“Then we need to prepare more water!”

Atacino said.

If you want to enter the paradise of sand to the pyramid of food, then water is very important.

As far as she knows, there are many terrible beasts in the desert garden, which hurt many gourmets who enter it, but there are also many gourmets who die due to lack of water.

You know, the daytime temperature in Sand Land reaches 60 degrees Celsius, and in the red desert, the temperature is even higher.

Without water, going inside is no different from sending you to death.

“Hmm!” Chu Feng nodded.

Do have water ready.

Although it is possible to rent water storage camels in the desert kingdom and ride them into the desert, there are terrible sandstorms in the desert, as well as dangers such as beasts, and water storage camels may not survive the food pyramid.

In the original work, Ayu, Komatsu and Zebra ride a water storage camel into the desert, and it doesn’t take long for the water storage camel to be swallowed by quicksand.

So, get the water ready.

With system space, water storage is much more convenient.

When Chu Feng took Atassino through the Morse Mountains, he fell directly to a small river with crystal clear water.

The water here is clear and sweet.

Chu Feng directly collected 10 tons of water.

Enough for two people to live for 5 months!

After preparing the water, Chu Feng took Atassino to the Sand Paradise as fast as possible.

It took almost half a month for the two to appear on the edge of the Sand Paradise.

To enter the Land of Sand and to the Food Pyramid, you must cross the Valley of Sand.

It’s a sandstorm dancing place.

And very broad.

If you use “empty steps”, you have to fly for several days in a row, not to mention sandstorms, so “empty steps” will not work.

It is necessary to rent the “climbing ladder”, which is the only means of transportation to the largest desert area in the human world.

The climbing stairs look similar to a cable car, only bigger, as big as a house.

And in fact, it is indeed a house, which has all kinds of daily necessities.

After all, it takes about 1 month to reach the land of sand by climbing the “climbing ladder”.

In the original book, Ayu, Komatsu and Zebra rent a villa-type climbing staircase.

Atacino went to rent a two-story climbing staircase, and when the two entered, there was not much difference from home.

Climb the stairs to the Land of Sand.

Looking out of the window, you can see the valley of dust below, and the sand inside is howling like a roaring tsunami.

If this falls, the average person will surely die.

“Chu Feng, look quickly, the rainbow of sand!” Atacino suddenly exclaimed, “So beautiful! ”

Chu Feng looked at it, and sure enough, he saw a huge rainbow hanging high in the sky, colorful.

It is not surprising to see a rainbow in the desert, after all, even a lot of the sand in the paradise of sand is edible.

“Huh?” Suddenly, Chu Feng frowned, “Quickly close the window, the sandstorm is coming!” ”

Sure enough, after a while, the sand roared in the distance, and the sandstorm was like a tsunami, hundreds of meters high, rolling in, covering the sky.

All the climbing stairs stop at once.

Atacino looked at the approaching sandstorm with shock in his eyes.

In an instant, the sandstorm shrouded the entire climbing staircase, making the climbing staircase sway, and there was a feeling that it was about to fall.


Suddenly, the window was broken by something, and immediately after that, a fierce beast rushed in.

It is a shark with long wings, a desert flying shark.

Capture level 21.

This guy flew over hiding in a sandstorm.


The desert flying shark roared, showing two rows of extremely sharp teeth, and was about to attack.


Chu Feng’s figure flashed, appeared in front of the other party, and kicked it out.

“It’s Desert Fei…” exclaimed Atassino, but found that even the name of the beast was disposed of by Chu Feng before he could call it out.

It took almost an hour for the sandstorm to end.

Simply clean up your room and climb the stairs to move on.

It took about 28 days to cross the valley of sand.

Stopping at the climbing stairs, the two came out of it, and there were many buildings not far in front of them, which was a small town.

There are also quite a few people who are busy.

In fact, this is a country called the Desert Kingdom.

In the past, there were many tourists who came here, and the people of the desert kingdom relied on this tourism industry to live well.

However, then there was a war and tourism was damaged.

There are fewer people coming here!

But recently the war seems to have stopped, and tourism has slowly recovered.

“Let’s go rent a water storage camel!” Atacino said.

Chu Feng nodded.

The two walked to a place that said “camels for rent.”

A slightly chubby and kind grandmother saw the two walking over, and a smile appeared on her face: “This is really a long-lost guest!” Welcome to visit. ”

Finally, the guests came, hoping that life would get back on track and there would be no more disputes.

Atacino smiled: “We are here to rent camels…”

Chu Feng’s eyes scanned the surroundings, and the buildings were all dilapidated, looking like they had been devastated by war.

The grandmother said, “Thank you very much!” Which desert are you going to? But right now, there are only a limited number of deserts that you can recommend! ”

“Is that so?” Atassino smiled, did not explain the purpose of going, but glanced around, and said with a sad expression: “Is there still war here?” ”

As an IGO employee, she knows what’s going on here.

The dispute over the resources of the desert has always existed.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the grandmother’s face: “The continuous dispute is over, it is all thanks to the blessing of that adult!” ”

“It’s just that even if the dispute is over, now that the industry can open again, the remnants of the dispute still have the biological weapons sent in during the dispute, and they are still greedily robbing the resources of the desert!”

The corner of Chu Feng’s mouth smiled slightly.

The adult that the grandmother said in her mouth was undoubtedly Zebra.

That is, now Zebra is out of prison.

You know, in the original work, Zebra is listed as a first-class dangerous creature, which is no different from world-scale wars, earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters.

When people here heard that Zebra was released from prison, even the strife stopped!


At this moment, a sound of shaking mountains came…

“Babbling, aaaaa

“It’s a biological weapon coming, run away!”

“Grandma help!”


Suddenly, the whole town panicked …

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