People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 91 I didn’t know I was so powerful

"As long as you can cure Yanyan well, why not give you a few herbs?" Dugu Bo said calmly.

"It seems that Senior Poison Douluo really loves Senior Sister Duguyan. Don't worry, I have already thought of a way to treat her."

"tell me the story."

Dugu Bo took Jun Yi to a small wooden courtyard. The two sat on wooden chairs. Jun Yi said: "Actually, there are two ways to treat you and Senior Sister Dugu Yan. The first one is your medicine." The garden is located in the center of both sides of the ice spring and the fire spring, and there are two poisonous weeds bred by absorbing the essence of extreme yin and extreme yang respectively. They are called octagonal ice grass and fierce apricot."

"Are you talking about the two plants that are so close to the extreme cold and scorching heat? Can those two herbs be eaten? Both of these herbs contain top-level sinister poison and fire poison. I don't understand their pharmacology very well, so I don't Didn't pick them," Dugu Yan said slowly.

Jun Yi continued to explain: "Yes, these two kinds of herbs are extremely poisonous. As long as ordinary people come within ten meters of them, they will freeze or turn into ashes in a matter of seconds. But these two extreme herbs are placed When they are together, they will neutralize each other and greatly reduce their toxicity, and that is the only chance to take them. After taking them, the two toxins of ice and fire change from mutually exclusive to mutually complementary, and have the effect of transforming the body, and then use some special methods to absorb them. , it can achieve the effect of being invulnerable to water and fire.”

"Invulnerable to water and fire?" Dugu Bo felt a little excited in his heart, but his eyes always showed hesitation. After all, herbs like this usually have side effects. This is one of the reasons why Dugu Bo does not use too many herbs even though he has a medicine garden. , but the biggest reason is that he doesn't know most of the herbs here.

"Yes, but there are also side effects. Both Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Grass are fairy rare herbs. Although they are highly poisonous, they can resolve the poison in you. But at the same time, the poison of Senior The gong will also be eliminated at the same time, I don’t think senior would agree with this.”

Dugu Bo shook his head and refused: "Just tell me the second method."

Jun Yi smiled faintly and said the second method: "The second method will be much simpler, and it will not reduce the strength of senior. The main reason why senior was attacked by poison is because of the poison skills you practiced. They have already been It has become a part of your body, so it will cause great damage to the body. If you want to retain the poisons in your body and prevent them from harming your predecessors, you must find a medium to store them in your predecessors. Toxin. This thing is the soul bone."

"I think there should be soul bones in your body, senior, so I only need to force the toxins in your body into the soul bones to solve the problem of toxin backlash."

After hearing this explanation, Dugu Bo's eyes lit up and he said: "This is a good idea, but I have been practicing the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit for more than seventy years, and my body has long been integrated with the poison. This poison is not good. Come on, if you don’t do it well, the backlash will be even worse.”

Jun Yi said with a smile: "I can assist senior on the side. My martial spirit is somewhat special. It can control the blood and toxins in the senior's body and introduce them into the soul bones. During this period, I can assist you with herbal medicine. Even if I can't help you remove all the toxins, Integrating it into the soul bone can at least greatly reduce the pain that seniors have to endure on rainy days. Are you willing to try it?"

"Then come directly." Dugu Bo meditated directly and immediately asked Jun Yi to detoxify him. He seemed to be unprepared. This attitude made Jun Yi a little confused.

After all, in the original work, when Tang San gave Dugu Bo an interpretation, Dugu Bo poisoned Tang San, bit him with a snake, and finally forced Tang San to take the poisonous beads in Dugu Bo's body, in order to prevent Tang San from becoming a demon. . Why did he just start it when he got to his side?

"Senior, aren't you afraid of my tricks?" Jun Yi expressed his doubts and wanted to know why Dugu Bo "trusted" him so much? After all, he wanted to kill himself just now. Although he didn't use any killing move, it seemed like he was testing himself.

Dugu Bo smiled slightly when he heard this and said, "Jun Yi, do you know how loud your name is in the Tiandou royal family?"

"I don't know." Jun Yi shook his head. He knew that Qian Renxue was behind all of this to consolidate his political status, so Jun Yi didn't say anything.

"There are rumors that you are the 'savior' given by the gods to the Tiandou Empire. In the future, you will definitely become the leader of the Douluo Continent, and you can even pursue the illusory realm." Dugu Bo's tone was very indifferent, as if Telling something that everyone knows.

After listening to Dugu Bo's story, Jun Yi himself was shocked. He himself didn't know that he was so powerful. Although he knew that Xue Qinghe was marketing him, he didn't expect that he would market himself so outrageously and even be given by the gods. Tiandou's gift, this is a bit ridiculous.

"Senior, do you also believe this rumor?"

"Of course I didn't believe it at first, but at Ning Rongrong's tenth birthday party, I was invited by Ning Fengzhi to the Qibao Glazed Sect. When I saw those strange soul tools, I believed it. The exquisite design of the soul guide and the complex formation amaze me."

"At that time, Ning Fengzhi casually revealed that these things came from your hands. At that time, I believed this rumor. Innately full of soul power, he can create the long-lost soul guide. Even if you are kidnapped, you can still be adopted by the Tiandou royal family. So many coincidences have converged on you. Isn't this a miracle? "

Dugu Bo sighed on the side, but when his words reached Jun Yi's ears, Jun Yi was indeed concerned about another aspect:

"Uncle Ning revealed the news that the soul guide was made by me to outsiders at that time? What was his reason for doing so? It seems that Qian Renxue has always known that she can make soul guides, but she has never mentioned it to me. What is her purpose in doing so?"

For a moment, Jun Yi suddenly felt that his brain was overloaded. Although his age added up to 30 years old, he was a silly 18-year-old male college student in his previous life and had never been exposed to society. In this life, most of the 12 years were busy with cultivation. For these intrigues and complex interests, Jun Yi was like a child, who understood nine out of ten and none of them.

"It seems that I am still too young and think these people are too simple. I still need to hone my skills." Jun Yi suppressed his doubts and said to Dugu Bo: "So, is this the reason why the senior believes in me?" . . . . . .

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