People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 99: Stripping the soul ring? Stripping the soul bone? Stripping the godhood!

The two's originally illusory martial souls were controlled by Jun Yi as if they were real entities, like the baton of a band. Then, a brilliant light suddenly burst out from the two of them, and the martial souls of the two were peeled off from their bodies at the same time.

"The next step is to exchange."

Jun Yi controlled the martial souls of the two and came to the palms of his left and right hands. Then, two green lights floated from their palms and rushed towards their bodies.

Generally speaking, exchanging other people's martial souls will have a rejection reaction. Not only will the whole person not be able to adapt to other people's martial souls, but the strength will also decrease a lot. Although Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan's martial souls are different, they are both green phosphorus snakes. Therefore, after the two exchanged their martial souls, the rejection reaction did not exist at all.

"It's done."

Jun Yi looked at the martial souls that had been exchanged on the two people, and a smile appeared on his face. This was his first time to exchange the martial souls of Title Douluo. He originally thought it would be difficult, but in fact, it was no different from those ordinary soul masters before.

It can be said that as long as Jun Yi wants, he can exchange the two martial souls even if the two resist. "It seems that only domineering can restrain the power of the devil fruit. In this case, I will be invincible?"

A flash of inspiration flashed through Jun Yi's mind. What effect would it have if this forced exchange of other people's martial souls was used on the enemy? In other words, is there a possibility that he can peel off the soul rings or soul bones from others? To put it in a bigger way, can he peel off the gods from those gods?

Jun Yi suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and many more ideas suddenly appeared in his mind. The things that the surgery fruit can do seem to be much more than he originally imagined.

Afterwards, the green phosphorus snake martial soul behind Dugu Bo began to change. The original light green scales slowly disappeared, and were replaced by emerald green scales, which looked more beautiful, and the vine that was originally wrapped around its neck gradually became slender, like a snake's tail. Finally, the vine turned into a pair of snake wings, floating behind him.

"It has really evolved."

Jun Yi watched Dugu Bo's martial soul gradually change. Although the process was very slow, it was still obvious that the aura of the Green Phosphorus Snake martial soul was constantly rising.

Seeing Dugu Bo's martial soul undergoing a transformation, Jun Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This adventure was indeed worth it. He originally thought that after the exchange of martial souls, Dugu Bo's strength would decrease a lot, but seeing that the martial soul had truly evolved, Jun Yi was relieved.

And Dugu Yan, who was sitting next to Dugu Bo, was trying to adapt to this powerful Green Phosphorus Snake Emperor martial soul. She closed her eyes, her face was red, her breathing was rapid, sweat dripped from her forehead, her pretty face was full of pain, and her lips were slightly trembling. It was obvious that she was suffering a lot.

However, Dugu Yan's soul power was not disordered, but was gradually improving. This proved that she was trying her best to adapt to the Green Phosphorus Snake Emperor and was about to succeed.

The two were adapting to their own martial spirits, and Jun Yi entered the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire to pick the Earth Dragon Melon.

The Earth Dragon Melon is wood covered with soil, so Jun Yi came to the soil area where the Earth Dragon Melon grows. After a careful inspection, this area is very wide, and deep underground, there is a huge elemental fluctuation surging out.

"Hmm? It's the breath of earth attribute." Jun Yi raised his eyebrows. He had felt this breath on Yan once.

This earth vein aura is the nutrient of the Earth Dragon Melon and also a sign of its maturity.

Jun Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and with the mental power detection, the place where the Earth Dragon Melon grows, Jun Yi used the ROOM space to cover the ground, and then raised his finger and pointed to the direction of the Earth Dragon Melon.

"Om~" The space was slightly distorted, and with the distortion of the space, a layer of faint ripples appeared, and a fist-sized, translucent, golden fruit emitting crystal green light surged out from the ground.

Jun Yi put it into the system space, and then walked towards the cold pond of the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire. A lot of frost appeared on Jun Yi's body, and then he jumped into the pond.

Under the icy cold water, every inch of his flesh and blood seemed to stretch out, and his muscles and bones seemed to be more active. Jun Yi knew that this was to cleanse his body and temper his soul skills.

"Sure enough, after eating the frozen fruit, my own practice will also be affected by the environment. This cold pond is the best mimic environment for me."

Jun Yi sat cross-legged in the freezing lake water, and the surrounding cold air drilled into his body crazily, tempering his body.

Not far away, Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan were still fusing their martial souls. When Jun Yi woke up, the two had just finished.

Dugu Yan opened her eyes first, with a hint of light gold flashing in her eyes, looking a little weird, and a circle of green mist lingering around her body. The whole person's temperament suddenly changed at this moment.

Dugu Yan's soul power fluctuations were at least two levels higher than before, which showed that after exchanging martial souls, Dugu Yan had gained a great deal of benefits.

Dugu Bo also withdrew his soul power at this time. It was a relatively long process for the Jade Phosphorus Snake to evolve into the Jade Phosphorus Snake King.

After all, it took him nearly half a year to completely evolve his martial soul, so he was not in a hurry.

"Grandpa, I feel much stronger." Dugu Yan exuded a strong aura, and his soul power fluctuations had obviously reached level 45.

"Hahaha, it's good that you succeeded. Now you only need one soul ring to directly break through to level 45. You are 17 years old this year, one level higher than I was back then."

Dugu Bo showed a satisfied smile. Dugu Yan is his granddaughter, but her talent is not particularly outstanding. She is only level 37 at the age of 17. Dugu Bo has roughly judged that his granddaughter can only cultivate to Soul Douluo at most, and it is impossible to be a Titled Douluo.

But now, Dugu Yan not only has the top beast martial soul, the Green Phosphorus Snake King, but also has a soul power of level 45, which gives her unlimited possibilities. It is a foregone conclusion that she will surpass herself. This makes him feel infinitely relieved, and his gratitude to Jun Yi has also increased a few points.

The same is true for Dugu Yan. It's like a dream. This morning she was only a level 37 soul master, and just after one morning, her soul power has increased by 8 levels. This was something she dared not think about before.

"Hey, where is Jun Yi?"

Dugu Yan wanted to thank Jun Yi in person, but found that Jun Yi, who was standing in front of her, had disappeared.

"He should still be here." Dugu Bo exuded his own spiritual power, explored the entire Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire, and felt that Jun Yi was in the cold pond at this time.

"That kid wouldn't go directly into the cold pond, right?"


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