After the dessert dope sticks the two-color knight firmly to the ground with cream.

The forbidden doped body looked at the timing, and several huge energy balls flew in!

Shotaro Zuo, who couldn't move, was used as a live target, and it was miserable.

The cream doped saw that someone was helping her, and suddenly became even more arrogant.

Spit out the cream again and stick to Shotaro's upper body, as if showing off the unique abilities of his memory.

It's over! Shotaro Zuo is now completely reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered.


Forbidden roared, and a huge fireball struck like a missile!

Bang!, the two-color knight was blasted directly into the sky, and slammed it to the ground!

Seeing this, the taboo seems to have felt the victory, and the next step is to knock this two-color knight out of the prototype and reveal his true face!

Four scarlet balls of energy flew like hell towards Shotaro Zuo.

Bang, bang, bang——

A series of explosions rang out in the ears, ......


Sparks flew and gunsmoke filled the air, instantly engulfing the two-color knight on the ground.

At this moment, Sonosaki has already shown a strange laugh, waiting for the enemy to show his original form!

It's just that when she released the ball of light, she didn't find a black-gold afterimage entering.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, a cloak was rattled!

Taboo fixed his gaze, but in the smoke were two figures.

The black-and-gold knight stood in front of the two-color knight, calm and steady.

This one is unbelievable, and I was shocked when I saw it!

"Ahh This turned out to be..."

The boss's mouth was wide open, and a bad premonition came to his heart.

She re-examined the black-and-gold knight that suddenly appeared in front of her!

It's sure to be the mysterious person I met on the night of the first night!

Look at Utopia's mystical eyes and dark wand!

Although it is in his own territory, he still has a chill down his spine that he can't control.

But at the same time of fear, my heart is filled with infinite anger and resentment.

Because on the night of the start, it was the guy in front of him who blocked his plan.

What's even more hateful is that this person actually destroyed the museum's most important memory of the earth database!

It was also because of him! The entire museum building on the island was bombed into a pile of rubble!

Because of that incident, Sonosaki was reprimanded by his father, Sonosaki Ryubei!

As a haughty queen, my father's scolding is not a problem.

What she cares about is that her father shows her incompetence and weakness.

So, the incident on the first night can be described as a big hatred in her heart!

And what she didn't expect was that after such a time, she hadn't found him to settle accounts, and today he actually appeared at her home!

What a huge 'surprise'!

Seeing the hideous and complicated expression of Sonosaki in the air, Hara Haochuan smiled slightly and greeted politely.

"Hello, Miss Tsumiko, what a coincidence, we are destined to meet again!".

As soon as the words fell, it caused the taboo doping body to be speechless for a while, what is this!?

There is a deep hatred, and you are still greeting me?

And Shotaro Zuo and Philip behind him were even more confused.

I don't know when the black and gold knight in front of me appeared.

But what is certain is that it was Hara Haochuan who saved their lives just now.

Look at the incomprehensible guy in front of him and greet the doped floating in the air.

Suddenly, many question marks appeared on the two-color head

"What's the situation!Philip??, do they know each other?" Shotaro Zuo, who was surprised, really couldn't understand the specific situation.

And Philip, who is a train of knowledge, has no thoughts in his head at the moment.

"I don't know! Shotaro, it's weird!".

At this time, the two of them were like people eating melons, full of curiosity about the black and gold knights and forbidden dopings in front of them.

However, this also subconsciously made Shotaro Zuo and Philip feel uneasy!

If this man knows the red doping, then it means that Hara Haochuan is likely to be in the same group as the people in the museum!

But in the next second, they didn't understand why this man wanted to save them, and they had dealt with dopings several times!


All this is really enough for them to be confused for a while.

Hara Haochuan turned his head to look at Kamen Rider W, who was covered with scars behind him, and said in a very optimistic tone.

"It's awesome that one or two can last so long, Mr. Shotaro!".

Hearing the black and gold knight's special 'compliment' on himself, there was a little bit of ridicule.

For the annoying and helpless man in front of him, Zuo Xiangtaro didn't know what to say at the moment, after all, it was the other party who saved their lives just now.

He patted the dust off his body and stood up from the pain of being beaten just now.

"Did you appear because of the adulterer?" Shotaro asked lightly.

"Not for the doping, is it to save the half-hung detective?" Yuan Haochuan replied disapprerovingly.

Philip, on the other hand, waited quietly to see what would happen next.



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