In the original work, Ah Yu suffered a lot in front of the strange bird Lupin, and in the end, it was Terry who helped to resolve the crisis.

And now, Chu Feng suddenly dropped the strange bird Lu Bang in seconds.

Boom boom….

The empty step continued to step out.

No more beasts stood in the way, and it was easy to pass through the Demon Arena.

Telly also passed smoothly.

One man and one wolf headed for the legal plateau.


After a while, there was a loud noise ahead.

Chu Feng’s consciousness swept away, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, there was no nonsense, and he continued to move forward.

Less than 800 meters away from Chu Feng, a white-haired GT robot was fighting with a fierce beast.

“Give me death!” The white-haired GT robot roared, and a terrifying laser wave spewed out from its mouth: “Death ray! ”


The laser directly pierces the belly of the beast.

The beast screamed and fell to the ground.

“Hahaha…,” the white-haired GT robot laughed, “The strength of the new GT robot is different, and the performance is much better than those before.” ”

“If I meet that guy again, I’ll kill him!”

Triumphantly walked to the beast, crouched down, reached out and reached through the blood hole, and then pulled out the intestines and internal organs.

“Hahaha, it’s really enjoyable!”

Suddenly, he sensed something, turned his head sharply, looked around, and was stunned.

Because, he saw a man and a wolf roaring.

“Huh? Be…… It’s that little ghost!! ”

In the next second, he recognized the person, and his expression changed drastically.

“You’re Zaibah, right? We meet again! As he spoke, Chu Feng had already arrived in front of the other party with a playful smile on his face, “What did you say just now?” I’m going to kill me, right? ”

“You look for death!” Zaiba was furious.

This guy was blasted by Chu Feng in the Balong Islands last time he controlled the GT robot, and he was full of resentment towards Chu Feng in his heart, and he wanted to take revenge all the time.

Now, finally met Chu Feng again, but he was still mercilessly ridiculed by the other party, uncle can endure, aunt can’t bear it!

So, punch out fiercely.

Chu Feng sneered: “You still dare to use your fist against me?” You are so good, scars forget the pain! ”

“Hmph!” Zaiba snorted coldly, “This time I am controlling a new GT robot, which is different from before… Boom! ”

However, before his words were finished, the two fists collided, and the entire arm of the GT robot exploded and turned into smashes.

“Impossible! No way!! ”

Zaiba was shocked.

It is clear that it is already a new GT robot, which is made of ultra-high molecular special polyethylene, and then covered with a body reinforced with aramid fiber body hair, without flaws.

Unexpectedly smashed by one punch!?

“It doesn’t look good!!” Chu Feng said sarcastically, and then flashed up and slammed a punch on the other party’s head.


As a sonic boom sounded, the GT robot’s head shattered.

Zaiba and GT robots lose contact.

Same recipe, same way to die.

Food meeting, control room.

“Damn, aa me off! ”

Zaiba was going crazy.

Qiao Niang couldn’t help but ask, “What’s going on?” ”

“I’ve been blasted by that imp again!!” Zaiba replied, “Hey, Qiao Niang, didn’t you say that the new GT robot is stiff? How is it still so vulnerable and punched by someone! ”

“One punch? How is this possible! Qiao Niang was shocked and couldn’t believe it at all.

What he made himself, he still knows the roots, if he is really punched, then the person who punched, how strong is it!

Qiao Niang didn’t dare to imagine!

Take a deep breath and look at the control room next to it: “I hope the sous chef can go well!” ”


Ignoring the scrapped GT robot, Chu Feng and Terry moved on.

After a while, a tall mountain appeared in front of him.

It is shaped like a bowl.

When you get closer, you can feel its height, which is 3,000 meters long.

This mountain is a legal plateau!

“Terry, you stay here and wait for me, I’ll go up!” Chu Feng said.

“Wang!” Terry nodded.

Bang bang bang….

Step out and fly up the legal wall.

There are many caves on the walls, and there are a pair of red eyes inside, and there are fierce beasts living inside.

Chu Feng knew that it was Snake Cliff, capture level 30.

Snake Cliff let out a low roar, but there was no attack, so Chu Feng didn’t bother to pay attention to them.

The speed is extremely fast, and in a short time, you will reach the top.

Go for it.

Feet fall on the top of the mountain.

[Ding. When you arrive at the legal plateau, you can sign in, do you sign in? 】

The system prompts.

“Sign in!” Chu Feng thought silently without thinking.

[Ding. Legal plateau sign-in success rewards palm sucking. 】

[Do you practice?] 】

“Cultivation!” Chu Feng was silent again.

In the next second, you will master the ability to suck your palm.

Palm sucking, which can absorb physical objects or energy attacks, its power is proportional to the strength of the user.

Chu Feng’s eyes lit up, this is obviously a very awesome ability! ! !


At this time, a huge sonic boom came, interrupting Chu Feng’s excitement…

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