"Anyway, you're so obsessed with guarding this place, do you know where the power of the memory comes from?"

Before he could speak, Yuan Haochuan was the first to speak.

"Source of power?memory?" Sudo Kirihiko, who heard this, was slightly stunned, not understanding what the other party meant.

"It seems that you really don't know anything. "

"In your dear father-in-law's house, there is a basement where something very mysterious is hidden, and perhaps, when you get there, you will understand. "

Yuan Haochuan looked at the poor guy in front of him and said lightly.

It's just that at this time, Sudo Kirihiko is getting more and more confused about what this guy in front of him wants to do.

About the Sonosaki family, how could the other party know so much!

It seemed that he could no longer suppress the curiosity and doubts in his heart, and said indignantly.

"Why are you telling me so much?Who are you?What is your relationship with the Sonosaki family?".

In these three consecutive questions, he was looking forward to the other party giving him a satisfactory answer.

But Hara Haochuan just smiled: "Because this is my hobby, I think it's interesting!"

As for Sudo Kirihiko, Hara Haochuan didn't want to kill him, after all, it might be of great use in the future.

"Forget it, I'll be honest with you, you're an important pawn for me, I'm interested in dopings, I think it's probably more interesting to have you!".

"Huh?" Looking at the other party's frivolous and meaningful words, Sudo Kirihiko was really confused by the second monk.

"Hobbies?interesting?What do you mean by that!?".

With a bewildered expression, he almost collapsed, and he couldn't understand the other party's thoughts at all.

The black-and-gold knight played with the wand in his hand leisurely, apparently not very happy to answer his question.

smiled indifferently: "What? Do you have to wait for me to kill you?


Sudo Kirihiko looked dazed, I'm the master here, okay?

Yuan Haochuan acted as if he was the master here, drove the other party away, and threatened him with death.

"Hmph, you know, this is my chassis! It's the Sonosaki family's thing, take the things here, and the Sonosaki family won't let you go!".

"So, are you going to protect this unimportant factory at the cost of your own life?"

"If that's the case, then I'd be happy to fulfill you!"

"It's just that your great fantasy and plan are probably going to be buried here with you today!"

Hearing this, Sudo Kirihiko, who had always been arrogant, felt a chill behind him at this moment.

Born as a human being, no one has dared to threaten himself like this.

Looking at the other party's serious and murderous expression, he could feel that the black and gold knight in front of him did not seem to be joking.

Moreover, after fighting twice, the other party never said that he would not kill himself!

The terrifying power resurfaced in front of Sudo Kirihiko's eyes, and he felt a wave of shock.

Now, as a Nazca dop, he has no weapons of his own, and even his scarf has been torn to shreds!

In the eyes of the black and gold knight, he was like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Obviously, the purpose of the other party's visit this time is something in the factory, if it stops him.

It is not impossible for this horrible utopia to kill itself.

Now, the ideal in Sudo Kirihiko's heart has not been realized, and even the plan has not yet begun.

He didn't want to die here now, burying himself in this desolate and remote place.

Even if you swear to defend this place for the sake of the Sonosaki family's factory, and then die in vain, the other party will still take away what is here.

And if you don't have any value in dying, then there's no point in staying here.

Thinking of this, Sudo Kirihiko felt unprecedented helplessness and sadness.

But in the face of such a powerful invader, he could only speak out, to show his tacit attitude.

He didn't have much to say, every time they met, he was defeated, and he really didn't have the face to go home.

At this moment, Sudo Kirihiko once again deeply realized the importance of power!

He made up his mind that when he returned, he would definitely master the second phase of Nazca.

Do whatever it takes to make yourself stronger.

Because only strength can give him the initiative! Only can he have the right to speak in front of the black and gold knights!

Even though he now has a high-level memory, so what, his life is actually in the hands of someone else.

And I'm just someone else's interest, toyed with in the palm of my hand.

This feeling is probably something he will never forget.

Dragging his aching body, he walked towards the door of the factory step by step.

As the owner of the factory here, he was kicked out by a strange man!

Even though there are 10,000 unwillingness in his heart, he can do nothing.



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