Start collecting ingredients.

The whole cave, in addition to the super puffer whale, there are many other delicacies.

For example, the wolf elephant, a beast with a wolf body and an elephant nose, its meat can be stuffed and cooked, but the taste is different.

Gaba Gaba mushrooms, grown in dark and damp corners, are golden and shiny, and are delicious when roasted.


It took almost half a month to eat most of the ingredients in the cave, even within 20 kilometers of the outside of the cave.

The strength has been greatly improved.

However, at this time, Chu Feng also found that many gourmets had appeared on the island.

“Is it time?”

“Okay, go back to the cave beach to catch puffer fish whales.”

Chu Feng muttered.

In fact, puffer fish whales were already laying eggs on the cave beach five days ago.

Countless foodies flock to the venue.

This is the moment.

There are many foodies sitting on the stones near the entrance to the cave beach.

They don’t have the guts to go inside the cave to catch puffer fish whales, so they can only wait outside for the gourmets who catch puffer fish whales and then rob them.

Relatively speaking, this risk is smaller.

Of course, most of the foodies have entered the cave, and from time to time there are bursts of desperate screams inside.

At the same time, in the deep sea connecting the cave beach, an unknown creature swims quickly towards the cave beach.

Many fierce beasts in the deep sea tried to eat this creature, but were ruthlessly killed.


Chu Feng rushed back from 10 kilometers away, saw many gourmets with bad eyes near the cave, did not care, and walked into the cave.

However, Chu Feng’s arrival attracted the attention of some gourmets, with disdain in his eyes and whispered comments.

“Isn’t it? This little devil dares to enter it alone? Really crazy! ”

“That is, no one else dares to enter in a team, and a person is alone and has only one way to die.”

“You know, Ah, Coco and Komatsu teamed up to get in!”

“But it’s understandable, after all, puffer fish whales are delicious, and there are still many people who risk death to try it.”


“There are a lot of people coming in!” Chu Feng heard a lot of screams, and his divine consciousness was released, and he also found many corpses that had just died, and some were fighting with fierce beasts to the death.

Ignoring it, he went straight to the cave beach.

“Wow, help!”

Suddenly, there was a cry for help from the passage ahead.

Immediately afterwards, a figure ran over in panic, and behind him there was a group of terrifying wolves and elephants chasing him.


A person hit Chu Feng, Chu Feng did not move, but the person was bounced off and sat on the ground.

“Ah, run, the beast is chasing!”

The man reacted and said in fear.

He saw with his own eyes five companions being eaten by wolves and elephants, it was terrible.

At this moment, the wolf elephant had already arrived, and the fierce light exploded.

The man trembled with fright, and his fart flowed: “End… It’s over! ”

However, Chu Feng stepped out in one step, looked at the wolf elephant in front of him, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

The wolf elephant looked up and saw Chu Feng, and suddenly he was full of tremors, his fierce face instantly turned into a look of fear and fear, and the next second he immediately turned around and fled, and a few of them ran in a hurry and accidentally fell to the ground, immediately got up, limped and continued to escape.

Nima, how did this terrible human come back?

You know, some time ago, many of their “brothers and sisters” were eaten a lot by this human being.

Seeing this scene, the man was immediately stunned.

This…… What is this situation?

How did the wolf elephant run away?

Could it be that seeing this little ghost was scared?

Raising his head, his eyes were full of incredulity.

Chu Feng didn’t say anything more and continued to walk inside.

The other side.

“That… That…” Komatsu’s forehead was covered in sweat, and he was covered in trembling, and he hurried to look for something in the package.

He was unlucky.

Before, he was obviously following Ah Yu and Coco, but suddenly a person came out, took advantage of Ah Yu and Coco’s lack of attention, took him away, and then threw him here, in order to attract the attention of the beast.



In front of him was a terrifying demon serpent, roaring from its mouth and grinning its teeth.

He remembered what Ah Yu had given him on the way here.

It was the “Ah Yu firecracker” made by adjusting the type and amount of gunpowder.

The sound emitted was a super powerful explosion that was incomparable to the firecrackers set off at the festival.

All animals, including humans, are afraid of sound, which is the most primitive phenomenon that makes creatures instinctively afraid.

“Found it!!” Komatsu was pleased, “Just pull this rope!” ”

What he didn’t know, however, was that doing so would kill himself.

The sound of “Ah Yu Firecracker” is indeed very strong, which can scare off fierce beasts, but it can also make his eardrums break.

Just as it was about to happen, a voice came: “Hey, Komatsu! ”

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