"You! you killed Yosuke Togawa, Shotaro Zuo won't let you go!".

The doped slowly stood up with his hands on the ground.

"Haha, yes, let's talk about it first. "

"Last time you took Yosuke Togawa in front of us and let you escape, this time you weren't as lucky as last time. "

Hara Haochuan said with something in his words, and Zuo Shotaro on the side did not speak, and then said heavily.

"Transform, Philip, let's get rid of the doping!".

Although he had seen the power of Hara Haochuan before, he still didn't feel at ease about handing over the Tyrannosaurus Rex doping to him, fearing that he would kill the truth like Yosuke Togawa did.

This is not distressing Truth, in his principle, knights cannot harm ordinary people who have been lifted from transformation, this is his bottom line.

Hearing this, Philip seemed to understand something, and nodded in agreement.

Shotaro took a step forward, clenched his fist, and took out his memory.


"Joker!" (Ace).


One lunge was to rush to the Tyrannosaurus rex dop.

Although it has suffered a fierce blow from Utopia, the thick-skinned doped has not yet reached the point where it cannot fight.

Readjusted, and looked at the moment when Kamen Rider W attacked, aiming at the other party and directly ramming it again.

The originally huge head was thrown at Shotaro Zuo like a solid iron ball bolted to a thick chain.

The knight who couldn't avoid it was knocked out directly!

Yuan Haochuan stood aside and saw the two-color knight flying out, covering his eyes with his hands.

Seeing Shotaro Zuo who was hit, Marina howled excitedly, and her head kept swaying, as if she was celebrating.

This beautiful blow instantly gave the Tyrannosaurus rex doped body courage.

opened his big mouth, and there was another roar, which was simply a copy of the roar of the lion in Hedong.

A wave of air rushed out of the doped's mouth, and the thick asphalt on the surface of the ground flew up like paper.

A wave of air struck, rattling the black and gold knight's cape.

Gravel and gravel came head-on and rampaged.

The black-and-gold knight grabbed one side of the cloak with his left hand, and with a handsome wave, the entire cloak just covered his body.

The rubble and gravel slammed against the cloak as if it were against a thick iron wall.

Immediately afterwards, the Tyrannosaurus rex doped body rushed over in the sand and rushed towards Yuan Haochuan!


The two collided and fought continuously, splashing sparks.

As a utopian knight, of course, he will not be afraid of this kind of hard-fought battle.

However, on the whole, one is a huge Tyrannosaurus rex monster, and the other is a relatively thin body, and there is a huge difference in strength.

However, the strength of Utopia is not determined by its size, nor is it visible.


The anger in Marina's heart continued to gather, and the toxins of the doping body gradually eroded her entire mind.

Seeing the opportunity, the doped body directly bit the knight's left arm, and she wanted to bite off the enemy's arm, and she gathered all her strength in the jaw, and the bite force reached the maximum.

"Squeak!" and "Smack".

With the sound of several breaks, I saw a few more white sharp teeth on the ground.

The teeth of the Tyrannosaurus rex's doped body were snapped out, and one of its regular fangs was broken into several pieces.

Although her teeth are as hard as steel, she can even bite through steel bars.

But Utopia's armor is not vegetarian!

When he was researching, Hara Haochuan used the world's hardest material for the most protection.

The black-gold nail plate, like a polished black gold diamond, is extremely hard.

With more than a third of her teeth missing, Marina had to loosen her mouth to protect her sharp teeth.

Just as she wanted to withdraw, she saw a large hand directly grasp the two hardest front teeth of the Tyrannosaurus rex dop.

The struggling dopping dopters want to bite off Utopia's fingers, and the bite force increases.

But how can the fangs of the doped be compared with the armor of utopia.

No matter how she struggled and bitten, she couldn't close her big mouth.

Yuan Haochuan held it tightly and dragged the Tyrannosaurus doped to the left and right, like a pet beside him.

"Click!" was another crisp sound.

Two more full tusks appeared in his hands.

"I have to say, Miss Marina, it's time for you to brush your teeth!".

Looking at the 'rusty' teeth in his hand, Yuan Haochuan couldn't help but complain.

The dopane of the tooth that was extracted shook his head differently because of the pain of the heart.

As the saying goes, "A toothache is not a disease, it hurts badly!".

What's more, this is still directly pulled out without anesthetic, and the pain can be imagined.

The Tyrannosaurus rex doped wanted to cover its mouth with its own hand, but its body was stunted due to development.

The head is too big, the arms are too short, and the funny thing is that he can't reach his teeth at all, so he can only wail again and again.

This time, the toxins of the memory were further aggravated, and the intense anger and resentment continued to rise.



Kneel begging for flowers, collection, thank you readers!

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