People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 7 Transferring the Ability of Titled Douluo

The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is not far from Tiandou City, and with the extremely fast speed of Sword Douluo's flying sword, it took them less than an incense stick of time to return to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Jun Yi was already very familiar with this place. He had been to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect many times, so he followed Ning Fengzhi and came to the training ground of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

"Fengzhi, Rongrong, you are back."

A deep middle-aged male voice came, and the space to the right of Ning Fengzhi fluctuated, like water ripples, and then a tall figure appeared in front of everyone.

The person who came was Gu Rong, one of the two guardians of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

"Rongrong, do you miss Grandpa Gu?"

Gu Douluo ignored Sword Douluo, but went directly to Ning Rongrong's side and teased her with a smile on his face.

"Of course I do!" Ning Rongrong replied with a smile.

"Grandpa Gu misses Rongrong too. Come, Grandpa Gu will give you a hug."

After saying that, Gu Douluo was about to hug Ning Rongrong, but was pushed away by Jian Douluo.

"Hey, you coward!"

"Go away, go away. Don't you see Rongrong is very happy with me? If you want to hug someone, go hug that one."

Jian Douluo pointed at Jun Yi, who looked innocent.

Gu Douluo turned his head and was a little surprised when he saw Jun Yi. He said, "Why is Jun kid here?"

"Hello, Gu Douluo." Jun Yi saluted.

Ning Fengzhi explained to Gu Douluo, "Xiao Yi has good talent, so Qinghe asked me to bring him back to the sect to train this child."

"Good talent? Then why didn't you send him to Tiandou Royal Academy? Instead, send him to our Qibao Liuli Sect?" Gu Douluo was a little puzzled.

"At the current Tiandou Royal Academy, only the three teaching committee members are still quite capable, but letting them guide Jun Yi will waste his talent."

Ning Fengzhi continued.

"Oh? Jun Yi's talent is so good? Could it be that his innate soul power has reached level 9?"

"Not level 9, but level 10. Jun Yi has full innate soul power." Ning Fengzhi explained.

"What? Full innate soul power?!"

After hearing Ning Fengzhi's affirmative answer, even Bone Douluo was a little surprised.

Jun Yi has been very smart since he was a child. Bone Douluo thought that Jun Yi's talent should be good and his innate soul power should be around level 8, but he didn't expect that he actually had full innate soul power.

"Yes, that's why Qinghe sent him to us." Ning Fengzhi explained.

"Boy, what is your martial soul?"

"His martial soul is a red fruit."

"Ah? A food-type soul master with full innate soul power? Does this really exist in the world?" Bone Douluo was even more surprised.

At this time, Ning Rongrong in Jian Douluo's arms suddenly spoke: "Jun Yi ate his own martial soul. He has no martial soul now, but he can summon a blue space."

"Ate his own martial soul?" Now it was Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo's turn to be confused. They didn't quite understand what Ning Rongrong meant.

Jun Yi explained to the three people: "Well, Uncle Ning, my martial soul is a little special. When it awakened, it was a red peach heart fruit. When I swallowed it, I was considered to have truly awakened my martial soul."

After Jun Yi said this, he turned his palm to the ground and created a constantly rotating, hollow white typhoon-shaped vortex under his palm.

After the rotating typhoon vortex rotated hundreds of times, it formed a hemispherical blue transparent space, and then enveloped several people.

With Jun Yi's current strength, the radius of ROOM is only about 10 meters, which is not a large range.

Bone Douluo looked at the blue space and said with a smile: "Interesting, this is the first time I have seen such a martial soul."

"What is the use of this space?" Ning Fengzhi asked. Being in this space, he did not feel anything unusual.

"It has many uses. I have not fully mastered it, but there is an ability that I can use now."

After that, Jun Yi looked at Ning Fengzhi and the other two and raised his right hand and stretched out his three fingers.


In an instant, Ning Fengzhi, Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo were teleported to a position about five meters away from Jun Yi, and only Ning Rongrong and three small stones were left by his side.

Bone Douluo was shocked to see himself suddenly appear in another place, and hurriedly asked: "What kind of power is this that can move me?"

His martial soul is a bone dragon, which is extremely sensitive to spatial fluctuations, but Jun Yi did not release any soul power just now, and there was no spatial fluctuation around him, but he was teleported to the side.

Ning Fengzhi analyzed Jun Yi's ability: "This ability is indeed quite strong. When the enemy is not paying attention, it can change the opponent's position. In the battle, even if it can only be used once, it is enough to be fatal."

Jun Yi's joy was beyond words. He didn't expect that he could really move the Titled Douluo.

After all, in One Piece, this move is useless for those top-level domineering strongmen, so Jun Yi didn't think he could move the Titled Douluo, but he didn't expect that he did it.

"Uncle Ning, my ability is not bad, right?"

"Very good, is there any limit to your ability?"

Ning Fengzhi didn't think that such an outrageous ability had no shortcomings.

Jun Yi replied: "Uncle Ning really saw through me. The disadvantage of my ability is that when I use it in the room, I can only control things in this space. And using the ability will consume physical strength. The more intense the ability is used, the faster the physical strength will be consumed. It will even directly reduce your lifespan."

"Is that so? If I am not mistaken, can your blue space expand as your soul power level increases?"

Ning Fengzhi continued to ask.


Jun Yi couldn't answer for a while, he really didn't know.

He quickly asked the system in his inner world, "System, can my room space expand?"

"Of course it can. Every time the host increases one level of soul power, the radius of the room will expand by one meter. When the host breaks through the great realm, it will expand an additional 10 meters," the system's prompt voice replied.

"I understand. Thanks for the system's answer."

"You're welcome."

In the real world, Jun Yi smiled and nodded, saying, "Uncle Ning is right. When my soul power level increases, the ROOM space will also expand."

"Well, I roughly understand it. How about this? I'll have someone take you to pick a suitable room. You take a rest first, and I'll guide you to practice tomorrow." Ning Fengzhi said slowly.

Jun Yi nodded and agreed. Ning Fengzhi asked a disciple to take Jun Yi to choose a room, and Ning Rongrong also followed.

Only Ning Fengzhi, Jian Douluo, and Gu Douluo were left.

Ning Fengzhi said, "Jun Yi's martial soul ability is indeed special. He can focus on training him."

"Indeed, Fengzhi, by the way, what is Rongrong's innate soul power?" Gu Douluo asked.

"Level nine."

"It's actually level nine! Great, my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has a successor!" Gu Douluo laughed heartily.

"Yes, there is a successor."

Although Ning Fengzhi also showed joy on his face, he also felt a little sad in his heart.

"How can the defects of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower be solved?"


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