Leiya’s villa.

Night had fallen.

After chatting for a long time, Leiya couldn’t help listening to Lin En’s story. She started to take off Lin En’s clothes. What she didn’t expect was that Lin En actually held her hand.

“Leia, I’m too hard-working. Although I like doing it, I feel bad for you!”

Lea’s movements froze, and she thought of Lin En’s terrible physical fitness.

Lin En held her hand and said affectionately:

“I have a good idea!”


Thanks for the invitation. I’m in a fairytale world. I

‘ve just gotten off a succubus. I’ll be honest. Those who understand the silver handkerchief will understand it. Those who don’t understand it won’t understand it even if I tell you. It’s better not to tell you!

Do n’t ask me what happened. The interests are too big. It won’t do you any good to tell you. Just pretend you don’t know. For the rest, I can only say that there are a lot of deep waters here! Anonymous! Lin En thought happily, and then shouted,

“Tongzi, open the panel!”

【Name: Lin En. (Superhuman Strong Template)

Strength: 50

Speed: 49

Constitution: 52

Wisdom: 32 (Shared by Sleeping Beauty x5)

Magic: 83

Charm: max (Shared by Sleeping Beauty x10)

Title: Kingdom Son-in-law]

Lin En raised his eyebrows.

It was just as he guessed!

No matter how many times, a person can only increase his attributes once a night!

And quantity causes qualitative change!

Damn, it’s not that I’m lewd, it’s the damn system that forces good people to become prostitutes!

I don’t want this!

Lin En was a little reluctant after a bit of Versailles.

However, his goal is Little Red Riding Hood!

Not only can he share all her attributes, but there are also huge rewards!

Title, Template!

A superhuman strong template makes Lin En feel like a fish in water.

If there is another one, it will be so cool!

Lin En recalled the lottery pool he saw when he just arrived in the fairy tale world.

If he could draw another S-level character, he could really walk sideways in the fairy tale world!

Thinking of this, Lin En strengthened his determination!

You still have to seek opportunities to become stronger and not indulge in the gentle world!

Upgrading is the main theme!

“Well, I have something important to do, so I will be away from Taige City for a while.”

Lin En said seriously.

Hearing this, the three of them showed reluctance on their faces.

“You are now the three most important people to me. You can be considered as half-sisters. You must help each other in Taige City.”

“Leia is fine, but Julia, don’t be a nun anymore. You are a dignified priest, so dress more conservatively, understand?”

To be honest, nun’s clothes are not revealing, but they highlight the figure to the fullest!

The contrast between black and white can easily touch the heartstrings!


Lynn would not have allowed Julia to wear nun’s clothes to do it with Hiss!

“As for you, succubus, you are not allowed to go out before you learn a thousand tongue twisters!”

After saying this, Qiao Liya looked at the succubus with eyes full of pity.

With the way she was struggling to speak, it would take her a long time to learn a thousand tongue twisters!

However, does this succubus like Children’s Day so much?

“Can you not leave?”

Leia pouted, and the succubus looked at Lin En with affectionate eyes.

Even Qiao Liya knew how terrifying Lin En was, and that he could force the bishop to kneel.

He was destined not to belong to the small city of Taige!

But she also hoped that Lin En could stay!

“I’m not dead. I’ll be back after I finish this!”

Lin En tried to speak in a relaxed tone.

It would be great if he had skills like portals and anchor points!

That way he could fight outside during the day and come back to continue firing at night!

No, what am I thinking?

I can come back and fire during the day!

Why should I stick to the night?

Sure enough, I’m still too conservative!

After explaining all this, Lin En had one last thing to do.

Contact Archbishop Schiller and ask about the truth about the fragments of the World Gate!


Lin En injected divine power into the communication array, and a picture appeared in the center of the church.

To Lin En’s surprise, at the moment the connection was successful,

Schiller’s old face appeared in the center of the screen.

It seemed that he was waiting at any time!………………………………………….

Thanks to Xianyu for the reward!!!

By the way, I’m asking for flowers and evaluation votes!!!

Also, if you see someone in the comment area wants to raise the book, I still suggest not to raise it!

The author guarantees a stable daily reading of 10,000, and will add more chapters if there is data!

The most important thing is that the chapters are often forced to be revised!

I’m not kidding you, this chapter used to be much more exciting than it is now!

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