"Okay, then brother will help you."

Jun Yi raised his hand and directly injected a trace of extremely weak divine power into Fu Rulong's body, thereby directly enhancing his physique.

And Fu Rulong felt an extremely vast force entering his body, followed by heartbreaking pain.

But he gritted his teeth and remained silent.

After a while, Fu Rulong's clothes were completely wet with sweat, but his eyes never left Jun Yi's kind face.

Jun Yi looked at Fu Rulong who was so perseverant in front of him and couldn't help but admire him. The pain of forcibly transforming his body would be unbearable for an average adult, but Fu Rulong endured it, even though his tears had stopped. It flowed out consciously, but never made a sound.

Obviously not many children have such perseverance.

At the same time, Jun Yi looked at Fu Rulong's body. The shadow of his martial soul that had not yet awakened was hidden in his dantian. It was a small fire dragon. Under the traction of Jun Yi's divine power, the small fire dragon entrenched in the center of his dantian suddenly struggled violently, as if trying to break through some restraints.

And Fu Rulong's spiritual world also shook violently at this time. Fu Rulong only felt that his body was wrapped in a warm current, which was like a mother's palm, warm and safe.

Just when Fu Rulong wanted to ask Jun Yi about the situation, his body suddenly became lighter, as if something rushed out of his body.

Fu Rulong only felt his body warm, and a red dragon shadow was released from his body.


With just a dragon roar, Fu Rulong's martial soul was completely awakened. At that moment, Fu Rulong only felt that his soul power was like a flood and beast, directly gushing out from his dantian, quickly spreading to every corner of his body, filling his body with strength.

His soul power also began to rise steadily, breaking through the shackles of level ten and reaching level 20.

At the same time, the soul power in Fu Rulong's body began to flow rapidly in the meridians, like a fire dragon, wandering in the meridians.

Jun Yi looked at Fu Rulong's martial soul, surprised and puzzled, "It's really the Fire Dragon King's martial soul, what's going on?"

. . . . . .

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