The black-and-gold knight was right, the Tyrannosaurus Rex doped was his own hair - Truth Nai!

Zuo Shotaro actually had a bad premonition, but I didn't expect it to be like this!

He really couldn't imagine that the hair that grew up with him turned out to be a doped!

His values are on the verge of collapse, and what he has always believed in is false.

Yashuzi walked up to him from behind, and she didn't know how to comfort him at the moment, who had always been lively and talkative.


Shotaro Zuo, who gradually calmed down, recalled the whole thing.

Marina and Yosuke Togawa are boyfriend and girlfriend, and both are designers for Winskell.

There is a despicable high-level in the company, who snatched all the work and credit of the truth nai, she argued with reason, but she didn't expect to let the company directly dismiss in the end, and the truth na has always held a grudge and wanted to take revenge on the company.

So she got the memory, and her boyfriend Yosuke Togawa also hated this company, and the two discussed revenge together, and obtained the lava memory to destroy Winskele, but who knew that something went wrong in the middle, and Yosuke Togawa was constantly eroded by the memory.

The resentment of revenge was overwhelmed, and she was afraid of being exposed.

All of this, Zuo Shotaro is just a tool of the path of revenge of Mana, being used, and he also deeply believes that his hair will not be like this.

Thinking of this, Zuo Xiangtaro's heart was blocked by a ball of cotton, and he couldn't breathe.

Marina's name on the wall was like a thorn in his heart.

He has always wanted to be a tough guy detective, but he was completely deceived, as the black and gold knight said, just a half-detective.

What makes him even more heartbroken is that the person he protects is the murderer who hurts Fengdu and makes the city cry.

I don't even know the real situation of the matter, how can I be a detective, and I really embarrass my uncle.

Mixed emotions surrounded his mind.

Shotaro Zuo stood up abruptly and wanted to turn away.

At this time, Philip behind him suddenly spoke: "Shotaro, I guess you have to go to Marina next." "

"Even if you know it with affection, move it with reason, and want to redeem her, but she will only kill you cruelly when she is carried away by the memory. "

"Do you think there is any hope for someone who is going to kill even your own boyfriend?"

Shotaro turned around and looked at Philip with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Even so, I'm going to give it a try, I'm not going to give up on my loved ones!".

"We must kill her!" Philip was firm and unrelenting.

Truth Nai is her hair small, he will not kill her so directly and cruelly, but for Philip, he doesn't know what hair is small and what complex emotions there are.

Zuo Shotaro, who had nothing to say, didn't know what to say, so he turned his head and said.

"I really can't make sense of you. "

"It's really strange, the duke is selfless and upright. "

"Isn't this the kind of tough guy you admire the most?"

"Sure enough, the real you are just a stunned young man who has not dried up, what a tough guy detective, a half-hung detective. "

Philip sneered, turned around as well, and said with a sneer.

The words full of ridicule pierced Zuo Shotaro's devastated heart at the moment, because others deceived him, and he was originally ashamed to be said by Philip again.

Two steps went straight up, grabbed the shoulder, and one couldn't control it and hit the other party in the face directly.


In the next second, all three of them were stunned, and the air seemed to stagnate, leaving only silence.

Philip leaned on the table, covering his face, and Yashuzi stepped forward.

"Hey, how are you beating people!".

Shotaro didn't speak, but at this moment, his heart may be full of regret and annoyance, and he took out all his memories without knowing what was wrong.


placed it on the table in front of Philip's eyes, and then slammed the door with his fists clenched.

However, Philip was not annoyed by his partner beating him.

Instead, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his eyes were full of curiosity about Shotaro Zuo.

Yashuzi doesn't know why, if someone else punches herself, she has to fight with someone if she gives up her life, and she doesn't understand the contradictions between men and she stands in place dumbfounded.

"What do you think Shotaro will do?" Philip stood up and picked up the wordless book.

Yashuzi, who was confused, didn't know what Zuo Shotaro was going to do

He re-studied the wordless book as if nothing had happened.



In the Yangdian Villa, Hara Haochuan sat on a swivel chair in the research room, which was different from sitting in the museum research institute a year ago.

Looking at his research results and unique equipment, Hara Haochuan sipped his coffee and rested his legs on the table, enjoying unprecedented relaxation.

Immediately after, he put down the coffee in his hand



Kneel begging for flowers, collection, thank you readers!

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