Yesterday, Shotaro Zuo received a commission.

The client is a municipal councillor - Masashi Kusuhara.

Kusuhara Masashi is committed to the construction of the Second Wind Tower.

And today, Shotaro and Narumi Akiko came to the Wind Power Research Institute in the wind capital together.

In front of the research institute is where Masa Kusuhara gave a lecture, and on the stage stood a smart woman in professional attire, giving a speech with great emotion.

"Today the council approved the construction of the Wind Tower, the second Wind Tower, which will provide clean energy for the wind and will not have any impact on the environment!"

"Moreover, it can also link the greenhouse effect and protect our common home. "

"The construction of Fengdu Tower is the most meaningful thing for us. "

"Thank you all for your support!"


"Asuka. "

As soon as she finished speaking, Ya Kusuhara turned her head to look at a cute little girl in the audience, smiling.

This is her daughter, who is well-behaved and walks up to the podium with a double ponytail.

"I'm Asuka Kusuhara. "

"This is our tower. "

As soon as she finished speaking, the little girl lifted the white cloth on the drawing board, and a concept map of the Second Wind Capital Tower appeared on the drawing board.

Compared with the previous tower, it is indeed full of technology, like a work from the future world.

"Mom, I really want to see the real Wind Tower soon!".

Asuka has a well-behaved and sweet voice, with a smile on her face, which is very inspiring

At this time, Kusuhara Ya walked up and hugged her daughter.

"For our future, for a better world. "

"Thank you for your support and understanding."

Ya Kusuhara and her daughter have a very tacit understanding, and the audience from all walks of life applauded their political show.

The camera snapped and kept taking pictures, like a celebrity meeting, which was very lively.

"This is too hypocritical!".

Zuo Shotaro on the side showed a deep affection and disgust full of disdain.

As a tough guy detective, Zuo Shotaro has always been protective of innocent people, not to mention naïve children.

It's shameful to use your lovely and innocent daughter as a canvassing tool!

If she hadn't been her client, she would have gone up and solved it with the style of a tough guy detective.

It seems that Kusuhara Ya is desperate to build the Wind Capital Tower.

And the hidden interests behind this make this matter not so simple.

And the old enemy officer Mamakura on the side saw the arrival of the detective and was very dissatisfied.

The two began to argue again, as usual.

Bang——! bang——! bang——!

Just when Ya Kusuhara and her daughter were giving a passionate speech.

Suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire, and countless sharp bullets were fired at everyone in the entire lecture hall.

The propaganda posters of the Second Wind Tower behind them are all bullet holes and full of devastation.

Suddenly, people from all walks of life and reporters were frightened by the terrorist attack and fled in all directions, and the scene became a pot of porridge.

Officer Makura was shot in the leg because he didn't dodge in time, and let out a painful wail.

At this life-and-death situation, Shotaro Zuo, who was a bodyguard, pounced and quickly moved the mother and daughter to a safe place.

Kusuhara Asuka was so frightened that she froze in place, and Narumi Azuki hid behind the grass with her in her arms.

Countless bullets continued to strike, piercing the huge portrait of Masaya Kusuhara.

The attack was more like a death threat.

At the critical moment, Zuo Xiangtaro ran to a place where no one was, and subconsciously quickly put on the drive.

With the detective's hunch, this doesn't feel like an ordinary attack.


As soon as the words fell, the thoughts of the two connected through the W drive.

Inserted into the memory tacitly.

[Clyclone!] (Wind).

[Joker!] (Ace).


Accompanied by gusts of wind, pieces of armor turned into Kamen Rider W.

At this time, Kusuhara Asuka, who was hiding in the grass, was holding the knight doll that her father gave her in her hand, expecting her father to save them.

The two-color knight jumped forward, landed in front of Masa's mother and son, and directly caught a bullet with his bare hands.

When the little girl saw the sudden arrival of the knight, she thought it was her father, and instantly dispelled her fear, and excitedly shouted to the two-color knight, "Papa!

When Zuo Shotaro heard this, he was instantly stunned, and he had a child out of nothing, and he directly liked to be a father!

But in this time of crisis, there is not so much to care about.

Jean Yashuzi led them into a safe house.

Seeing that their lives are not in danger, I breathe a sigh of relief, then it is time to fight back!

In the face of the crazy bullets, Shotaro Zuo couldn't find where the attack came from.

"Philip, can you find the enemy's location?".

Shotaro Sa, who was looking around, asked.

Philip, the Child of Destiny, couldn't figure out where the attack came from, but he was sure it must have been doped!

"Okay, then we'll have to defend first!"

With that, Shotaro Zuo put back the trigger memory that he had taken out and replaced it with a metal memory.



Kneel down and beg for flowers, ask for a vote! Thank you, reader!

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