People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 69 I suspect your father is having an affair with the Pope

In the center of the attic, a soul master poured soul power into a badge-sized piece of metal, and then a blue protective shield appeared around him, wrapping it

Seeing this scene, Ning Rongrong also showed a puzzled expression and said to Jun Yi: "You see, isn't that person demonstrating a defensive soul tool?"

"Yes, that's right, but how could something like this appear here?"

Jun Yi's mind was spinning rapidly, and countless speculations came to mind.

"Could it be that there is another time traveler who created the soul guide?"

For a moment, Jun Yi couldn't help but think of the bloody novel called "Douluo: My Martial Spirit Is the Nine Secrets" that he had read on Blue Star before. In that novel, there were two time travellers.

"Do I have two time-travelers here? Why don't we play like this? It's too bloody."

With a hint of unhappiness, Jun Yi stepped forward and said to the seller holding a defensive soul guide: "Brother, can you let me take a look at this thing?"

"Yes, but you have to be careful. This thing is not for sale at the moment. Only by joining the Spirit Hall can you be eligible to obtain it."

After that, the seller handed the soul guidance device to Jun Yi, and Jun Yi started to observe it. As he put his spiritual power deep into the soul guidance magic circle, he saw the familiar carvings in the magic circle, and he felt relieved. One breath.

"The formation of this defensive soul guide was made based on the drawings provided by the system, but the technique is relatively inexperienced and looks like the work of a beginner. But how did this thing appear in the Wuhun Academy?"

Jun Yi fell into deep thought, and then he asked the system: "System, apart from me, is there another time traveler in Douluo Continent? In other words, is there anyone else who learned how to make soul guides from you?" method?"

The cold mechanical sound of the system reached Jun Yi's ears: "Host, don't worry, there is no second time traveler in this world, and the production drawings of the soul guide provided by this system have only been provided to the host."

"Oh, in that case, the soul guide should have come from the Qibao Glazed Sect. It seems that Ning Fengzhi and Bibi Dong must have reached some kind of deal, causing Ning Fengzhi to provide this level of soul guide to Wuhun Palace. What kind of deal will it be?”

Jun Yi shook his head, returned the defensive soul tool to the seller, and then returned to Ning Rongrong. When others saw this, they also stepped forward to try out the defensive soul tool. .

Seeing Jun Yi's indifferent expression, Ning Rongrong asked, "Jun Yi, why are there defensive soul tools in the Wuhun Academy?"

"You have to ask your father." Jun Yi turned to look at Ning Rongrong with a smile.

"My father?" Ning Rongrong was very confused.

Jun Yi started his explanation, saying: "I have just investigated and this soul guidance device comes from the soul guidance device blueprint I gave your father, so I can conclude that it comes from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

"As for why this thing appears here, I have reason to suspect that your father is having an affair with the Pope."

Ning Rongrong was still listening to Jun Yi's explanation attentively, but when she heard him talk about the relationship between her father and the Pope, she instantly felt that Jun Yi was talking nonsense again, and she felt like she had punched him.

Seeing that Ning Rongrong was about to act up, Jun Yi stopped teasing her. He smiled and said to Ning Rongrong: "Don't be angry, I was just joking, mainly because things like soul guides are too precious, and your father actually Don't you think it's strange that it will be provided to Wuhun Palace? There must be a lot of interests involved, but these are not what we should consider. "

Jun Yi asked Ning Rongrong in return. After hearing Jun Yi's words, Ning Rongrong fell into deep thought. After a while, Ning Rongrong showed a trace of melancholy on her face and asked in a low voice:

"Jun Yi, do you think I shouldn't come to Wuhun Academy?"

"I know what you are thinking. You feel that you joined Wuhun Academy without permission, which caused your father to have to cooperate with Wuhun Palace, causing him to provide soul guides to Wuhun Palace. Do you think this is the case? It's your fault, right?"

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong's mood became even more melancholy and she nodded slightly.

"Rongrong, you have to know that Uncle Ning thinks a lot more about things than we do. When he was in the Pope's Palace before, he actually had the choice to take you away, but he still chose to keep you, which means that he must have thought about it. There is no need to put the blame on yourself.”

"What's more, it's a blessing in disguise. Maybe you feel that joining Wuhun Academy is a bad thing now, but in the future, it might become a blessing. You are still young, so you can't just think about things by looking at them. surface."

Jun Yi's sincere teachings comforted Ning Rongrong a lot, and she felt much happier inside.

But when she heard the sentence "You are still young now", Ning Rongrong asked Jun Yi quietly: "You don't seem to be older than me."

"Well, I'm mentally older than you."

Jun Yi didn't expect that Ning Rongrong's focus would be here, and she suddenly felt speechless. However, it seemed that her mood had improved a lot, and Jun Yi did not refute.

"Don't think so much, let's go shopping in other places and see if there is anything else we want." Jun Yi said to Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong nodded, adjusted his mood, and then the three of them started strolling around again.

Half an hour later, the second round of competition officially began, and the opponents and ring numbers of the second round appeared on the original big screen.

Jun Yi was also lucky this time, in the first half, while Zhu Zhuqing was in the second half.

Jun Yi also solved the battle in an instant this time, opened the ROOM space, used ROOM·Slaughterhouse to exchange the opponent with the stone outside the ring, and closed the ROOM.

It was done in one go, and it took less than three breaths. The opponent lost the game with a confused look on his face.

This time, Jun Yi talked about martial ethics. He waited until the opponent reported his information before choosing to replace him off the ring. Under the puzzled eyes of the opponent, he shook his sleeves and left gracefully.

This time, Jun Yi did not go to find Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing. After all, the morning game was over, and he had to use the rest of the time freely.

Just when Jun Yi returned to the dormitory and was about to go back to his room, he heard the dormitory manager calling him.

"Jun Yi, here is your letter, take it."

"Huh? How could someone write to me?"

Jun Yi was very curious. He didn't seem to have any friends here. How could someone write to him?

"Did Xue Qinghe write a letter to me?"

Jun Yi curiously took the letter from the dormitory manager, returned to the dormitory, opened it, and saw the familiar thin gold font.

"Xiao Yi, I'm sorry for selling the soul guide to the Wuhun Hall without your consent..."

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