Philip slowly walked over to Shotaro Zuo on the sofa and said confidently.

"Shotaro, if I don't go out to find a clue, I'll definitely find it later, trust me!"

As soon as the words fell, Zuo Shotaro sat up from the sofa and spoke in a resolute tone.


He couldn't let Philip go out to look for any clues, not even half a step out of the base.

After all, no one knows what unknown dangers lie out there.

In particular, the forces of the organization are all over every corner, and perhaps, at this moment, they are staring at him.

In case of any accidents, how can he explain to Narumi Shoyoshi who is in the spirit of the sky.

The two who had no clue stared at each other.

"Director Ben is back!" Yashuzi broke down the door just as the two were silent.

And the two of them were still in deep thought, as if they hadn't seen anything.

"Ah, how dare you ignore your director!" said him, picking up the green slippers from his bag.




is different from them, in the Yangdian villa at the moment.

Hara Haochuan coefficient this trophy.

There are a lot of things, but most of them are of little value compared to the equipment in your own laboratory.

"It seems that this factory is not very powerful, it seems that we will have to choose a good target next time!".

Hara took a sip of coffee.

But fortunately, there are some raw materials and some memory data.

Just enough for my next research.

With these materials in hand, the next step is to revamp his drive.

At present, his driver is not only able to adapt to Utopia memory.

Any memory can be used on the drive he is working on.

The black drive he was studying in the museum at the time.

The basic model is the earth drive with a head straight.

Using their own scientific and technological knowledge, they synthesized other drives.

Including w drive and many more.

In other words, the original Haochuan modified drive can adapt to all the memories that exist!

This is one of the reasons why he is able to absorb the power of the dopter.

Retrofitting of drives requires special raw materials.

The reason why I was able to study my own drive successfully when I was in the museum.

It's because as the director of the institute, he was able to get some raw materials secretly.

Of course, this is also a great risk, after all, every time the material is used, it must be strictly reported.

And now, what is in front of me is something similar to before.

Of course, the level is different, and the quality is not as high as in the institute.

However, how can this stump Hara Haochuan, who has high-tech knowledge.

With these materials, he can proceed to the next step of the drive's retrofit program.

That's an upgrade to the drive!

Previously, after Hara Haochuan solved the doping, he had to use a cane to turn the opponent's ability into his own.

The next step in the transformation of the driver is that when the dopant is solved, the driver can automatically absorb the ability of the dopant into the driver.

And it is permanently preserved, it can be used at any time, and under the influence of the power of utopia, it can also allow itself to play freely, and improve the various powers and skills of the absorbed memory.

Always, in addition to creating the most advanced and powerful memory, Hara Haochuan has to create the most advanced and powerful memory.

And to research the most awesome drive!

'There's nothing you can't do, only what you can't think of!'

It was his motto when he was fit, and now it is the driving force for his research.

Throw what should be thrown, after packing up the loot.

Pick up the materials that are available, put them into the equipment, and the machine will carry out special treatment of these special materials.

All the data and attributes are displayed on the screen in front of his eyes.

Next, secure your drive in a metal box on the other side of the device.

And then take a memory-like thing, which is an interface that links the driver to the device.

Plug the connector into the drive, and instantly, all the properties and data of the drive are displayed on the screen.

Next, it's time to show off his scientific and technological knowledge.

By pressing enter, the driver and the special material in the device are connected.

Then the hands flutter on the keyboard.

"Da Da Da ..."

His skillful operation demonstrates his extraordinary ability and talent.

And these levels of operation, Sonosaki Ryubei applauded when he saw it!

In less than a few minutes, the drive upgrade is complete as the progress bar fills up.

Although the original Haochuan has revamped and upgraded the drive of Utopia.

But it's still based on the original Utopian Earth Drive.

It's just that on this basis, a little bit of transformation and upgrading has been carried out.

After completing the upgrade, Hara Haochuan retrieved the Earth Drive, placed it on the table, and nodded with satisfaction.

Step out of the basement and into the spacious and bright living room, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out at the warm sunshine.

Not to mention, the city of Fengdu is much more interesting than his life in the real world.

Rongtai Fitness is operating in an orderly manner, and its own property is constantly increasing and decreasing.

Now the figure of money has no concept for him.

This way he can do his research with peace of mind and complete his plan.

Of course, his biggest hobby is still doping!




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