People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 94 Magma Fruit or Flame-Flame Fruit? Freeze-Freeze Fruit!

"Absorbing the Star Anise Ice Grass will definitely give you Ice Ice Fruit, but if it's a Fiery Apricot, you may get Burnt Fruit or Rock Berry Fruit. Which one is better?"

Jun Yi's phobia of choice showed up again, but he didn't think about it anymore. He decided to take down all the jelly grass first, and talk about the absorption later. After that, Jun Yi took out the big treasure book again and started his journey of sweeping up the fairy grass, preparing to get all the famous fairy grass. . . . . .

Jun Yi was still blasting Dugu Bo's gold coins fiercely, while the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect Inner Bone Douluo on the other side came to the hall with some worry.

"Fengzhi, why hasn't Mr. Jun come yet? Didn't he send a message yesterday saying that he was going back to the sect?" Bone Douluo said with some worry.

Ning Fengzhi still looked calm and calm, and replied with a smile: "Uncle Gu, you really care about Xiaoyi."

"Of course." Bone Douluo replied, he really regarded Jun Yi as his grandson.

"Old Bones, you are really hypocritical. Don't worry, Jun Yi is fine." Sword Douluo, who was sitting in the guest seat, said sarcastically to Bone Douluo.

"You coward, based on your previous attitude towards Jun Yi, when he reaches the realm of Titled Douluo and has enough strength, he will definitely be the first to come to you." Bone Douluo replied to Sword Douluo, and then He turned to look at Ning Fengzhi and asked, "Where has Mr. Jun gone?"

Ning Fengzhi handed the letter on his desk to Bone Douluo and said, "This is the letter Xiaoyi sent yesterday. He is currently staying with Poison Douluo and is not in any danger."

Bone Douluo took the letter with some curiosity. While looking at the letter in his hand, he said doubtfully, "What happened? Why did he suddenly get together with that old poisonous creature? I remember that he was friends with Xue Xing."

"Yes, because Prince Xue Xing helped Dugu Bo by chance before, so Dugu Bo became friends with him, and the prince supported by Prince Xue Xing is now the fourth prince, Xue Beng." Ning Fengzhi explained slowly.

Sword Douluo sneered at the side, "That dandy who does all kinds of evil? Hehe, except for the disciple Feng Zhi, everyone else in the royal family is nothing but mud that cannot stand up to the wall."

"Qinghe does have the potential to become the next emperor, and the talents he has shown over the years have made him more and more like an emperor." When Ning Fengzhi mentioned Xue Qinghe, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

After reading the letter in his hand, Bone Douluo complained, "Jun Jun only said in this letter that he is not in danger, so that we can rest assured, and did not say the reason. This boy is really big-hearted, and he is not afraid of being attacked by that old poisoner." poison."

"Uncle Gu, don't worry. Poison Douluo is still a very good person. I believe he will not embarrass Xiaoyi for the sake of Qibao Glazed Sect and Qinghe, and maybe he will give him some pointers."

Ning Fengzhi is not worried about Jun Yi's safety at all, not because he doesn't care, but because he knows Jun Yi too well and knows that he is a person who cherishes his own life the most, even if it is someone who threatens his life in the slightest. Or objects, Jun Yi will run far away.

"Since Jun Yi can come back alone, it also means that Rongrong can really face the world of soul masters alone. Rongrong has really grown up..."

In the early morning of the next day, Jun Yi put all the jelly grass named by his name into the system space for storage. According to the system, the moment an item is put into the system space, its status will remain It is in the state when it is put in, so it is suitable for preserving the grass jelly, and the potency of the medicine will not be lost at all.

"It feels so good to have my soul power increased by level 5 overnight. Not only that, my ROOM space has also changed."

Jun Yi condensed a small ROOM space in the palm of his hand, and quietly looked at the traces of pink emerging on this blue transparent space. It was the improvement brought to him by the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, which changed the state of his ROOM space. Nowadays, everything that stays in the space is not afraid of any poison at all. Of course, Jun Yi can control who or which items are not protected.

"Okay, now which fairy grass should I choose to absorb?"

Jun Yi looked at the Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu and Star Anise Ice Grass in the system space, and began to think. According to his calculation, if he absorbed the Star Anise Ice Grass, then 99% of the time he would get the Frozen Fruit. A little bit, it is the lower part of the frozen fruit, the snow snow fruit, but this possibility is really small, the anise ice grass and snow are basically not related. As for the underworld fruit? It's simply impossible, and even more irrelevant.

The Fire Apricot Jiaoshu has more possibilities. The two most famous fire-attribute fruits are Akainu's Rock Berry and Ace's Burning Fruit. In Jun Yi's perception, Burning Fruit is Rock Berry's lower-ranking replacement. After all, in Pirate's performance, Shao Shao Fruit suffered the disadvantage of appearing too early and does not seem to be as strong as Rock Berry.

"Let's use star anise and ice grass. Summer is coming soon, so something refreshing is in line with the season."

Then Jun Yi made up his mind, took out the Star Anise Ice Grass, and then absorbed it. The moment he swallowed the Star Anise Ice Grass, he clearly felt the Devil Fruit next to his heart like a whirlpool. He frantically absorbed the medicinal power and energy of the Star Anise Ice Grass, and it took only about a stick of incense to absorb it.

"My dear, this fruit is really cruel. It doesn't even have any medicinal power left for me."

Jun Yi clearly felt that all the medicinal power of the fairy grass was absorbed by the devil fruit, leaving him with no energy. Then he summoned a devil fruit from his body, which was blue and the size of a pear.

"Is this the frozen fruit? It does look a bit abstract. The blue color really makes people lose their appetite." Jun Yi held the blue fruit and complained.

Then Jun Yi opened his mouth and took a bite of the frozen fruit. A cool chill rushed into Jun Yi's body, "Pah, it's so sour."

After complaining, Jun Yi swallowed it all, swallowing it with all his strength, and then a trace of cold air emanated from him, and frost gradually spread all over his body.

"Is this the Dongdong Fruit?"

Jun Yi waved his hand lightly, and pieces of frost condensed out of thin air, and then condensed into ice, floating in the air, "Sacrificing a fairy grass in exchange for a Dongdong Fruit, it's a win no matter how you look at it."

Just when Jun Yi was about to study the Dongdong Fruit carefully, he heard Dugu Bo's voice from a distance, "Little Yi, I brought Yanyan here."

. . . . . .

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