People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 96: The reliance on wealth

"What does this mean?" Dugu Bo didn't quite understand.

"My background is indeed very deep. Brother Xue is very kind to me. He not only raised me but also built momentum for me and won my reputation. Uncle Ning has always valued me very much. He not only arranged for Grandpa Gu and Grandpa Jian to guide my cultivation, but also met any of my requests for free."

"But it is precisely because of this that I want to establish my own power. If there is a conflict between the two of them in the future, I will not be too passive and fall into a dilemma."

After listening to Jun Yi's explanation, Dugu Bo smiled and then sighed: "You think too far. Now Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi are in a teacher-student relationship. It is almost impossible for them to fall out."

"You also said almost, which also means that it does have a chance to happen." Jun Yi said lightly.

Although he said there is a chance, Jun Yi knows that this will definitely happen in the future. When Qian Renxue's identity is completely made public, the two will decide to become hostile. At that time, no matter which side Jun Yi chooses, he will be sorry for the other side. It is better to create a power by himself and not offend both sides. It is the best.

Dugu Bo chuckled and said, "Have you figured out how to develop your power?"

"Well, I'll rely on my soul guides. Soul guides are extremely rare in Douluo Continent now. Once they flood into the market, they will completely replace traditional weapons and become the new favorite."

Jun Yi had already made plans. He was just waiting for the matter of Yin-Yang Eyes to be over. He would go to his next stop, which was also the most important stop before Jun Yi established his power.

Dugu Bo raised his question again: "Although you have mastered the technology of making soul guides, it is probably difficult for ordinary soul masters to learn this. How can you mass-produce soul guides?"

"In fact, this was also the biggest problem that bothered me at the beginning. However, when I read the history books of Douluo Continent, I learned that there was a place that was very suitable for me to make soul guides, and there were also many people there who had a unique understanding of forging." Jun Yi smiled slightly and replied.

"The place you are talking about should be Gengxin City, right?"

Jun Yi nodded and said, "Senior Dugu is right. There are not only a large number of rare metals suitable for forging in Gengxin City, but also the most blacksmiths there. They have their own unique understanding of forging, so it is not an exaggeration to make it the base camp of my forces."

"You plan to do this?"

"It's very simple. In today's Douluo Continent, blacksmiths are one of the most humble professions. Even if some of them are soul masters, they will be laughed at by other soul masters. More importantly, the items they forge are basically only used by ordinary people without soul power."

"Even if there is a blacksmith association, the treatment of blacksmiths is not good. But if they can make soul guides, the situation will be completely different. Not only will the status of blacksmiths rise, but also the welfare benefits will be greatly improved. I believe that the Blacksmith Association will not refuse to cooperate with me."

This is Jun Yi's idea. Incorporate the entire blacksmith association, use them as a team, and form your own forces. It is not difficult to subdue them. After all, who doesn't want to make their life better?

As for the top leaders of the Blacksmith Association, they will definitely agree to cooperate with Jun Yi, and Lou Gao, as the president, will definitely agree to join Jun Yi's forces. After all, in the original novel, Tang San only took out a blueprint of the Rain of Pear Blossom Needles to capture Lou Gao, and then he was willing to sacrifice his life to forge a hidden weapon.

Such a person who pursues forging so much would not refuse the opportunity to forge a soul guide.

"Okay, I will join you after your forces are announced." Dugu Bo patted his chest and promised Jun Yi.

"Thank you, senior."

Jun Yi bowed to Dugu Bo. The purpose of his trip to the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire was also achieved. Next, what he had to do was much simpler.

After the two chatted for a while, Dugu Yan had absorbed the soul bone, and his soul power also broke through, directly increasing by 2 levels to level 39.

"The hundred-year soul bone is indeed a little short of that. It only increased the soul power of Dugu Yan, who is at the Soul Master level, by two levels. No wonder Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu didn't choose to absorb the hundred-year soul bone."

When I read the original novel before, Jun Yi was very curious. The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was so rich, why did Jian Douluo and Gu Douluo not even have a soul bone.

After crossing again, when Jun Yi was in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, he also heard Ning Fengzhi mention that the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect had collected many hundred-year and even thousand-year soul bones, but Jian Douluo and Gu Douluo did not choose to absorb them. Jun Yi was still very puzzled at the time.

Now Jun Yi looked at Dugu Yan and his doubts were answered. The low-year soul bones basically did not improve the Sword Douluo and Gu Douluo who had already become Titled Douluo. If they want to go further, then only absorbing soul bones over ten thousand years will meet their needs.

But how can a ten thousand-year soul bone be so easy to find?

"Huh, it's a soul bone. It actually directly increased my soul power by 2 levels."

Dugu Yan took a deep breath, obviously very satisfied with the result.

"Yan Yan, what soul skill does this soul bone bring you?" Dugu Bo asked.

Jun Yi analyzed calmly: "This soul bone comes from a two-hundred-year-old rattlesnake. If I'm not mistaken, it should be a soul skill related to sound, similar to the sound wave skill."

"Junior brother, you are really amazing. You actually guessed it. This soul skill brought me by this soul bone is like this."

I saw Dugu Yan's forehead flashing green light, and then a continuous sound like the sound of running water reached the ears of Jun Yi and Dugu Bo. Then Jun Yi could clearly feel that his mental power was slightly disturbed. , the scene in front of him became illusory.

"This is my soul bone skill, the ring-tail realm."

From Jun Yi's perspective, Dugu Yan's voice came from all directions, and his vision was blurred, making it impossible to distinguish Dugu Yan's specific location.

"A very good soul skill."

Then Jun Yi used his mental power to break through the environment in one fell swoop, and everything returned to calm.

"How could the Soul Bone Technique be broken so easily?"

Dugu Yan was a little surprised. She thought that this move would make Jun Yi spend some time, but she didn't expect that he would just release his own aura and destroy his soul skill.

"I took some herbal medicine, and my soul power level is not much different from that of my senior sister."

Jun Yi exuded his own soul power fluctuations, and the level 38 soul power shocked Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan again.

"Why did your boy improve so much overnight?"

Dugu Bo looked at Jun Yi in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief...

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