Well, with a body of holy light and four hooves burning with pure white holy flames, it was still too conspicuous.

Lin En snapped his fingers, and the holy light and holy flames on its body disappeared instantly.

Its extremely soft hair was shining with an oily luster, and its strong muscles were bulging.

Even the most discerning horse appraiser would involuntarily give it a thumbs up.

If a knight could get this horse, and asked him to exchange his wife for it, nine out of ten would be willing to do so!

“”Go, Holy Light!”

Lin En jumped on the horse and rode towards the town.

Holy Light was extremely fast, no less than Toso.

But Toso could fly, while Holy Light could only run on the ground.

Soon, one man and one horse arrived at the town.

There was a market at the entrance of the town, and the townspeople were trying their best to sell their goods.

Seeing the unusually majestic white horse under Lin En’s crotch, the townspeople showed surprised and envious eyes.

No matter what they were selling, they hoped that Lin En would notice their products.

Looking at Lin En’s noble appearance, he would definitely be very generous!

And Lin En noticed that there was a person in the crowd who had an inexplicable malice towards him.

He looked over with interest and found that it was a four or five The ten-year-old woman looked at the Holy Light with envy.


Coveting my Holy Light?

Judging from what she said, she wanted to exchange the Holy Light for money.

As for the possibility that this woman is a knight?

Lin En felt that it was more likely that she had her eyes on the carrots of the Holy Light!

Ignoring her,

Lin En continued to walk into the town.

He planned to rest in the town for one night, and then he would reach the place where Little Red Riding Hood was if he hurried on the next day. Passing through the market, the first thing that caught his eye was a tavern of considerable size. Like the Wizard Tavern, it also served as an inn. Lin En dismounted and walked to the counter. An unusually burly and tall figure was holding an account book there, probably calculating the accounts.

“Open me the best room and serve me the most expensive food and wine. No need to pay for the change.”

Lin En threw out a gold coin.

Prices in small towns like this are generally very low, and a gold coin is more than enough.

The boss’s eyes flashed with greed. He took Lin En’s gold coin, came up to him and said with a flattering smile:”Sir, we have special services here at night. You…”

Lin En raised his eyebrows.

This small hotel is quite interesting.

But how could I, such an upright person, accept such a deal!

He waved his hand and was about to refuse when he saw a woman behind the counter lift the curtain and walk in.

It was the aunt who had malicious intentions towards him at the market.

The boss leaned aside,

“This is my wife, she is responsible for this aspect.”

The boss winked, as if he thought Lin En would definitely fall for it.

Oh, I have slept with all kinds of women, and a small town girl with round corners can still make me fall for it.

Lin En continued to wave his hands impatiently:

“I’m not interested,” the old lady insisted.

“Sir, believe me, our girl is very good at living.”

Lin En’s eyes suddenly became sharp.

“I’ll say it one last time, get out of here…” Before Lin En could even finish the word”get out”, he was attracted by the aunt’s next words.

“”Cinderella is really beautiful,”


Isn’t that Cinderella? Has she fallen into the mortal world?

Lin En was still hesitating when he saw a woman in a gorgeous long dress, but still unable to hide her plump figure.

She wore a transparent crystal shoe on her jade feet, and each toe was as white and tender as green onions.

Seeing that Lin En’s eyes were completely attracted by her, the woman showed a charming smile, and lifted her long skirt with her delicate hands, revealing her white and slender thighs.

Lin En had very good eyesight and saw the lace on her thighs.

Cinderella was not bare-legged, but wearing a pair of lace stockings!

She smiled shyly and put down her long skirt, and the beautiful scenery was hidden!

She also returned to the curtain.

Lin En smacked his lips with unsatisfied feeling, and an inappropriate voice came from his ear,

“Sir, what do you want to say again?”

Lin En smiled:

“I’ll say it one last time, send her to my room tonight!”

The aunt and the boss smiled with success behind Lin En.

Lin En sat at the table in the middle of the tavern, waiting for the show to begin.

He could tell at a glance that

Cinderella was definitely a virgin!

Then, it was very suspicious.

Since she was a father, how could she be a virgin!

Lin En seemed to be concentrating on eating, but in fact his ears moved slightly, taking in all the sounds nearby.

“Mother, father, I’m scared.”

A soft, spring-like voice caught Lin’s attention!

“What are you afraid of! We will bring the sheriff to stop him at the critical moment!”

“His horse is worth a lot of money, we have to make a lot of money!”

It was the voice of the old lady.

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